Hip Joint Flashcards
What are the articulating surfaces of the hip joint?
Head of the femur and acetabulum of the pelvix
Where is the articulating surface of the acetabulum deficient? What is this area called?
Deficient inferiorly at the acetabular notch
What structure deepens the cavity of the acetabulum? By what percent can the cavity be deepened?
acetabular labrum
What is the name of the ligament that bridges the acetabular notch?
transverse acetabular ligament
the transverse acetabular ligament is a part of what larger structure?
the acetabular labrum
This ligament permits free movement, but cannot maintain joint integrity.
The capsular ligament
These ligaments reinforce the capsular ligament both anteriorly and inferiorly.
The iliofemoral ligament
the pubofemoral ligament
This ligament is considered to be the strongest in the body.
The iliofemoral ligament
What are the two attachment sites for the iliofemoral ligament?
the anterior inferior iliac spine
the intertrochanteric line
How does the iliofemoral ligament allow a person to stand upright?
becomes tight with full extension - supports the hip joint
“screws” the head of the femur into the acetabulum
What muscles take over support/keep you from falling when bending backward?
anterior hip and abdominal muscles
What muscles take over support/keep you from falling when bending forward?
Gluteal, hamstring and spinal muscles
Is the iliofemoral ligament rope like or wall like?
rope like
What is the nerve supply to the hip joint?
Femoral, obturator and sciatic nerves
What are the attachment sites for the pubofemoral ligament?
superior ramus of the pubis
intertrochanteric line