Tarsal bones Flashcards
Which tarsal bone is the largest?
Calcaneus (heel)
Which tarsal bone articulates with the tibia and fibula? What is this joint?
Which tarsal bone may have a secondary ossification center? What is this center for? What is this condition called?
Talus (ankle)
lateral tubercle of the bone
Os Trigonum
Which tarsal bone is the strongest?
Calcaneus (heel)
Which bone articulates with the talus, the cuboid and the cuneiform bones?
Navicular (boat)
What is the name of the large prominence that provides an insertion for the Achilles tendon?
Calcaneal tuberosity
The tendons of the fibularis longs and fibularis brevis are separated by what feature of the lateral calcaneus?
fibular trochlear
What is the name of the prominent “ledge” feature found on the medial aspect of the calcaneus?
sustentaculum tali
What is the calcaneal sulcus?
a deep groove on the calcaneus that separates the articular facets of the bone
The subtalar joint is the articulation between which two bones?
Talus (ankle)
Calcaneus (heel)
Which tarsal bone has a head, neck and body?
Talus (ankle)
The talus articulates with the calcaneus to form the ____ joint. It also articulates with the ____ bone.
subtalar joint
navicular bone
What abnormality is commonly seen in teenagers active in soccer or ballet? What is the clinical significance?
Os Trigonum
Lateral tubercle failed to fuse with the bone
Asymptomatic, but may be mistaken for a fracture
What is the name of the palpable medial projection of the Navicular bone?
Navicular tuberosity
Which tarsal bone is cuboidal?
the cuboid
Which is more lateral? the Navicular bone or the cuboid?
What are the articulations of the cuboid?
5th metatarsal
lateral cuneiform
Which tarsal bones are wedge shaped?
How are the cuneiforms named?
1-3, medial to lateral
Which cuneiform is smallest? Which is largest?