Systems Flashcards
Pitot Static
Airspeed Indicator
Pitot/Static Blockages
Vertical Speed Indicator
Required Equipment IFR
Generator/Alternator Radio (2-way) Attitude Indicator Ball (Slip/Skid) Clock (w/sweeping second hand) Altimeter-sensitive Rate of turn Indicator Directional Gyro DME (above FL240) \+ Flaps \+ VFR (ATOMATOFLAMES)
Allows for accurate navigation in three dimensions - latitude, longitude, and altitude ● Three main components ○ Space (24 satellites) ○ Control (ground monitors) ○ Aircraft (GPS Receiver)
FIS-B (if equipped)
Provides Meteorological and Aeronautical data
Broadcast on UAT frequency constantly
Not Client based like some broadcasting services (Garmin, Stratus)
Radar Beacon Interrogation signals Codes assigned by ATC Coded Reply Mode “C” (Secondary Radar) ALT position
Very-high-frequency Omnidirectional Range
3 Types ○ VOR ○ VORTAC ○ VOR/DME Different ranges Omnidirectional
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
Consists of a Glideslope (vertical guidance) and a Localizer (horizontal guidance)
Horizontal guidance
Positioned at the end of runway
700 ft wide at runway threshold
Localizer service volume:
10nm, within 35 degrees of centerline
18nm, within 10 degrees of centerline
Vertical guidance
● Located 750-1250 ft down the runway and 400-600 ft from runway centerline
● Beam is 1.4 degrees thick and 0.7 degrees projected on either side
Attitude Indicator
Heading Indicator
● G1000 system utilizes an HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator)
● Current track represented by a
magenta diamond
● Turn rate trend vector
Turn Coordinator
● Canted Gyro ○ Senses both rate of roll and rate of turn ● Standard rate turn marked on turn index ● Does not display bank angle ● Electrically powered
● Horizontal guidance
● Positioned at the end of runway
● 700 ft wide at runway threshold
Localizer service volume
- 10nm, within 35 degrees of centerline
- 18nm, within 10 degrees of centerline
Area Navigation (RNAV)
● Allows aircraft to fly directly to any point within the coverage zone of the station being used ● Frees up more airspace for traffic
Required Navigation Performance (RNP)
● Allows an aircraft to fly directly between two 3D points in space
● Specific testing and equipment are required (autopilot and precision computer)
● Generally won’t fly until corporate or airline aircraft