Table Tennis Flashcards
What is the importance of keeping mentally fresh and alert
Mentally Fresh and Alert Whether it is Table Tennis, or it is your work, or it is studies, or it is running, or it is exercising – you have to have to feel mentally fresh and alert – then you can give it your best
What is the “DSPE” insight in Table Tennis
Took some coaching and pactice from Inglbert Solis of Chicago. Learnt the following 4 things – “DSPE” D – Direction: Everytime ask in which Direction the opponent is sending the ball back S – Speed: What is the speed of the ball, is it coming close to the net or long to the table edge P – Position: You must constantly move and be in the right position, don’t be caught off position E – Execution: Visualize and know how you must execute the stroke, brushing the ball, and execute
What is the commentary while playing great Table Tennis
In playing great Table Tennis you are following the flight of the ball completely and constantly making a commentary in your mind about the ball and taking corresponding action. Constant Commentary such as: how high the ball is above the net coming to you, which half of the table on your side it is going to bounce, therefore, whether you should flick it or loop it, whether it is coming on the forehand or backhand, and when rallying it with the backhand seeing a position on the opposite half of the table that you are going to send it to, seeing after bouncing on your side when it rises around the height of the net so you can turn it back, on the opposite side which half of the table the ball lands …and this way the commentary repeats itself… Each time as the ball is coming to you, you have to visualize the stroke you are going to take in your mind – that is the planning, then you execute
What is focus on the end result, the end state
Focus on the end state In table tennis or in career, focus on the end state, visualize it, and let your body or your being come in that end state
What is the vision of Table Tennis that transcends individual strokes
At some point you transition into a level where you are not thinking about your individual strokes – but you are playing the game at a different level of perception. You have a vision of how you want to play and you are striving to play according to that vision – it becomes a total cohesive game rather than a collection of individual strokes
Table Tennis thoughts …?
Table Tennis Thoughts What is the commercial value of table tennis – really nil unless you become a world class player and get into sponsorship of products etc. Therefore, if you are trying to become champion don’t expect any commercial value from it for some time. The bigger value of table tennis is in the health/physical fitness it provides. You also benefit tremendously from the mental side of the sport. It requires lightning fast thinking and that helps to keep you mentally fast, agile etc. Other than this it is really about a ball being hit back and forth with varying degree’s of expertise. It is just entertainment The reason it is not a big spectator sport has to do with its inherent characteristics – primarily the ball is very small and the table length is also relatively small compared to other sports so it can only be watched from a short distance and by a few spectators at a time. But like golf/tennis etc can’t it be shown on the TV and reach a huge audience?
What are the various Table Tennis reminders ?
Four Things: Brush the ball, Hit the ball, Contact the ball above, at, or below the center, or by the side of the ball (when it has left or right side spin) Watch the bounce on your side of the table – see the ball coming up. On the bounce up from the table hit the ball when it is just above the height of the net. Watch, study, understand (is the ball going to fall in the first half or second half of the table on your side and accordingly position yourself for a flick or a loop), see as the ball crosses the net and how high it is above the net, and how much spin and loop it has. Understand the flight of the ball so that you can see it bounce on your side of the table. Always hit the ball when rising and just above net height You have to understand the spin of the ball. To tackle the spin you can not meet it head on – that will simply send the ball outside the table or into the net. You have to rub the ball on the surface opposite to the direction of the spin in the ball. Imagine the block of space over your side of the table (and also over the opponents side of the table) upto the net height. As the ball just emerges out of the top surface of this space you hit it – just above the net height. Also, Mentally break your side of the table into two halfs. If the ball is in the outside half of the table loop it, if it is in the inside half of the table flick it. Give where they are not, and mentally play the point in your mind clearly before the start of the point You should’nt be taken by surprise Be in the right POSITION to be successful and execute the stroke from there Also make sure you are executing your backhand stroke in the right manner. Bend your legs, so your eyes are at net level and you are watching the ball approaching you. Play in a alert but relaxed state, when you are in a stressed state it does’nt help play well Internalize into the game – think of yourself as the ball being hit back and forth, imagine you are the ball
Table Tennis – what are its advantages?
