TAD (Tobacco, Alcohol, & other Drugs) Flashcards
gateway drug
introductory drug that opens the door for other drug use
plant that contains the drug niccotine
powerful mind-altering drug capable of changing normal brain activity to produce dependency
mainstream smoke
smoke inhaled and then exhaled by a smoker
side stream smoke
smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarrette
psychological dependence
mental withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, insomnia, and depression
physiological dependence
physical withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, and shakiness
not having the normal use of mental faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol into the body
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)
percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream
Zero Tolerance
law that penalizes individuals under 21 for having any detectable amount of alcohol in their system
alcohol poisoning
potentially fatal elevation of the BAC often resulting from heavy, rapid consumption of alcohol
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
combination of irreversible physical and mental birth defects as a result of a pregnant woman drinking alcohol
always the center of the family and so focused on alcohol that everyone else becomes secondary
totally focused on the alcoholic and often does not pay attention to anything else
perfectionist, overachiever that feels a tremendous burden to fix everyone else’s problems