On Vacation Flashcards
Greet someone arriving from a trip
When did you get back? (come home)
Did you have a good time?
Tell me about yor vacation?
What was Tabriz like?
welcome home
Welcome back!
So, how was the flight?
It was pretty comfortable, actually.
That’s good! Hey. can I give you a hand?
It’s ok. I’m fine.
Are you sure?
Absolutely. Thanks!
Ask about someone’s vacation
Were there a lot of people on the…?
How long was the …? It lasted …
(100%) very, really, pretty, quite, kind of
fantastic/ incredible/ terrific/ / wonderful/ pefect/ nice/ excellent/ famous/ beautiful/ awesome/ cool/ great
scary/ bumpy/ short/ long/ scenic/ comfortable/ boring/ brilliant
So relaxing/ exciting/ interesting/ unusual
were you on vacation?
Yes, I was. I went to Paris.
No kodding! Did you have a good time?
Fantastic! I stayed in a really nice hotel and ate at some wonderful restaurants.
That sounds nice. Tell me more.
Discuss vacation preferences
Where do yo usually go for vacation?
lot’s of history/ culture/ family activities/ sports and physical activities/ great entertainment/ good food/ view/ natural beauty/ top-notch hotels/ great foods/ warm weather/ scenic beaches/ friendly people/ people who speak my language
Describe vacation experiences
That’s my kind of vacation.
I can’t wait for the next one.
bad experiences:
horrible/ really awful/ pretty bad/ terrible/ unfriendly/ cold/ lose, steal
good experiences:
amazing/ fantastic/ terrific/ wonderful/ friendly/ warm/ find, return
استرداد، پس پرداخت، مجددا پرداختن، پس دادن
fly to (leave from)
opp: fly back home from
on july 25
heated pool
استخر آب گرم
ویرانی، خرابه، مخروبه
غواصی با لوله تنفسی ( snorkel ) است، که در آن شما با استفاده از لوله تنفسی روی سطح آب شنا می کنید و تحت آب به دیدن زیبایی های زیرآبی می پردازید بدون اینکه به طور کامل غواصی کنید.
walk along the…
san beaches
Past tense of be (am/is/are)
was/ were
Negative: wasn’t/ weren’t
late last night
(نوعی اسکی روی آب به کمک بادبان) بادسواری، اسکی بادی
موج سواری
Can I give you a hand?
می توانم به شما کمک کنم
Decline help:
It’ OK. I’m fine.
No, thanks. I’m OK.
Accept help:
Thank you!
That’s really nice!
Simple past tense
verb +ed (or irregular verb)
Negative: subject + didn’t + verb
Question: did + subject + verb
go skiing
رفتن به اسکی روی یخ یا برف
time off
مرخصی گرفتن
آبگرم، چشمه معدنی
on the border between
در مرز بین…
you can’t believe how big they are
bungee jumping
( ورزش ) سقوط ازاد
پرش از ارتفاع با استفاده از طناب انعطاف پذیر ( کشسانی )
سیر، تماشا، دیدار مناظر جالب
یادبود، یادگار، ره اورد، سوغات
we got to know each other pretty well.
ما به خوبی با هم آشنا شدیم
کیف پول، کیف زنانه
پیشخدمت، میزدار، گارسن
بنه (چمدان و صندوق و سایر اسباب سفر)، باروبنه، چمدان ها، اثاثه
front desk clerk
مسئول پذیرش ( معمولا برای هتل ها استفاده میشود )
drive sb crazy
-make someone lose their sanity; irritate someone; infuriate someone
-to make someone or something get into a bad or extreme state, usually an emotional one
عصبانی کردن، عامیانه ( کسی را جان به لب کردن، جان کسی را به لب رساندن )