Advantages of Table Tennis Compared to all other games: It is not an expensive game It is indoors and so you are not dependent on weather – it can be raining, snowing, day or night you can play There is not much personal equipment required. The racquet is small and light – you can easily carry it with you anywhere – in the plane, car etc with ease It can be played at all ages – lifelong.
What is let the ball come out beyond the edge ?
Let the ball come out beyond the tables edge – this is the most convenient and effective place to play your stroke from; the table is not in the way and you can play your stroke fully, with good power as needed.
Infact, serve with spin and force in such a way that the opponent ends up returning the ball at a comfortable height above the net and hopefully it bounces on the table and come out beyond the edge of the table where you can play it with maximum ease and force – serve in such a way that it creates your opportunity, create your own opportunities and that will give you the upper hand and let you dominate the game
What is the way to handle spin in table tennis
When the table tennis ball is coming with side-spin that is taking the ball to your left side you must tackle this ball with your forehand i.e. from the right side of the body. When the ball is coming with side spin that is taking the ball to your right side you must tackle such a ball with your backhand i.e. with the left side of your body. In other words side spin of the ball is to be tackled from the opposite side of the body – left side spin from the right and right side spin from the left
What is meant by – All table tennis strokes are essentially some variation of the same 2 fundamental strokes
The two fundamental strokes are the forehand on the right side and the backhand on the left side – then there are just the variation of these depending on if the ball is coming with a lot of top-spin or under-spin and if it is coming low to the table just kissing the net, or is coming comfortably high. You adjust the two main fundamental strokes in accordance with these variations of the ball
What is – Place the ball where they are not?
All top table tennis players for best strokes place the ball where the opponent is not – In returning the ball – there are so many opportunities in placing the ball where the opponent is not, so look for them, and place the ball where the opponent is not, far away from the opponent
Pointers for the Back Hand Stroke
Remember – the power for the back hand comes from the wrist. Therefore bending the wrist and opening for each backhand stroke is at the core of the backhand stroke. Also, remember that the ball must be within the width of your body, you should not have to be reaching out on the side of your body. You must be so positioned that the ball is right within your body width and just at the the sweet-spot in front from where you can brush it with the wrist action and send it to the other side. There is also a certain co-ordination required of the wrist movement and the arm movement.
Due to the anatomical structure of the body, for the backhand the options for correctly executing the backhand are far more limited compared to the forehand. Therefore it is critically important to be positioned right in relation to the oncoming ball such that you are directly behind the ball and the ball is within the width of your body – from here you can execute the backhand at its sweet spot – that is the only way to do it.
Exclude everything else – just look at the ball (or badminton shuttle)
When playing the table tennis or badminton game, exclude everything else and just focus on the ball and study – how high it is above the net, which half of the table it is bouncing into, when it is coming out of the edge of the table etc – focus on just studying the ball and taking it later, pausing longer to study.
Similarly, in badminton just focus on the shttle – how high it is above he net, which part of the court it is coming to – left half or right half, front or back, i.e. which quadrant …then position yourself correctly to take the shuttle and when you send it across how high it is and which quadrant of the court you are sending it to on the other side – keep having this mental commentary continuously.
Ask yourself for each stroke – how best can you return this ball or shuttle
How to tackle long pips rubber/player
Remember for long pips, the ball will come back to you with the OPPOSITE spin of what you have sent it to the other side. Thus if you want to get back Top-spin, serve to the other side with Under-spin, and similarly if you serve with top-spin you will get back with Under-spin. Serve the opposite of what you want to get back – that is the key principle, and that now puts you in control of the game
What is the Sweet Spot in Table Tennis and also in Badminton and what is its importance
Both in Table Tennis and in Badminton hitting your stroke from the Sweet Spot is the way to produce the best possible stroke. This is even more important for the back hand stroke because of the limited latitude available for the back hand stroke due to the anatomy of the body.
Be conscious of the Sweet Spot in both the games, making it an integral part of your strokes and see your game improve significantly and to the next level
What does playing Table Tennis, or any other sport, or working out in the Gym do for you?
All such activities extend physical performance, enhance focus and concentration, and provide an overall feeling of health and vitality.