Task 4 Flashcards
What is a positive body image?
It refers to love and acceptance of one´s body and appreciation of its uniqueness and the functions it performs.
Characteristics and benefits of a postitive body image
What is the Body appreciation scale (BAS)
A scale developed to measure the characteristics of having a positive body image.
It measures favourable opinions, acceptance of and respect toward the body and thus focuses on some core features of a positive body image.
Positive BI is
Distinct from negative BI
Multifaced(including body appreciation, body acceptance, and broadly conceptualizing beauty.
What are the core factores of a positive body image?
Promote undocnditional acceptance from important others
Maintain filtering negative body-related information
Emerge inner positivity emerging from a positive body image
Wy do body appreciation and positivity need to be actively constructed?
Because negative body image and dissatisfaction might develop in childhood(age of 6)
What is body image flexibility?
Willingness to accept and experience perceptions,sensations,feelings,thought and beliefs about one´s body in an intentional way without attempting to change their intensity, frequency or form, while pursuing effective action in other life domains.
What is Buddhism?
Emphasizes the value of being mindful, so threats to the body image are understood to be time limited and not absolute.
Broaden and build theory
Positive emotions broaden one´s awareness and encourage novel, varied and exploratory thoughts and actions. Over time, this broadened behavioral repertoire builds skills and resources.
WHat a positive body image is not!
Being highly satisfied with all aspects of appearance, limted to appearance at the exclusion of ohter body dimesnsions, expressed as narcissism or vanity.
Foolproof in its ability to protect against all body image related threats
Lnked to disengagement from self-care
Aided by frequent appearance-related compliments from others
Multiple facettes of positive body image:
Body appreciation Body love Broadly conceptualizing beauty Adaptive appearance investment self evaluation-salience motivational salience Inner positivity Filtering information in a body protective manner Holistic Stable and malleable Protective Linked to self perceived body acceptance by others Shaped by social identities
BAS (Body appreciation scale)
What is the acceptance model?
Women who experience high levels of perceived support and body acceptance by others will be able to resist adopting an observers perspective of their bodies, all of which will predict a greater appreciation of their bodies.
Psychology and how to develop/maintain a posiitve body image
counseling psychology
HUmanisitic psychology
Positive psychology
What is counseling psychology?
Considering strength alongside weakness, appreciate diversity and work to prevent illness by promoting health