Systems Exam 2 Flashcards
The data transfer unit uses what to transfer or store data to and from the system
What does a flashing STS indicator mean?
That data is writing or updating.
How are the PCMCIA cards inserted into the DTU?
With the INSERT label facing aft.
For the user partitions of the DTS internal memory is used for what?
File management
The cache is a memory partition for what size and what is used for storing those files? What size GB is the cache? What kind of files are stored?
2GB max size, map files, formatting is FAT32
STBY INST switch in the BLANK position, system is inactive until AC power is lost.
The ESIS battery should provide battery for how long?
30 minutes
The ESIS will produce a beeping tone when what?
When the ESIS is being powered by its own battery a beeping tone will be heard. Armed position without aircraft power applied. CHANGE**
ADC and what are the only external sources required for backup display information?
On ESIS, the extended maneuver indicates what has happened?
When a long duration attitude event, such as flight at a roll angle of greater than 7 degrees or heading is not within +/-8 degrees of the sensed magnetic heading for more than 6 minutes has been detected.
What component minimizes inherent control coupling?
Mechanical mixing unit
No. 1 hydraulic pump, if it reaches 60% fluid level what caution appears?
Reservoir low caution
What isolates a leak in the first stage primary servo?
Servo off switch
Picture - EICAS page - indication of something - T/R quad fail - what is that?
Tail rotor cable failure is caused by a break in either or both tail rotor cables and is detected by the TAIL ROTOR QUAD FAIL caution
The backup pump is the only pump that can supply hydraulic pressure to what components?
2nd stage tail rotor servo and APU accumulator. CHANGE **
What are the five basic AFCS sub systems?
STAB, TRIM, FPS, SAS, FD (coupled)
The AFCS enhances the stability and handling abilities of the helicopter and with FPS and TRIM engaged provides what?
Basic autopilot
Any significant failure that has caused majority of the AFCS system to shut down would be indicated by what cautions?
AFCS FAIL caution
BLANK employs the rate dampening to improve helicopter stability, fast in response, limited in authority, and operates without moving the flight controls.
Picture of STAB, condition, show me different modes - auto and manual. VNE arc too. What’s it all mean?
White mean auto, yellow mean manual, number is degree of tilt. VNE arc appears based off position of STAB failure to corresponding airspeed.
STAB degraded advisory means that the STAB is what?
Limited mode indicates the stabilization has reverted to reduced functionality.
2 FCCs are identical and interchangeable, however TRIM is controlled by which one?
Turn coordination is a feature of FPS and is available at or above BLANK IAS in the BLANK axis?
At or above 50 IAS in the YAW axis
During the power up IBIT chip detectors should not appear however if multiple chip detectors fail a BLANK caution will appear.
Which of the following is a characteristic of the 60M rotor system?
Fully articulating, wide chord blades, rotor brake
Main XMSN pressure caution, main XMSN OIL HOT, loss of cooling oil supply will lead to electrical or mechanical failure of what?
Main generators
ENG POWER CONT levers are blocked from advancing past the idle position when BLANK is engaged.
Rotor brake
Purpose of main rotor blade dampers?
Limit hunting (lead and lag movements)
Primary source of power for 60M is provided by?
Main generators - rated at 30/45 KVA, cooled by XMSN oil, and provides 115/200 VAC, 3 phase, 400 Hz power.
Batteries will provide uninterrupted DC power for approx how long?
15 minutes or 12 minutes with external lighting CHANGE **
Picture of MFDs - all MFDs have turned off except #3 pilot inboard, with indications below - what is the emergency?
Main generators failed / DUAL GEN FAIL CHANGE **
Dual converter fail - which buses are lost?
No. 1 and No. 2 DC primary buses
If a converter failure occurs what should we not do?
Do not turn off the battery switch corresponding to the failed converter. This will cause the battery bus tie connector to close resulting in loss of the associated battery bus and DC essential bus.
BATT status indicator - BATT GOOD/BATT LOW - where is that located?
Cold Capsule Lights
What is the order of priority of power?
First priority - main generators, second priority - APU generator, third priority external power receptacle
Prior to turning on APU generator what should the pilot do?
Clear stabilator
Show caution/advisory - TR SERVO 1 FAIL - first action step?
MFD indication - condition - #1 hyd pump fail , pri servo fail, TR servo 1 fail, what is first step? First step for pilot not on the controls when at a comfortable airspeed.
Use of cyclic mounted stab slew up switch - what does it do for us, when should we use it?
provides the ability to manually slew the stabilator up. Emergencies. Arrest nose down pitch attitude. CHANGE **
- SAS off caution would appear if both SAS 1 and SAS 2 have been turned off OR?
Loss of actuator pressure
If the intermediate XMSN oil hot caution appears what do we do? Or TR XMSN oil hot? EP?
Land as soon as possible
Loss of TR thrust during cruise flight - we should autorotate and maintain airspeed at what airspeed?
At or above 80 knots
The fuzz burn feature of the is deactivated when? If fuzz burn is activated what happens?
The fuzz burn-off feature is deactivated when oil temperature reaches 140°C.
If we lose #1 and #2 tail servo, limited TR control is still available because of the limited yaw range - roll on at what airspeed or above?
Because of the limited yaw control range available, a roll-on landing at 40 KIAS or above is required.
Operating at idle with gust lock engaged on a rotor brake equipped 60M is what?
How are main generators different from APU Gen? How are they cooled?
Liquid cooled from main mod oil, no power restriction. APU gen is air cooled.
What is the primary source of DC power?
Primary DC power is obtained from two converters (transformer-rectifiers)
If a leak occurs in the pilot assist servo, example - collective boost, which indications shown below would NOT occur?
What WOULD appear - RES 2 LOW, FPS FAIL, TRIM FAIL, BOOST SERVO OFF, and SAS OFF. Who knows what wrong answer they’ll throw out. CHANGE **
Loss of both No. 2 HYD PUMP and BACKUP PUMP would result in a loss of what?