T2b - Taking primary impressions Flashcards
( 21/09/23 - ICC - primary impressions phantom head course)
(21/09/23 - ICC - primary impressions phantom head course)
stages of primary impressions
1 - tray selection
2 - placing adhesive on tray
3 - mix putty
4 - placing putty in tray
5 - take putty impressions
6 - cut out putty placed in unwanted areas
7 - place alginate adhesive
8 - mix alginate
9 - place in upper tray
10 - rinse and disinfect impressions
11 - repeat on upper and lower arch
how do you select a tray for primary impressions?
what anatomical landmarks should be covered by the tray?
are these trays disposable?
- do intraoral exam and choose appropriately sized stock tray - S, M, L
- ensure all teeth + anatomical landmarks are covered
- dentition present
- saddles (edentulous spaces)
- buccal + labial sulci
- maxillary tuberosities (if FES)
- maxillary hard palate
- mandibular buccal shelves, retromolar pad, retromylohyoid fossa (if FES)
- yes, use a disposable plastic tray
what do you need to place on tray before putting impression materials?
- need to put adhesive on tray
- putty and alginate require different adhesives to be put on tray
where do we put the putty and alginate adhesives?
- alginate adhesive want all over putty and tray
- putty adhesive only want on tray where you want putty
do you mix impression materials before or after putting on adhesives
- brush adhesives onto tray BEFORE mixing impression materials or they will start to set before you can place them in mould
how do we mix the putty?
- mix silicone putty and catalyst until all one colour
- use non-latex containing gloves
where do we want to put the putty on the tray?
where do we not want putty on tray
- on palate area
- free end saddles
- large edentulous gaps
any saddles that have a bigger
gap than 1 molar or 2 pre-molars
missing count as a large gap
(small gaps do not need putty
- teeth
- small edentulous areas/ gaps
why do small edentulous areas not need putty placed?
- as will still be able to capture sulcus shape with alginate
why do we place putty on tray first
why do we need to place putty on palate?
- to modify the tray
- often doesn’t fit well
- thus will leave big gap between tray and tissues
- (we want putty in the bulky areas that may cause big gaps between tray and alginate so place putty so tray fits better)
- alginate will capture details of teeth
- to modify tray so it fits better as many people have high vaulted palate
- to capture shape as it will be joining everything together
- as may be uncomfortable if alginate goes there
how do we remove any putty that has captured unwanted areas? (EG putty that has captured teeth impression or small gap?)
- we cut those areas with a scalpel
- when cutting teeth impressions away give approx 4 mm clearance
when cutting putty around teeth area, why do we need to leave a little gap between putty and nearest tooth?
- give approx 4 mm clearance
- as important to capture impression around the tooth and tooth with alginate NOT putty
- as alginate impression will be more detailed
what can you place on stock tray to make it more comfortable for patient?
- red ribbon wac around edge of tray
why is it important to capture the retromylohyoid fossa with alginate?
this is a structure on the lower mandible
- want a detailed impression as this will help secure dentures with free end saddles
what do primary and secondary denture support areas mean?
areas that support the denture
- Primary denture support areas DO NOT resorb with time
- Secondary denture support areas DO resorb with time
mandibular primary denture support area
- buccal shelf
maxillary primary support area
- Palate
maxillary secondary support area
- alveolar ridge
why is it important to know mandible resorption patterns when making RPD?
- need to know so we can think about this when designing dentures
- we use areas in the mouth for denture support
- want patients to be able to use dentures long term
- hence want to use areas of the mouth for support that have minimal resorption
how much alginate powder do we use and how do we know how much to use?
- we use 2-3 scoops
- 3 scoops for maxillary impressions
- 2 scoops for mandibular impressions
BUT for patients with bigger jaw may need to use 3
how do we mix alginate?
- decide n.o scoops you will use on patient
- measure out corresponding water measurement
- scoop out alginate powder (do not need to powder in spoon) and level scoops
- fluff powder in bowl
- then add water in bowl
- stir
- then mix
- want to scrape against edge of bowl to remove air bubbles
- then scoop onto tray
TIPS for using alginate
- wanna try and mix alginate and place in tray in less than 30 seconds
- use room temp water
- the hotter it is the quicker it will set
what is putty made of?
how do we mix the putty
- mix the silicone putty and catalyst until all one colour