Taking Refuge Flashcards
What is taking refuge part of
The Three Jewels of Buddhism or Triratna
What do Buddhists take refuge and why?
‘I take refuge in the Buddha, I take refuge in the Dharma, I take refuge in the Sanhga’
Outlined by the Buddha in the Tipitaka as a prayer called the Refuge Formula
Why do Buddhists take refuge?
Taking refuge is a source of strength to rebuild and refresh a Buddhist, it’s making a commitment on how they are going to live their lives and consciously identifying the ultimate aim of enlightenment
Why do Buddhists chant the Refuge Formula
Reaffirm their own identity
What’s a quote from the Buddha?
“One is one’s own master, one’s own refuge”
Buddhists believe you can only find happiness within yourself
What’s another quote (scholar)
“By taking refuge we commit ourselves to freedom”, Chogyam Trungpa
What do Mahayana Buddhists believe about the refuge formula?
Through chanting it your experiencing Buddha nature
What three ways to Buddhists take refuge?
1) By participating in the refuge ceremony
2) As an Act of worship throughout their lives
3) By focusing their life on the three jewels as sources of strength
Explain the first way to participate in Refuge
1) Refuge Ceremony
Heritage Buddhists first time normally around the age of 7 in the local monastery in the presence of monk, they recite the refuge formula three times.
Convert Buddhists this marks the point at where they join the religion
Explain the second way Buddhists participate in refuge
2) As an act of worship
Reciting the refuge formula everyday as a constant reminder of their commitment, morning and evening prayers begin with the formula
Explain the third way Buddhists take refuge
3) By focusing their life on the three jewels
Not by using rules but an existential act or a shift in one’s way of life towards the Buddha, Dharmma and Sangha
What is the Theravada view on taking refuge?
- Acknowledging the historical role of the Buddha and discovering the path to enlightenment and the Dhamma
- Show respect and gratitude towards status, bowing, lighting candles and offering incense NOT WORSHIPPING
What is the Mahayana Buddhist view on taking Refuge
There are three different understandings of the Buddha which are called the ‘Three Body Doctrine’
What is the three body doctrine?
Mahayana belief in taking refuge within the Buddha
Nirmanakaya = form body meaning all enlightened beings
Sambhogakaya = bliss body meaning Bodhisattvas in celestial realms
Dharmakaya = body of truth meaning ultimate truth we all have the potential to realise
How do Tibetan Buddhists take refuge?
In spiritual masters who have reached enlightenment and has upaya to make the Dhamma accessible to others ie Dalai Lama
How do Zen Buddhists take refuge?
Within their own Buddha nature not an external figure
How to Buddhists take refuge in the Dhamma?
Through accepting and studying the teachings of the Buddha until you embody them ie Three Lakshanas, Universal Truth of the universe - Wisdom, Sila and mental discipline and meditation
How do Mahayana Buddhists take refuge in the Dhamma?
Different views on what’s included
Mahayana Buddhists include the teachings of spiritual leaders and lotus sutra
What is taking refuge in the Sangha to Buddhists?
Fourfold Sangha = monks, nuns, laymen and laywoman
They recognise the role it plays within the religion ie Field of Merit and being of exemplary moral conduct
What does going for refuge in the Sangha mean to Mahayana Buddhists?
Includes the spiritual guides of Bodhisattvas