Regs Flashcards
61.3 Requirements for Certification
- 61.3(e) Instrument Rating Requirements
- Cannot act as PIC under IFR or weather less than VFR minimums unless you hold an instrument rating
61.45 Required Equip for Tests (Checkride)
- 45
- (b) an aircraft used for a practical test must have
- (i) The equipment for each area of operation required for the practical test
- (ii)No prescribed operating limitations that prohibit its use in any of the areas of operation required for the practical test
- (d) An applicant for a practical test that involves maneuvering an aircraft solely by reference to instruments must furnish:
- (1) Equipment on board the aircraft that permits the applicant to pass the areas of operation that apply to the rating sought; and
- (2) A device that prevents the applicant from having visual reference outside the aircraft, but does not prevent the examiner from having visual reference outside the aircraft, and is otherwise acceptable to the Administrator.
61.51(g) Logging Instrument Time
1. A person may log instrument time only for that flight time when the person operates the aircraft solely by reference to instruments under actual or simulated instrument flight conditions.
2. An authorized instructor may log instrument time when conducting instrument flight instruction in actual instrument flight conditions.
3. If conducted in simulated IMC in an aircraft, or in a FFS, ATD or FTD, simulated conditions must continue down to
MDA or DA.
4. In an aircraft, flight must be in actual or simulated IMC.
5. In an aircraft, if conditions change from actual IMC to VMC during the final approach segment, you can still log the
61.57(c) Recent Flight Experience
6 - within the preceding 6 calendar months preceding the month of the flight, person performed & logged:
6 instrument approaches
Holding procedures
Intercepting and
Tracking courses using electronic navigational Systems
Note: If you haven’t met the currency requirements, you have a 6 month grace period to get current with a safety pilot or CFI/CFII
After this, you’ll need an IPC (Instrument Proficiency Check)
61.65 Instrument Rating Requirements
- 65
- 50 hrs PIC XC, 10 hrs of that in airplanes
- 40 hrs actual or simulated instrument time
- 15 of which with a CFII
- 3 hrs instrument flight training within 2 calendar months of checkride
- Training on instrument cross country procedures
- 1 XC filed IFR that includes 250nm along airways or by routing with ATC, an instrument approach at each airport, and 3 different kinds of instrument approaches
Part 71
- §71.5 Reporting points
- §71.7 Bearings, radials, and mileages
- §71.9 Overlapping airspace designations
- §71.11 Air Traffic Service routes
- §71.13 Classification of Air Traffic Service routes
- §71.15 Designation of jet routes and VOR Federal airways
91.109 Flight Instruction: Simulated Instrument
Other seat must be occupied by a safety pilot who has at least a PPL (c)
- Safety pilot has adequate vision in front and to the sides of the aircraft (c)(2)
- Aircraft has fully functioning dual controls (a)
- Person manipulating controls must be at least a PPL with appropriate ratings (ex. Single engine land) (a)(2)
91.135 Operations in Class A Airspace
- 135
- Operations in this airspace must be conducted under IFR
- Must obtain a clearance (a)
- 2 way radio communications required (b)
- Equipment must comply with 91.215 and 91.225 (transponder requirements) (c)
91.167 Fuel Requirements
Must carry enough fuel to:
1. Complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing (a)(1)
2. Fly from that airport to the alternate airport * (a)(2)
3. Fly after that for 45 minutes at normal cruising speed (a)(3)
91.169 Flight Plan Info Required (Alternates)
- Required Information
- Information required under §91.153 (a)
- an alternate airport *
1-2-3 Rule : 1 hr before and after ETA, ceiling at least 2,000 and vis > 3sm
Alternate airport weather minimums
In order to file an airport as an alternate, weather reports indicate that at the time of arrival weather will be at or above
- What is stated on the procedure, OR
- Precision Approach : Ceiling 600 feet and visibility 2 statute miles
- Non Precision Approach : Ceiling 800 feet and visibility 2 statute miles
91.171 VOR Equipment Check
- Must be checked every 30 calendar days
- Different ways it can be accomplished
VOR Ground checkpoint (max +/- 4º)
“Bench” check (max +/- 4º)
VOT Check (max +/- 4º)
Airborne Check (max +/- 6º)
Airway Check (max difference 6º)
Dual VOR Check (max variation 4º)
- Must record date, place, bearing, and sign each entry when completed in aircraft or other logbook
91.173 ATC Clearance
Cannot fly IFR in controlled airspace without
1. Filed IFR flight plan
2. ATC Clearance
91.175 Takeoff and Landing under IFR
- 175
- Approach Light System *
- Visual Glideslope Indicator
- Runway End Identifier Lights
Threshold: Itself: Markings : Lights
Runway: Itself: Markings : Lights
Touchdown Zone: Itself: Markings : Lights
Must have one of these 12 things in sight!
91.177 Minimum Altitudes
- Cannot descend below the minimum altitude of a route
- If both an MEA and MOCA are given, may operate down to, but not below the MOCA provided nav signals are available.
- Within 22nm of a VOR
- If no minimum altitude, then -
Mountainous area: 2,000 ft above highest obstacle with 4nm horizontal distance from course
Non Mountainous area: 1000 ft above highest obstacle 4nm horizontal distance from course
(Map on AIM 5-6-16)
91.179 Cruising Altitudes
- Controlled Airspace - follow directions!
- Uncontrolled Airspace
- Magnetic course 0-179 degrees, any odd thousand (3,000, 5,000, 7,000 etc)
- Magnetic course 180-359 degrees, any even thousand
(2,000, 4,000, 6,000 etc)
- If operating above FL180 - “thousands” turn into “flight levels”
91.183 IFR Communications
Must report the following as soon as possible:
- Reporting points if not under radar control, or any specifically requested by ATC
- Any unforecasted weather conditions encountered
- Any other information relating to the safety of flight
91.185 Radio Comm Failure
Fly based off of…
A - Assigned : route (or heading) assigned in last ATC clearance
V - Vectored : If being vectored, by direct route from point of radio failure to route in last
E - Expected : if no assignment, by route that ATC has advised may be expected in
further clearance
F - Filed : what was filed on your flight plan
Fly the HIGHEST of….
M- Minimum Enroute Altitude
E - Expected Altitude
A - Assigned Altitude
Leaving Clearance Limit - Is the clearance limit a fix from which an approach begins? YES Begin descent/approach as close as possible to expect further clearance time (if none given - as close to ETA) NO Leave clearance limit at expect further clearance time, if none given - upon arrival over the clearance limit, proceed to a fix from which an approach begins and begin approach/descent at ETA
91.187 Malfunction Reports
Must report any malfunctions of navigational, approach, or
communication equipment occurring during flight.
Must Include:
- Aircraft Identification
- Equipment affected
- How much this affects your ability to operate under IFR
- Nature and extent of assistance needed by ATC