Synonyms; A - K Flashcards
‘however’ in the sense of a contrast between the result and what the preceding clause leads one to expect, not a qualification, an emphatic adversative, more like ‘even then’
all conditions for the success of the business were there but still it failed
A lle Voraussetzungen für den Erfolg des Unternehmens waren da, und
dennoch ist es mißlungen.
to dissapear from view
Er entschwand dem Auge, den Blicken.
to apply for a job etc involving competition
sich um etwas bewerben
to increase in intensity to a higher level
to increase to a maximum or an unlimited extent
To increase to a definite level
the value of the estate was increased through this measure
the applause increased to rapture
Steigern bis zu (reflexive if intransitive)
erhöhen auf (reflexive if intransitive)
Der Wert des Grundstücks wurde durch diese Maßnahme erhöht
Der Beifall steigerte sich bis zu Begeisterung.
Arrange: to dispose in an orderly, often practical way, according to some
principle. It does not suggest the arranging of visible things in an aesthetic
pattem, but may be applied to literature and music
he ordered the books according to author
er ordnete die Bücher nach Schriftstellern
to break open (2)
aufbrechen, erbrechen
implies a talent which manifests itself in a form that is neat,
elegant and the like. It suggests an impression of artistic skill, particularly in
he was a skilled speaker
er war ein gewandter Redner
to take, to admit, to receive into a society, organization,
and the like
Aufnehmen in
Accepted, as in generally recognised
in the usual sense of the word
the accepted usage
angenommen cannot be used alone
Im allgemeingültigen Sinne des Worts
der allgemein angenommene Brauch
to get dressed
to put on an item of clothing
to dress (well, badly etc)
sich anziehen (coll)
sich ankleiden (el)
etwas anziehen (coll)
etwas anlegen (el)
sich kleiden
date, exact day of the month.
What day is it today
welches Datum haben wir heute
to doubt, with a presupposition of an argument or statement to the contrary, suggests objection
I doubt his honesty
I doubt that he is honest
ich bezweifele seine Ehrlichkeit
Ich bezweifele, dass er ehrlich ist
to be appointed to an important position
he was appointed to the ministery of the interior
Er ist ins Reichsinnenministerium berufen worden
to bury in a pit, without ceremony, of animals and object as well as persons. Figuratively means to renounce
the dog was buried in the garden
I found the book buried under a pile of old newspapers
We had to renounce our hopes
Der Hund wurde im Garten begraben.
Ich fan d das Buch unter einem Haufen alter Zeitungen begraben
Wir mußten unsere Hoffnungen begraben.
to deliberately tell a alie
to add, of intangibles
to his business worries was added the death of his wife
Zu seinen Geschäftssorgen kam noch der Tod seiner Frau {hinzu).
to cancel, to call off something arranged or planned, to drop
he cancelled his trip
er hat seinen Besuch abgesagt
to seem: less a judgement than an impression, often visual. With dative pronoun, it expresses the impression of the speaker. With the dative of the second or third person, it refers to an impression received by this person, which is not a fact known to the speaker, but an impression gained.
The conditions will seem hard to them
It seemed to me impossible that someone could be so bad
Die Bedingungen werden (müssen) Ihnen wohl hart erscheinen.
Es erschien mir unmöglich, daß jemand so schlecht sein könne.
to keep busy, where the time element is stressed
the seminars are keeping me busy
die Seminare nehmen meine Zeit sehr stark in Anspruch
to burn up, consume with fire
the house was burned by the enemy
das Haus wurde vom Feinde verbrannt
refraining or escaping from
doing a thing, the latter being represented by a noun or an infinitive phrase
we must avoid every allusion to this issue
Wir müssen jede Anspielung auf dieses Thema vermeiden.
to break a thing into two parts, down the middle
durchbrechen (seperable)
to imply, something which allows for logical and necessary inference to be drawn from it. (3)
auf etwas schliessen lassen (Notlage und Krise lassen auf Konflikte schließen)
to find out coloquially
to heat food or water for somestic purposes
heiß machen
to trade in one thing for another which can but need not be of the same kind
to plan
to keep accounts, a diary
ein Tagebuch führen
to join, to unite various units to function as one
the british and french flotilla were joined under one command in the second world war
Die britische und französische Flotte wurden im zweiten Weltkrieg unter
einer Führung vereinigt.
to arrange in the sense of working out a practical question, from a number of sides
we arranged how much we should pay for it
Wir haben ausgemacht, wieviel wir dafür bezahlen wollen.
he kept the hat on his head
er hat den Hut auf dem Kopf behalten
to burn an amount, not type of fuel
verbrennen so viel Holz/Kohl/Öl
to kill, in general acts of violence, denotes intention, used only of persons.
