S480c evidence preservation Flashcards
What is an area of discovery
Location where a violation has been committed
Etc (smuggling)
What three questions can an officer ask them-self before searching an area of discovery
- What physical evidence can help you learn what happened
- How to best preserve evidence so it is not lost or contaminated
- Best record evidence related info to maintain chain of custody
To secure and preserve an area of discovery what three things should an officer do
Who is responsible for preserving the area of discovery
Documents initial conditions of area
What is the job of the second officer
Seizing officer
Controls objects, area, equipment setup, maintains communication between areas of discovery
What are examples of specialized assistance
Forensic needs( contact lab)
Unusual environments
Officer safety
When you take notes to document an area of discovery
Keep info in chronological order
Notes should be eligible, thorough and detailed
What info should be included
Seizure type Date, time seizure discovered Location Description of area int. and ext. Officers involved Officers who conducted search Location of evidence found
When using photos to document must you keep a log of photos
Include photographer name
Date and time photo was taken
Keep a log of photos
Panoramic view Close ups Ext surrounding Contraband concealment area All pieces prior to removal
What is evidence
Something that furnishes proof
Two types of evidence
Verbal or physical
Physical evidence holds a lot of value when examining because it can
Prove violation occurred
Answers key questions
Links suspect with area of discovery
Exonerates the innocent
Types of physical evidence
Impressions( fingerprints, tool tire marks shoe prints)
Remnants( fibers, hair, paint chips, glass slivers)
The common areas of discovery that cbp officers encounter
Important to identify all physical evidence in an area of discovery to do that you must
Search area systematic pattern
Note any fingerprints,shoe prints, electronics, easily lost or subject to decay
Avoid cross contamination
What is contraband
Instruments of terror Drugs Pharmaceuticals Endangered species Prohibited ,restricted items Commercial items
Four modes of entry into US
Land border
What is done at land border
Land cargo
What is done at air
Air cargo
Aircraft processing
What is done at sea
Sea cargo
What is done at rail
Rail cargo
Collecting evidence
Determine order
Document each piece of evidence
Perform final inspection, nothing over looked
Is it important to know correct techniques for collecting and packaging all types of physical evidence
Yes or no
Reference seized asset and enforcement procedures
Follow these protocols to preserve fraud docs
Document seizure on 6051s
Enter in SEACATs
Place in evd bag with 213,275
Write FDAU control # on evd bag
Who can you forward non immigration docs such as ss cards and dl
Seized property officer, do not forward to FDAU( forensic document analysis unit)
Processing evidence, what is the protocol
- Record chain of custody
- Describe evidence in detail
- Do not commingle evd
- Include your contact info
- Supply background info to analyst
When money or drugs involved
Weight narcotics
Count currency
Have a witness
Laboratory uses
- Analyzing substances
- Processing fingerprints
- Conduct trace evident comparison
- Perform serial number restorations
- Revealing forgeries
Basic equipment
Flashlight Various containers Latex gloves Notepad and pen Camera Measuring tape Drug field test kit