T140c trade processing Flashcards
When processing trade imports cbp officers must ensure
Arrival of goods
Release of goods
Closing of the books
Import processing
5 steps
Import specialist can help with this
- Manufacturer/ shipper delivers goods
- Carrier files manifest delivers goods
- Importer files entry
- Cbp examines/releases goods
- Importer files entry summary
- Liquidation-cbp accepts documents and duty
What is a manufacturer
Person or entity whose goods are being shipped
What is a carrier
Shipping line
Legal entity that transports goods for hire
FROB foreign cargo remaining on board
Inporter security filing ISF
What is the importer
Aka consignee
Person or entity whom goods have been shipped or turned over for care
What is a notify party
Person or entity to be told about the arrival of a shipment
What is a freight forwarder
Sometimes called Forwarding agent
Completed paperwork
Makes arrangements with carrier to ship goods
Arranges transportation
What is a manifest
Inventory of all good
Manifest must be filed prior to unloading goods
For sea cargo, 24 in advance
What computer systems can be used for terrorist targeting
ATS4(review manifest for terrorism or narcotics
Depending on modes of transportation
Manifest must be available at different times
- Air 4 hours
- Rail 2 hours
- Truck 1 hour
- FAST 30 minutes
What are some automated tools to track and control flow of goods
All used for manifest research
ACS automated commercial system ABI automated broker interface ACE automated commercial environment EDI AMS automated manifest system ATS4
What does a bill of lading contain
Contract between two parties:shipper and carrier
Container # Security seal number Commodity description Shipping weight/quantity Shipper Consignee Notify party Msds
When was the new legislation importer security filing ISF and additional carrier requirements( 10+2) signed
January 26, 2009
What is an ISF importer
Owner, purchaser, consignee, or agent that causes all goods to enter the US
Foreign is FROB -carrier
8 data requirements for ISF no later than 24 hours before cargo is laden( exempt bulk cargo)
Seller Buyer Importer record# FTZ applicant id Consignee #s Manufacture Ship to party Country of origin Commodity HTSUS #
What are two additional elements prior to ships arrival 24 hours
Container stuffing location
FROBS, IE, t&e must provide 5 data elements in 24 hours before laden aboard a vessel ( exempt bulk cargo)
Booking party Foreign port of unlading Ship to party Place of delivery Commodity HTSUS #
Additional carrier requirements for ISF
Vessel stow plan no later than 48 hours
Container stays message (csm)
What is an airway bill
Identify each shipment by separate #
And furnish furnish same info as previously listed for bills of lading
All merchandise transported by a commercial carrier must be
Entered within 15 calendar days of arrival in US
Merchandise conditionally released into US
Duty paid within 10 days after authorized delivery