T9: Arguments for the Existence of God Flashcards
Revelation def
How God has made himself known to humans
Revelations quotes
“In these last days He has spoken to us by a Son … He reflects the glory of God” - Hebrews
“Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’” - Exodus (God revealed himself to Moses through the burning bush)
Cosmological Argument quote
“It is not possible to go back to infinity … therefore it is necessary to admit a first cause” - Thomas Aquinas
Vision quotes
“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him” and “the disciples saw a vision of Jesus” - Matthew (The Transfiguration: provides evidence for Christians that Jesus was the Son of God, fulfilled OT prophesies)
“‘Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great’” - Genesis (God visits Abraham in a vision: God promises to protect and reward Abraham for his devout obedience to God)
Arguments for visions proving God’s existence
Powerful, personal experience, gives great strength and faith; allow people to interpret visions in a religious way; private revelations may prove the existence of God (Richard Swinburne claims that is there is a God, we would expect him to communicate with us)
Visions def
A form of private revelation where God or any other holy figure may be seen or experienced
Revelatory visions def
The voice reveals something about God
Authoritative visions def
It has authority for those who have experienced the message - it guides them
Disembodied visions def
The voice appears to come from no particular body
Corporeal visions def
Where a person may physically see something (bodily)
Imaginative visions def
Seeing something in their imagination or dreams
Importance of visions
Connecting with God (direct call from him), change ways for the better, renews faith, reveals new information or confirms belief, shows God as a mystery, shows that he loves his creation as he tries to communicate with them
Arguments against visions proving God’s existence
(By non-religious groups) no lasting or physical proof, explained as hallucinations or misunderstandings or made up, no reason to believe it is God, could be a subconscious wanting to have a religious experience. Only accepted if they don’t contradict Church teaching. Never considered in isolation
Miracle def
Something that seems to break the laws of science and is believed to be caused by God
Three types of miracles
Healing, natural/nature and exorcisms
Miracles quote
“The signs worked by Jesus attest that the Father has sent him. They invite belief in him” - CCC
“Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe” - John
“For we love by faith, not by sight” - Bible
“Miracles are a breaking of a law of nature” - David Hume
Arguments for miracles proving God’s existence
No natural scientific explanation, feel a direct contact with God, no other possible explanation
Arguments against miracles proving God’s existence
Simply be coincidences,
Religious experiences quote
“Religious experiences are extraordinary experiences of the divine” - Richard Swinburne
The design argument quote
“Ever since the Creation of the world… his power… has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made” - Bible
“They achieve their purpose not by chance but designedly” - Thomas Aquinas
“The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands” - CCC?
“Purpose through coloured spectacles” - Dawkins
Cosmological Argument quote
“We need a first cause, that first cause is God” - Thomas Aquinas
Existence of suffering quote
“Suffering is the rock of atheism” - David Hume
Solutions to Suffering quote
“Everything created by God is good” - bible