Slides Week 3 Flashcards
Three types of literature sources
- General
- Secondary
- Primary
General Sources
- Overview of topic
- Provides leads to further information
Examples: newspapers, periodicals and magazines, Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature , New York Times Index
Secondary Sources
- Sources “once removed” from original research -
Examples: review papers, anthologies of readings, textbooks, encyclopaedias
Primary Sources
- Original reports of original work Examples: journal articles , other original work including abstracts
Process of review for Journals
- Researcher submits article in format specified by Journal (eg APA)
- Editor distributes article to three reviewers ⇒peer review + blind review
- Several outcomes
- Accept outright
- Accept with Revisions
- Reject with suggestions for revision
- Reject outright
- Editor conveys result to author
- Average rejection rate is 80%
- Publication bias (significant results 3x more likely to be published)
What is APA manuscript
- The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
- offers guidance on submission for work for publication
- “developed to assist reading comprehension in the social and behavioural sciences”
Sections of a Manuscript (10+2)
- Title page
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Method
- Participants
- Materials and Procedure
- Results
- Discussion
- References
- Appendices
- Author Notes
- Footnotes
Manuscripts - The Title
- Summarises the main idea of the manuscript - first impression!
- Concise statement; identify variables/theoretical issues explored
- Stand alone (fully explanatory) and suggest importance of idea
- Statement of content for abstracting/search
- Avoid irrelevant wording (e.g., “A study of…”)
- Avoid abbreviations
- Upper and lowercase
The Manuscript - Abstract
- Brief, but comprehensive, summary of the report; perhaps the most vital paragraph!
- Usually written last
- Dense with information (150 250 words*); keywords
- Reader should understand purpose of paper, research approach, design, findings, and implications
- Used for searching and cataloguing (e.g., EndNote)
- Almost all journals require an abstract
- Should be accurate, non evaluative, concise
- Use past tense for describing manipulations, outcomes, etc.
- Use present tense when describing conclusions drawn
Start abstract on a new page, identified with running head
Should contain;
- The problem (one sentence) and/or purpose
- Description of participants (including notable characteristics)
- Features of method
- Basic findings (often including effect sizes and p values)
- Conclusions
- Implications/applications
N.B The above applies to an experimental report. However, the abstract
- may take different form based on different methods (e.g., meta
- analysis, theory based paper, case study, etc.)
The Introduction Funnel
General - The Problem
What’s been done -
The Evidence
Your Approach
Fill in the Gap
Specific Hypothesis to be tested here.

The Introduction
- Left Justified
- Indent first line of every paragraph
- No spaces between paragraphs
- Use past tense
- Can be first person
- The Hypothesis/es
Method (“What did I do)
- Detailed desccription of how the study was conducted
- Define/operationalise variables
- Have you run the study in such a way that you have appropriately tested your hypotheses. Have you given your hypotheses a fair test?
- Allows for replication
- Divided into subsections (these vary)
- Participants
- Materials and Procedure
Method Participants
- Crucial to psychology: generalisation, replication.
- “Psychology is the study of rats and undergrad psych students”.s
- Exclusion and inclusion criteria
- Include major demographics (where relevant!) (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, socio economic status, education, disabilities, etc.)
- Be as specific as possible•
- Emphasise those characteristics that may have bearing on findings
- (e.g., cultural
- Identify sub groups (e.g., clinical versus control)
- For animals (report species, sex, age, weight, etc.)
- Describe sampling procedure
- Payments or other incentives
- Ethical standards
The Manuscript - Method
- Left Justification
- Title Centred, bold, no underline, no italics
- never underline
- Indent paragraph
Method - Materials and Procedure
- Not enough info, the reader asks questions
- Too much info, burdens the reader (message lost!)
- Materials encompass anything that was used to administer your study/experiment
- Stimulus/stimuli (in great detail, including examples)
- Apparatus (in great detail, e.g., model numbers, manufacturers), including key settings
- If using scales and questionnaires reliability and validity, along with
- descriptions of the scale and its items.
Method - Materials and Procedure continued
- Procedure refers to the details relevant to you administering your method/experiment
- Identify your research design
- Participant assignment to groups
- Within/between subjects design?
- Conditions what manipulations? what order?
- Describe instructions given to participants (verbatim)
- Describe testing conditions in detail
- Describe data acquisition
- In some cases, describe the experimenter
Results (What did I find?)