T221 Test 1 Flashcards
Jesus is God’s “Anointed” (consensus)
Son of Man
Jesus is the human being given all power and authority in heaven and
on earth, as seen in Dan 7:14 (consensus)
Son of God
Jesus is the Son of God the Father, the “exact imprint of God’s very
being” (Heb 1:3) (consensus)
Jesus is “of the same substance” with the Father (consensus)
God does not change. Christans disagree about what it would mean for God to “change,” and whether or not he does so (diversity)
God cannot sufer or be disturbed in his emotions (diversity)
According to Apollinaris (c.310-c.390), Jesus is less than fully human,
because the immaterial part of Jesus, his mind or soul, is replaced by the divine Logos (Greek for
“Word”) (aberrant)
According to Eutyches (c.380-c.456), Jesus’ humanity is absorbed by
his divinity like a drop in the ocean. It is overwhelmed or overpowered by his divinity (aberrant)
According to Nestorius (c.386-c.450), Jesus is both divine and human
but these two natures are separate from each other, such that only the divine Son performs
miracles (not the human Jesus) and only the human Jesus sufers and dies (not the divine Son) (aberrant)
Mary can truly be called the “mother of God” in giving birth to Jesus,
because the one she gives birth to is God in human flesh (consensus) Affirmed at council in Ephasus 431
Two natures
Jesus fully partcipates in two natures, humanity and divinity; he is
fully human and fully divine. Affirmed at the council of Chalcedon in 451 (consensus)
Hypostatic Union
The union of divinity and humanity in Jesus makes up only one
hypostasis (Greek for “being” or “thing”). There are not two “things” (hypostases) associated
with each other, the divine Son and the human Jesus, as Nestorius argued (consensus)
Communication of attributes
Because of the divine Word becoming human in Jesus, this human person can do things only God can do, like raise the dead and save us from our sins; likewise, because this human person is the divine Word, God now does things only humanity can do, like get hungry or sick and die on a cross (consensus)
God does not become humanity-in-general, but a partcular human
being, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus has partcular characteristcs: he is male, Jewish, speaks Aramaic, lived in the frst century, and so on (consensus)
Part of Jesus’ humanity is replaced by the divine word (aberrant)
Jesus only appeared to be human (aberrant)
Jesus was a particular human withs race, gender, and location (consensus)
Historical Jesus Vs Christ of faith is what kind of destinction
the teaching upheld by the Ebionites that said that Jesus was a mortal human being, that Christians should adhere to Jewish law and that the absence of wealth was a preferred religious quality (aberrant)
Jesus was the Jewish messiah, but not God
God’s new covenent supercedes any and all of his covenents to the People of Israel
Rejection of the Old Testament and most of the New Testament for being “too jewish” (aberrant)
True or False: The whole Bible is about Jesus
Trinity and Christology are commonly referred to as
“Twin Mysteries”
What does dyothelitism refer to
literally: Two Wills. Referes to the divine and human wills within Jesus