Systems Path I - Neuro PPT 1 Flashcards
what is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US
occlusion at ____ causes cortical infarcts with motor and sensory loss and often aphasia
occlusion at ____ reveals large infarct of the right hemisphere with swelling and focal dusky discoloration
middle cerebral artery
with age, astrocytes are prone to
develop glucose polymer inclusion bodies, termed corpora amylacea
_______ to the CNS as Schwann cells are the PNS
oligodendroglia cells
what is responsible for producing cerebrospinal fluid and consists of papillae with a highly vascular core covered by cuboidal epethelium
choroid plexus
what is rich in neurons, including cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, basal ganglia
gray matter
functions of the cerebral cortex
though, voluntary movement, language, reasoning, perception
functions of the cerbellum
movement, balance, posture
functions of the midbrain
vision, audition, eye movement, body movement
functions of the brain stem
breathing, heart rate, blood pressure
functions of the thalamus
sensory processing, movement
functions of hypothalamus
body temp, emotions, hunger, thirst, circadian rhythms
functions of the limbic system
emotions, memory
accumulation of CSF OR failure of CSF absorption from the cranial vault resulting in dilation of these structures
hydrocephalus: obstruction of foramen of Monro may lead to dilation of one or both lateral ventricles
non communicating or obstructive hydrocephalus
hydrocephalus: paired with degenerative disease, accompanied by normal intracranial pressure and is therefore also called a
normal-pressure hydrocephalus
60 yo patient, autopsy is showing lesion in ventricles (foramen of monro). diagnosis
non communicating type or obstructive type hydrocephalus
infancy and childhood, before the cranial sutures have fused, the head enlarges. leads to increased intracranial pressure with headache, confusion, etc
hydrocephalus in a newborn
brain may be forced out of one compartment into another
brain herniation
one hemisphere is forced under the falx, cingulate lobe is the first part of that hemisphere to be displaced
cingulate or subfalcine herniation