Taking Transportation Flashcards
Discuss schedules and buy tickets
-When is the next bus to Tabriz?
-When is the next non-stop bus to Sari?
-How much time does it take to get from Tehran to Tabriz on train 1461?
-Which train is farster from Tehran to Tabriz?
-What time does flight 426 depart for Tehran? When does it arrive?
-Where are you flying today?
Can I still make the 5:12 bus to Montreal?
I’m sorry. It left five minutes ago.
Too bad. What should I do?
Well, you could take the 5:30.
OK. One ticket, please.
One-way or round-trip?
Round-trip, please.
Ways to express disappointment: Too bad/ What a shame/ Oh, no!
-Discuss the price of tickets.
-Ask whether the train is a local or an express.
-Ask for the kind of seat you’d like.
Book travel services
Hello, Baker Travel. Can I help you?
I hope so. I’m going to need a car in Dubai.
Certainly. What date are you arriving?
April 6th.
And what time?
Let me check… 5:45 P.M.
Understand airport announcements
depart/ arrive
take off/ land
go through security
a boarding pass
the gate
a passenger
an agent
the departure lounge
Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. Rapid Air Flight 58 from Brasilia to Sao Paulo is overbooked. We apologize. we need volunteers to give up their seats on this flight to Sao Paulo. If you volunteer to take a later flight, Rapid Air will give you a free round-trip ticket anywhere we fly. The free ticket is good for one year.
Describe transportation problems
We had an accident.
We had mechanical problems.
We missed our train.
We got bumped from the flight.
we got seasick/ carsick/ airsick.
مقصد، پایانه
* place where one is going, place where something is sent
your destination is the place you are going to.
تناوب، تکرار
quality of occurring frequently or regularly; rate at which a function reoccurs; number of occurrences within a given period of time; number of wave cycles within a given period of time (i.e. the frequency of a radio wave)
departure/ depart
رفتن، حرکت (از جایی)، رهسپاری، (با: from)
* leaving, going away
departure is the act of leaving a place.
arrival/ arrive
آمدن، وارد شدن
reaching, appearance, incoming
intermediate stops on a journey
توقف های میان راه در طی سفر
bus terminal
پایانه اتوبوس
travel time
مدت زمان سفر - زمان پیمایش - زمان طی
air conditioning
تهویه مطبوع
* regulation of air humidity and temperature (i.e. in a building)
air-conditioning is a method of providing buildings and vehicles with cool dry air.
aircraft type
The model of airplane
مدل هواپیما
Thank goodness!
thank god
I’m on my way there now.
on the move
on the road
along the road
heading toward
during transport
on the way
Just follow me.
دنبال کردن من. دنبالم کن . مرا دنبال کن
I’m connecting to a flight home.
I’m taking a plane to ….
I’m catching a flight to Tehran.
I’m taking another flight to ….
chance occurrence, unforeseen event; occurrence of two or more events at the same time; condition of occupying the same place at the same time
اتفاق. تصادف
We should hurry.
Let’s walk faster.
What a small world.
چه دنیای کوچکی
- financially manageable
if something is affordable, you have enough money to be able to pay for it.
مقرون به صرفه. ارزان قیمت
مناسب، راحت، راه دست
kinds of tickets and trips
a one-way ticket/ a round-trip ticket
the local/ the express ( making few or no stops before the destination; rapid, direct, nonstop) train or subway
a direct flight/ a non-stop flight
an aisle seat (راهرو)/ a window seat
should/ could
Should: give advice or to make strong suggestion
Could: offer alternatives or to make a weak suggestion
Subject + Should/ Could + the base form of a verb
Negative: Subject + Should/ Could + not + the base form of a verb
Question: Should/ Could + Subject + the base form of a verb
Yes +Subject + Should/ Could
No+Subject + Should/ Could + not
Wh Question: Wh + Should/ Could + Subject + the base form of a verb
be going to
express the future
Subject + be going to + the base form of a verb
Negative: Subject + be + not + going to + the base form of a verb
Question: be + subject + going to + the base form of a verb
Yes +Subject + be
No+Subject + be + not
Wh Question: Wh + be + subject + going to + the base form of a verb
Present continuous is used to express future plans.
Travel services
a rental car
a taxi
a limousine/ a limo
a hotel reservation
bus/ train/ taxi/ limousine/ ferry/ ship/ airplane/ helicopter
The flight is overbooked.
The airline sold too many tickets, so some passengers can’t board.
The flight is delayed.
The flight is going to depart late.
The flight is canceled.
The flight isn’t going to take off. The passengers have to find another flight.
pre-flight instructions
دستورالعمل های قبل از پرواز
get bumped
کنار گذاشته شدن از پرواز، ( وقتی یک شرکت هواپیمایی بیش از ظرفیت هواپیما، بلیط فروشی کند از مسافران درخواست می کند که هر کدام مایل باشند از لیست پرواز خارج شوند و در ازای آن، پول خوبی بابت غرامت بهش می پردازند ولی اگر داوطلبی برای این کار نبود به اجبار یکنفر را خودشان از لیست خارج میکنند. به این اقدام getting bumped گفته میشود ) I got bumped from my flight من از لیست پرواز خارج شدم.
people who doesnt show up on the time ( not sure if its true )
غائبین غیرموجه یا افرادی که علیرغم رزرو کردن بلیط، در محل مورد نظر حضور نیافته و یا لغو می کنند.
get off
1- پیاده شدن، خارج شدن از، برون شدن، 2- رفتن، عازم شدن، (هواپیما) به پرواز درآمدن
جبران کردن، تلافی کردن، غرامت دادن، پاداش دادن، تاوان دادن، عوض دادن
ناراحتی، اذیت
Advantage, benefit
مزیت و فایده
in exchange for
as a substitute for, in place of, for
در ازای
در عوض
In return for
(از هواپیما) پیاده شدن، (هواپیما را) ترک کردن
get off a plane, disembark from a plane
تقصیر، عیب، لغزش
انتقاد کردن
تصادف، به هم خوردن، برخورد
GPS (GPS unit)
global positioning system
راهنمایی کردن، تعلیم دادن، یاد دادن
make a wrong turn directly onto the train tracks.
railroad tracks
become stuck
pin, strand, tangle
گیر افتادن
اعلامیه، اظهار
move off
عزیمت کردن، رفتن، راهی شدن
ترک کردن
shortly afterward
سپس، بعد از آن، بعدا، پس از ان
short period of time after, soon
رفت و آمد کننده ی مکرر (از فواصل نسبتا دور مثلا از کرج به تهران)
اصابت، تصادف
ضربه زدن
deaths or injuries