TAR 104 Final Preparation Position Flashcards
Purpose of FPP
Provides a place where the patrol can temporarily halt to reorganize and prepare for actions on the objective
FPP Preparations
- Check communications
- Leaders recon
- Prep camera, sketch kit, OP log
- Redistribute equipment
- Drop off packs (situation dependent)
- Establish rally point
En Route Rally Point
Where the patrol moves through but does not stop at a rally point or FPP
- Time dependent
Characteristics of a Good FPP
- Easily identifiable
- Defensible
- Provides cover and concealment
- Outside of small arms fire or one terrain feature away from the obj
- Close enough to the objective to cut down on navigational errors
Sources of Tentative Selection of FPP
- All available info prior to departure
- Maps and aerial photos
- Debriefs of other patrols and teams
- Info from S-2
- always referred to as “tentative” in orders and plans
Three Methods of Recon Occupation
- Leader’s Recon
- Recon in Place
- Recon During Movement
Leader’s Recon
Where PL halts, then conducts recon of the FPP, then brings the rest of the patrol
- Time consuming but security conscious
Recon in Place
Where PL halts the patrol and designates where they are as the FPP
- Fast but least secured
Recon During Movement
Where PL sees site and conducts a sweep or button hook around it
- Most preferred method
Establishing the FPP
- Direction of movement 12 o’clock
- All movement in and out at 12 o’clock
- TL designates sectors for team members
Purpose of Leaders Recon
- Confirm the location of the objective
- Confirm/update plan of action on the objective
- Select vantage points for the teams or elements
G - Where you are Going O - Others taking with T - Time you will be gone W - What to do if you don’t return A - Actions on enemy contact
- Given by TL before leaving on leaders recon
Leader’s Recon Steps
- Give GOTWA prior to departure with radio and at least one other person
- Pinpoint the objective, possibly establish surveillance
- Select vantage points
- Return to patrol, confirm or change plans for the recon
- Issue frago if necessary
- ROC walk on hasty terrain model or sketch
Why Leave Personnel at FPP
- Lower chance of compromise at the objective
- Mission may not require whole team
- Secures ORP and radios
Withdrawal to ORP Steps
- Withdraw recon element
- Withdraw security element
- Re-enter ORP from 12 o’clock
- Occupy original security positions
- Disseminate gathered intel to all team members
Methods of Dissemination
- TL and ATL each tell half the team
- TL goes around telling each man
- TL moves everyone in back to back and tells all at once