T220 Test 1 Flashcards
God, out of his goodness and love, shows us who he is (consensus)
General Revelation
God shows himself to us in creation and in the voice of our conscience (consensus)
Special Revelation
God shows himself to us in particular events and histories, namely, those of Israel and Jesus Christ (consensus)
Natural Theology
A theology developed solely from general revelation, apart from God’s special revelation in Israel and Christ (diversity)
Ongoing Continuity
between general and special revelation (diversity): Special revelation presupposes the truth that can be known from nature, conscience, and so on
Revealed (unveiled) continuity
between general and special revelation (diversity): Humanity can only see God’s revelation in creation after they accept God’s revelation in Christ
The work of the Holy Spirit in bringing Scripture into existence through its human authors (consensus)
The work of the Holy Spirit in causing readers of Scripture to understand and accept its teaching (Consensus)
Dictation theory of inspiration
The view that the Holy Spirit dictated the Bible word-
for-word to its human authors, bypassing their distinctive personalities and histories (diversity)
Weak Inspiration
The view that the Holy Spirit inspired the feelings or ideas of the human authors of the biblical text, not the words themselves (diversity)
Plenery Verbal inspiration
The view that all (plenary) words (verbal) of Scripture are the intentioned result of the Holy Spirit’s work (diversity)
The particular books that make up the Christian Bible (44-45). There is dispute between Protestants, Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, however, about the precise extent of the canon; the latter include “deuterocanonical” or secondary books (consensus)
The rejection of particular biblical books, including the whole Old Testament, as part of God’s revelation in Scripture (aberrant)
The view that revelation continues now that is as important as the revelation of God in Jesus Christ (aberrant)
The view that Scripture does not contain errors in any of its statements, including on historical, geographical, archaeological, scientific or other matters (diversity)
The view that God ensures Scripture will not fail in the purpose for which it was given, namely, to lead humanity to salvation (consensus)
The worship of false gods (aberrant)