Arhat and Bodhisattva Flashcards
What is a Bodhisattva?
An Sanskrit word meaning enlightened being to Mahayana Buddhists. They are often understood to be celestial beings answering prayers on the path to enlightenment.
Effectively the same meaning as the Buddha, motivated by selfless compassion.
What’s the Mahayana belief in the ultimate truth?
That everything is connected within the ‘Greater Vehicle’
What qualities do Bodhisattvas have?
Wisdom and compassion as they’ve committed themselves to the path towards enlightenment through the path of the Ten Bhumis to see everything as it really is (ultimate truth).
What is an Arhat? (Theravada)
Someone who has reached enlightenment gained nirvana, freeing themselves from the poisons that ties someone to re birth. This is the ultimate goal of existence.
What is Nirvana?
The escape from Samsara and Dukkha
How to Arhats reach enlightenment?
Through the removal of the Ten Fetters (ties), the abandonment of these happen in four stages of Awakening.
Whats the first stage of awakening? (Arhat)
Stream enterer (or winner) The Fetters of belief in a self, doubt or uncertainty and attachment to rites and rituals have been escaped. There are seven more rebirths as humans or in the heavenly realm.
What’s the second stage of awakening? (Arhat)
Once returner
The Fetters of hate, greed and ignorance have been escaped.
There is one more rebirth as human.
What’s the third stage of awakening? (Arhat)
Non returner
Completely free from ill will and all of the five fetters.
One more rebirth in a heavenly realm
What’s the fourth stage of awakening? (Arhat)
Becoming an Arhat
No more lust for material existence or rebirth, conceit, restlessness and ignorance is gone.
No more rebirths
Whats an arhats purpose in life and what happens why they die?
They only exist to help others.
When they die they attain Pari Nirvana.
How do Mahayana Buddhists view arhats?
As a being who’s reached enlightenment but not yet taken the Bodhisattva vow, so incomplete.
How do Theravada Buddhists view Bodhisattvas? What’s an example?
As the Buddha in one of his previous lives as told in the Jataka Tales in the Suttra Pitaka, on the way to enlightenment. They don’t believe it really exists nowadays and the title ‘Buddha’ is reserved for the historical Buddha who reached enlightenment on his own.
The Buddha in a previous life “then the Bodhisattva lay down and let the tigress eat him”.
How can Bodhisattva help others?
Through upaya (skilful means)
Which Bodhisattva is the Dhali Lama often seen to be a manifestation of for Tibetan Buddhists?
Avalokitesvara, Bodhisattva of compassion to use his upaya to help others
What happens at each of the Ten Bhumis?
They achieve wisdom (prajna) which leads to an increase in their compassions.
What is the first Bhumi?
It’s ‘joy’ and the Bodhisattva understands that all living being are interconnected and as a result of this they achieve the Paramita of Dana because they automatically want to give generously to all living things.
What is the sixth Bhumi?
This is enlightenment where they gain the Paramita of wisdom.
What is the seventh Bhumis and what’s an example of this is practice?
This is where Bodhisattva go beyond and gain the Paramita of Upaya (skilful means) to help others reach enlightenment.
An example of this is the parable of the burning house where the father has escaped samsara so therefore can help others escape.
How are humans unique? Arhat
That they are born in a realm where reaching nirvana.
Illustrated through Shantidevas story of a turtle coming to the surface every hundred years and putting his nose through a golden ring
What are the Four stages comparable to and based on? Arhat
The Buddhas temptations from Mara
Teachings of the Buddha in the Dhammacakkappavattana where one person became a stream enterer
What do Theravada Buddhists believe about Arhats in todays society?
That there are monks that are Arhats who are great teachers in monasteries