Dana and Punya Flashcards
What does Dana mean?
Generous giving
Which Buddhists mainly practice Dana
Therevada lay Buddhist and they don’t believe they will reach enlightenment during this life time so they only aim to receive Punya
Name two Buddhist quotes relating to Dana?
‘Conquer stinginess with a gift’
‘When you enjoy it, you do it again’
What does Punya mean?
Merit, a beneficial force that attracts blessings.
This is how the laws of Karma work.
What are the effects of Punya
Good things in current life, you become a good person our of habit, attract blessings and a better rebirth.
What are the other two ways of earning Punya
Sila (3 aspects of the Noble eightfold path) meaning ethical behaviour ie Right Action, Right Speech and Right Livelihood.
What factors effect the amount of Punya earned
Who you give merit to ie giving to the Sangra is worth more merit than giving to a homeless person
Buddha quotes about merit
“Intention of an action is more important”-Talking to a Jain
“It is intention that I call Karma”
What are the Sangha also known as and why?
“Field of Merit”, this is because they build up so much merit which is given to the community. Like a farmer growing grain to give to his village
Explain why Sivali earn so much merit from a honeycomb
Gave a honeycomb to a monk who in turn gave it to the Buddha in order to gain merit from each exchange which illustrates the transfer of merit and the factors effecting Punya
Which of the Mahayana Paramita is Dana? What is the corresponding Bhumi?
The first Paramita as you understand the interconnectedness and therefore want to give generously
Which Bhumi is “Strength or Power” which is the ability to transfer merit?
- The power to transfer your merit when your a Bodhisattva
What Bodhisattva transferred their Merit?
Kshitgarbha a female Bodhisattva who donated all her merit to the hell reams when she died as she believed that’s where her mother was, story found in the lotus sutra
What branch of Buddism is totally focussed around receiving merit from the Bodhisattva Amida?
Mahayana pure land Buddhism, they receive this merit through taking refuge.
What branch of Buddhism does not try and practice Dana or earn good Karma
Mahayana new pure land Buddhism as they believe it leads arrogance.
Why are Dana and Punya so important to Theravada society ?
As monks are dependent on lay Buddhists for donations to survive and lay Buddhists are dependent on monks for merit/good karma. Therefore the two are intertwined surrounding the teachings of Dana and Punya
Why does performing Dana help over come Tanha?
Overcomes greediness
Why does performing Dana help one understand Anatta
Anatta=no self
Performing Dana helps realise the interconnectedness and behave more selflessly
Why might someone argue Dana is the most important practice?
It is the only practice Theravada Buddhists do
A majority of Mahayana Buddhists participate
Which other practices could be considered the most important?