T3 Slide W4 Flashcards
Why are ethics important in research?
- Awareness of the impact of our actions on people
- we follow a code of ethics and guidelines to act as a professional compass
- Not following these guidelines can have significant impacts on all involved
Research Ethics
- A code of what is morally right and wrong
- not a matter of fact but matter of opnion
- Ethical Research is heavily influenced by social values
- Standards of what is ethical change over time
Two traditional views of Ethics
- Utilitarianism
- Deontology
- The goodness of an act is judged by their consequences.
- Summarised by the phrase “the greatest good for the greatest number”
- Can have many unforeseen consequences - what is good depends on your point of view
- good things now can have bad long term consequences
- Extremism can permit any atrocity and justify it with “greater good”
- Humans are bound to follow certain universal moral principles
- These principles manifest in actions
- some should not be done; ie killing
- some should be done; telling the truth
- Consequences are irrelevant to the ethical action
- Acts are ethical or unethical by their nature
- Behaving ethically is the end point, it is not a means to an end
Is deception a major problem in Psychological Research?
- Researchers are more sensitive to ethical issues than in the 1960/70s
- Some psychologists beleive that the problem of deception has been exaggerated
- Broder argues that extreme examples of deception are rare
Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972)
- Study of 600 African-American men some with and some without syphilis
- they were not told they had syphilis
- they were not treated for syphilis
- They received free medical care, meals and burial insurance
- 1940 penicillin was found to be effective in curing syphilis but this was witheld from subjects
- A whistle blower led to changes that introduced informed consent
The Belmont Report
- Created in response to the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (1932-1972)
- Prepared by National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural Research.
- Consisted of 3 principles
- Beneficence
- Respect for persons
- Justice
Informed Consent
- Belmont Report’s principle of respect for persons
- Participants are treated as autonomous
- They are capable of making deliberate decisions about participating in research
- Potential participants shoud be given all information needed to chose whether to participate
Content of Informed Consent forms (7)
- Purpose of research
- procedures that will be used and time involved
- Risks and benefits
- any compensation
- confidentiality
- assurance of voluntary participation and permission to withdraw
- contact information for questions
Autonomy and Information Issues
- What happens when participants are unable to make free informed decisions?
- Autonomy is removed
- Vulnerable populations become disadvantaged
Information Issues
- Withholding Information and Deception
- It is acceptable to withhold information whe it would not affect the individual’s decision to participate
- Also if the information will be disclosed later, such as in a debreifing session
- Most people do not expect full disclosure before a study but do expect thorough debreifing,
The Importance of Debreifing
- Occurs after completion of the study
- Opportunity to deal with issues of withholding, deception or potential harmful effects,
- Time to explain any deception and why it was necessary
- ensures the participant leaves with no ill feelings.
Positive aspects of debriefing
- Opportunity to explain purpose and potential results of the study
- Most participants report a positive experience
- research suggests it is effective.
Alternatives to Deception
- Role Playing
- asks participants to predict how they would respond in a certain situation
- Not considered a satisfactory alternative to deception
- Simulated Studies
- variation on roleplaying that involves simulation of real world
- Has a high degree of involvement from participants
- Honest Experiments
- Participants are made aware of the purpose of the research
Justice and Selection of Participants
- Issues of fairness in receiving the benefits of research
- also bears the burden of accepting risks
- Justice Principle requires researchers to address issues of equity
- Any decisions to include or exclude certain people from a study must be justified scientifically
Justice and Selection of Participants
Researcher Commitments
- Implied Contract with Participants
- Punctuality
- Summary of Details to Participant
- Course Credit
- Details that maintain trust between participants and researchers
Other Important Codes: Nuremberg (6)
- Voluntary consent of human subjects is essential
- Experiment should yeild fruitful results for the good of society; not random or unnecessary in nature
- should be designed in results of animal testing first
- based on knowledge of natural history of the disease
- should be conducted to aviod unnecessary suffering
- No experiment should be conducted with may result in death or disability
Other Important Codes: Nuremberg continued (5)
- Degree of risk should not exceed humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved
- Proper preparation and adequate facilities to protect participants from even remote posibility of injury or death
- should only be conducted by qualified professionals
- participants should be allowed to end their participation
- Researcher must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage if any harm could result.
The Declaration of Helsinki (7)
The Declaration of Helsinki is a set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation developed for the medical community by the World Medical Association (WMA).
The fundamental principles:
- respect for the individual
- right to self determination
- right to make informed decisions regarding participation in research, both initially and during the course of the research.
