Systems Software Flashcards
Purposes of OS
Managing processor, managing memory, managing external devices, platform for software and utility programs, provides networking, managing security, user interface, interrupt service routine, backing store management
Program divided into equal sized sections
Code loop could be separated
Logical divisions of program by functions and based on contents
Scheduling algorithms
1st come 1st serve
Shortest job 1st
Round robin (each process given time slice and if not finished in time, to back of queue)
Shortest remaining time
Types of OS
Multi tasking Multi user Distributed Embedded Real time
Utility (def)
Maintenance software
Optimise performance of computer
Utility (types)
Disk defragmenter (reorganise hard disk so files are in contiguous order) Automatic Backup Automatic Updating Virus checking Compression software
Scheduling (def)
Ensure all jobs are processed and as many as possible
Utilise time and resources efficiently
A signal to the processor indicating a device or process needs attention
When interrupt sent out, if lower/equal priority to current process, then process continues
If not, CPU finishes current fetch, decode etc cycle
Content of CPU register copied to stack in memory
Location of ISR loaded into program counter
When ISR complete, previous content popped from stack back to register
Source code/ assembly / low level to machine / object code
All at once
Specific to hardware
Harder to reverse engineer
Each line translated individually
Platform independent
Good for program development
Java Virtual Machine corrects bytecode to machine code
Stages of compilation
Lexical analysis (white space, comments removed, keywords etc to tokens) Syntax analysis and semantic analysis (check if tokens are following rules of language, add data types to table ) Code generation and optimisation (reduce execution time, remove redundant instructions, give variables in table physical addresses, make object code )