Systemic disease Flashcards
What CD4 counts give opportunistic infection
below 200
Give some examples of oportunistic infection with HIV?
Pnemocystic jiroveci CMV oesphopagitis Candida TB cryptococcus meningitis toxplasma gondii - encephalitis herpes simplex cryptosporidum
Which tumours are associated with HIV?
Kaposi - HHV8
Lymphoma - systemic, B cell, CNS, EBV
Others - Squamous cell carcinoma, anus and cervix (HPV 16,18)
What does Kaposi sarcoma look like on histology?
Spindle cell tumour
What is sarcoidosis
NON caseating granulomas
diagnosis of exclusion (of TB)
What is IgG4 related disease?
Inflmaation due to IgG4 antibodies producing plasma cells = fibrosis and obliteration of veins
LOADS OF PLASMA CELLS and very prominent golgi
Where can IgG4 related disease occur?
Salivary and lacrimal thyroid - riedel thyrditis peritoneum liver - biliary obstruction Pancreas - autoimmune
What are the effects of alcohol?
Liver - steatosis, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, HCC
GI - acute gastritis, oesophageal varices
Nervous system - wernicke, peripheral neuropathy
CVS - dilated cardiomyopathy
Pancreas - acute and chronic pancreatitis
foetal alcohol syndrome
what are the systemic effects of CF?
Pancreas - duct obstruction, exocrine atrophy
salivary glands, obstruction and atrophy
intestine - meconium ileus
liver - biliary obstruction, cirrhosis
lung - bronchial obstruction, abscess formation
Male genital tract obstruction - absence of vas
What is amyloid disease?
deposition of proteinasious substand (non branching fibrils)
contains P component
Beta pleated sheet
resistant to enzyme decay
What are the 2 types of amyloid?
AA - dervied from serum amyloid AA (people with acute inflammatory reaction e.g. Crohns and RA)
AL - dervied from light chian (seen in multple myeolma and B cell lymphoma)
what other proteins can give rise to amyloid?
B2 macroglobulin - peritoneal dialysis
Abeta2 rotein -alzheimers
insulin, calcitonin - endocrine rumours
What stain is used for amyloid?
Congo red
apple green birefringence under polarised light
What are the systemic effects of amyloid
Proteinuria - renal failure (nephrotic syndrome) restrictive cardiomyopathy carpal tunnel macroglossia bleeding injury