tarsal coalition, chronic ankle instability, heel pain Flashcards
What facet most common in coalition?
rigid flatfoot association
vertical talus and tarsal coalition
classification of coalitions
Tachdjian Classification:
Signs of CN coalition
anteater, comma sign
signs of TC coalition
TN beaking, halo sign, reverse C, flat lat talar process
See “drunken waiter” sign on MRI
Badgley surg for coalition
removes coalition. pack EDB into defect
Talar tilt test
CFL injury if >10 or >5of other side
Ant drawer test
> 2cm
Ligament reconstruction: elmslie
use fascia lata to reconstruct ATFL and CFL drill hole in talus
Ligament reconstruction: Chrisman Snook
reroute PB through fib and anchor to calc
Ligament reconstruction: Snook
drill hole in calc,
Direct repair: brostrum- goud
repair and reinforce with extensor retinaculum
Direct repair: karlsson modification
cut lateral ligament. approximate stumps more distally
Direct repair: hoon
scope ankle- cut 4th EDL and reroute through lat malleolus to become CLF/ATFL
Direct repair: juggerknot
arthroscopic use of glenoid anchor
acute inflammatory process
inflame 1 week
Reparative 2-3 weeks
tinels but proximally
piezogenic papules
herniations of fat pad pressing on nerve
fowler- Phillips normal
if take too much in EPF what do you cause
calcaneal cuboid syndrome-lateral column destabilized