Tafsir Flashcards
Allah SWT selects a person with prophethood and sends down his guidance to the prophet and directs them to convey the message to mankind
How did the prophet SAW receive the revelation and it’s forms?
The prophet SAW regularly secluded himself
Beginning of revelations was in dreams
1. Chiming sound of a bell- the hardest
2. Jibrael AS came in man form- Dihya Kalib RA
3. Jibrael AS blew revelation into heart of the Prophet SAW
Makkah period of Revelation
He lived in Makkah for 13 years (1st 13 years of revelation regardless of where the prophet SAW was)
Heavy Themes-
- Counseling prophet SAW, patience, stories of previous prophets
- Rules, laws, regulations
Madinan period of revelation
He lived 10 years in Madina (everything revealed in last 10 years regardless of location)
Light themes-
- Perfecting rules that were already revealed in Makkah
- Preparation for death of Prophet SAW & life after his death
Causes of revelation and its application
Asbabun/ sha’nun= causes
Nuzool= revelation
- Ayahs revealed for specific reasons ex: Aysha RA false accusations and ayahs about heresy and disbelieving false accusations
- Some ayahs general to all and some ayahs contextual to that time.
Therefore, gradual revelation
Surah 15:9 Hijr
“We, ourselves, have sent down the dhikr (the Quran) and We are there to protect it”.
How the Quran was preserved
During the time of prophet SAW:
Memorization by Sahaba RA
Written on bones, tree branches, paper, leaves, bamboo sticks, and stones
After death of Prophet SAW:
Zaid ibn Thabith RA scribed during khalifath of Abu Bakr RA and completed during Usman RA with 1 Qiraarah out of the 7
Protector of the Quran
Allah SWT is the ultimate protector of the Quran- surah Qiyamah- 75: 16
“Do not rush your tongue trying to memorize (a revelation of) the Quran”.
Challenges of the Quran
Or do they say, “He has fabricated this ˹Quran˺!”? Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Produce ten fabricated sûrahs like it and seek help from whoever you can—other than Allah—if what you say is true!” HUD-11:13
Scribes and script of Uthman
Scribe: Zaid ibn Thabit
Script- complete Quran compilation 1 recitation
Different Qiraat & division of Quran
7 different dialects based on major tribes- recitation different but meaning was same
Division of Quran-
Juz/ Ajza: 30 parts- finish Quran in 30 days
Ruku: 540 sections, finish Quran 27 night of Ramadan, if read 1 ruku per rakat
Manzil/ Hizbs: 7 stations- finish Quran in a week
Rumuzul Awqaf
Stop signs
م- must stop, take new breath or else meaning 🔺
ط- recommended to stop
قلی- better to stop
معانفة،✨- can’t stop or continue at both.
ج- stop or continue, both are fine
,وقفة، سکنة، س- slight pause
لا- can’t stop, if you do stop then start a few words back
ص،ز،ق،صل،قف،صلی- desirable to continue, don’t pause
When لا on top of complete stop, optional to pause of continue
Sciences of Tafsir
Tafsir means to open or explain
The sciences is to help interpret and explain the verses of the Quran
Tafsir ala Tafsir-Quran is the foremost in explaining itself, Very often verses are clarify by other verses meaning
Ex: Surah Fatiha: 5&6 and 4:69
sometimes hadiths clarify verses
Ahadith in relation to Quran
Main function of Hadiths is to explain message of Quran
“Then Indeed upon us is to explain”
“Est. Salah & zakat”- follow sunnah of prophet SAW on how to pray and pay zakat
Explanation of the shabahs, how did they interpret the Quran?
They lived through the revelation of the Quran and the lifetime of the prophet SAW.
they accepted everything
Abdullah Ibn Abbas- greatest mufassir
Explanation of Tani’een, how did they interpret the Quran?
They had to make sure they will learning from an upright, reliable person, with memory still intact.
The Arabic language
The favored language
Language of Jannah
Careful with translation of Quran- some are from non-Muslims
Israelite Narrations
We believe in the Tawraat, Zabour, and Injeel at time it was revealed- we don’t believe in them know because they have been changed.
Small details remain unchanged- can be used for tafsir but not as references to strengthen Quran- Quran already strong message.
Deliberation/ Reflection
Quran invites people to reflect, ponder and deliberate over its verses for guidance.
Whoever interprets Quran without proper knowledge should seek his dwelling in fire