- The investigator’s duty is solely to the patient
- while there is always a need for research the subject’s welfare must always take precedence
- ethical considerations must always take precedence over laws and regulations
- The recognition of the increased vulnerability of individuals and groups calls for special vigilance
What are three codes we base ethics on?
- Belmont Report
- Nuremberg Code
- Helsinki Report
What are the three principles of the Belmont Report?
- Beneficence
- Respect for persons
- Justice
The Institutional Ethics Review System
- Each institution that receives federal funding must have a Human Research Ethics Committee
- Responsible for reviewing research at the institution
- conditions ie one member must be from outside the institution
- all research conducted by students and faculty staff must be reviewed.
The Institutional Ethics Review System:
Types of Research
- Exempt Research (no review needed)
- Minimal Risk Research
- Greater than Minimal Risk Research
The Institutional Ethics Review System:
Impact on Research
- Extended time for approval of study
- Submissions often need to be revised or clarified
- very cautious around approval
- National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2007 Updated 2014
- The National Statement is developed jointly by the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Australian Research Council and Universities Australia
- In accordance with National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 .
- any researcher conducting research with human participants;
- any member of an ethical review body reviewing that research;
- those involved in research governance; and
- potential research participants.
National Statement of Risk and Benefit:
What is Risk?
- A potential for harm or discomfort or inconvenience that involves:
- the likelihood that harm or discomfort will occur
- the severity of the harm, including its consequences
National Statement of Risk and Benefit:
Assessment of risks involved
- identifying any risks
- guaging their probability and severity
- assessing the extent to which they can be minimised
- determining whether they aresjustified by potential benefits
- determining how they can be managed
Assessment of Risks and Benefits:
Physical Harm
Physical Harm
- Procedures could conceiveably cause some physical harm to participants are rare but possible
- Often Medical Procedures fall in this category
- administering drugs like caffeine or alcohol
- extended sleep deprivation
Assessment of Risks and Benefits:
- More common than physical stress is psychological stress
Assessment of Risks and Benefits:
Loss of Privacy and Confidentiality
- Researchers must take care to protect the privacy of individuals
- all data should be kept in a locked and secure place as a minimum standard
- care should be taken when asking sensitive questions about participants private lives
Assessment of Risks and Benefits:
Potential Benefits of Psychological Research
- Educational benefits, new skill
- Treatment for a psychological or medical condition
- Material benefits
- Personal satisfaction
- Benefits to society at large
APS Code of Ethics 2007
- Aligned with NH&MRC statement, but specific emphasis on psychological services
- Code is built on three general principles:
- Respect for the rights of people and peoples
- Propriety
- Integrity
APS Code of Ethics 2007:
Respect for the rights of people and peoples
Includes the right to autonomy and justice
APS Code of Ethics 2007:
Incorporates the principles of beneficenc and non maleficence and responsibility to clients, the profession and society
APS Code of Ethics 2007:
- Reflecting the need for psychologists to have good character
- acknowledges the high level of trust intrinsic to professional relationships
- addresses the impact of professional conduct on the reputation of the profession
Misrepresentation: Fraud
- The fabrication of data is fraud
- If we cannot trust or beleive reported results then the foundation of the scientific method is threatened
- Fraud happens in many areas but is most serious in science and journalism
- Psychologist Diedrik Stapel of Tilburg Univeristy
- Work was published widely in professional journals
- Work was largely related to racial stereotyping
- Falsified data and made up entire experiments for over a decade
- Dozens of doctoral theses deemed ‘questionable’
Red Flags in psychology research
- researchers allowed to operate in secrecy
- massaging data that is without fear of challenge
- researchers spin data to fit story
- Publish or Perish mentality
- Studies show that 70% of American Psychologists admitted to cutting corners in reporting data
- 1/3 said they had reproted an unexpected finding as predicted
- 1% said they had falsfied data
- Statistical sloppiness was found in 1/2 papers in high end journals
- Jonathon Schooler says that due to technology we can now clean up our field “in a very big way”
What is Plagiarism?
- Refers to misrepresenting another’s work as you own
- always give a proper citation of your sources
- Plagiarism can take the form of submitting an entire paper written by someone else.
- includes copying a paragraph or sentence without using quotation marks and a reference to the source
- Also occurs when you present another person’s ideas as your own without acknowleding them
- even paraphrasing without citing a source is plagiarism
Basic Principles of Ethical Research (7)
Throughout the entire research process we must consider:
- Protection from harm
- Maintenance of privacy
- Coercion
- Informed consent
- Confidentiality
- Debriefing
- Sharing benefits
What is a type of fraud in the context of research?
The fabrication of data is fraud
What is the definition of plagiarism?
Misrepresenting another’s work as your own,