They killed their captives
Sie haben ihre Gefangenen umgebracht.
to change, in the sense of modifying certain parts of a thing, with reference often to the text, but not isolated words, of a document
the plan must be modified
der Plan muß abgeändert werden
to change as a result of an unconscious process, when used in the reflexive or passive voice. Otherwise, means to change more or less involuntarily something about one’s person. Reflexively it refers to changes of the appearance, rather than of character or attitude
Of things, it refers to broad changes to collective areas
tha national character has slowly changed in the last 100 years
He found the town completely changed
Der Nationalcharakter hat sich in den letzen 100 Jahren langsam verändert
Er fand die Stadt vollkommen verändert
To apply in the sense of placing into contact
This salve can be applied to every wound
auflegen (additional implication of spreading on and to superimpose), auftragen
Diese Salbe kann auf jede Wunde aufgelegt werden
to cancel, to remove, take away
the embargo was lifted
das Verbot wurde aufgehoben
to take steps
we must take steps in order to control these machinations
Wir müssen Schritte unternehmen, um diesen Machenschaften zu steuern.
to appreciate in the sense of having the capacity to appreciate. To reassure another speaker that one is not insensitive to a thing
I can apppreciate your difficulties
wissen zu würdigen/schätzen
ich weiß Ihre Schwierigkeiten zu würdigen
to kill, to be killed in battle
thre of his sons were killed in africa
Drei von seinen Söhnen sind in Afrika gefallen.
to be subject to, to suffer with reference to something violent
The ship was subject to the full rage of the storm
Das Schiff bekam die ganze Wut des Sturms zu spüren.
to calculate simply on the basis of concrete material
I have not calculated yet how much I owe him
I calculate that we must yet go five kilometers
Ich habe noch nicht ausgerechnet, wieviel ich ihm schulde
Ich rechne mir aus, daß wir noch 5 Kilometer gehen müssen.
a carbon or exact copy
der Durchschlag
to be in agreement, to be satisfied
do you agree to deliver this letter
Sind Sie damit einverstanden, den Brief abzuliefern?
to make someone responsible for, to blame
Verantwortlich für etwas machen
cautious; i.e. careful in its negative sense of refraining from
doing certain things because one foresees the danger with which they are
curious, curious (tense)
I am curious to get to know him
I am anxious to know what comes of that
Ich bin neugierig, ihn kennen zu lernen.
Ich bin gespannt, was daraus wird
to improve, to raise something in standard towards an objectively recognised ideal, mostly used of large scale institutitons. The process is deliberate.
Reflexively it means to correct onself i.e. a slip of the tongue, or to better oneself.
The public facilities were improved with a playground for children
in order to improve public health, iodine was removed from the water
Die öffentlichen Anlagen wurden durch einen Spielplatz fü r Kinder verbessert.
Um den allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand zu verbessern, wurde dem Wasser
Jod entzogen.
to bend, in the sense of stooping to pick something up
he bent down to pick up his pencil
er bückte sich, um seinen Bleistift aufzuheben
to cause loss to a person in terms of property or money, to damage the inner principle or vitality of a person or thing.
the drop in prices has damaged my business
differences of opinion do not detract from their friendship
Der Preissturz hat mein Geschäft geschädigt.
Meinungsverschiedenheiten schädigen ihre Freundschaft nicht.
‘ to attach importance to the realization of’ a thing. It does not render the implication of fear conveyed by ‘ anxious’, and instead of suggesting the emotion of desire it presents the aim as something understood and calculated as well as wanted. It should be used only of things that have a measure of importance, and not in impulsive statements.
I wish very much to get to know him
es liegt mir sehr daran, ihn kennen zu lernen
to involve, to occupy oneselv absorbingly in something (2)
he involved himself in his work
she involved herself with him
er ist in seiner Arbeit aufgegangen, er hat sich in seine Arbeit eingelassen
sie hat sich mit ihm eingelassen
to apply in the intransitive sense
1) to be valid
2) to be appropriate
the rule does not apply here
gelten, gültig sein
die Regel hilt hier nicht
to assign
He was assigned to this ship as a doctor
Er wurde diesem Shiff als Arzt zugewiesen
‘put into action’ or ‘ the taking
of action’ in antithesis to ‘ word’, ‘ thought’, etc
the business promised much in planning, but dissapointed in the execution
die Ausführung
Das Unternehmen war vielversprechend als Planung, enttäuschend aber in der
an item on a list, of expenditure
all items must be stated
Alle Posten müssen angegeben werden.
to destroy, in the sense of wrenching assunder the parts of an object, not necessarily its dissapearance
to answer, the question has elicited a response without specific reference to its content
antworten auf
to judge in a court of law
to use, possibly for a specific purpose, or simply to find some use for
all the money is supposed to be used for the benefit of poor children
Das ganze Geld soll zu GUnsten armer Kinder verwendet (angewendet may be used) werden
to doubt, without implying a preceeding argument or statement
I doubt whether he will arrive on time
I do not doubt that he will manage it
zweifeln an (dat)
With clauses, zweifeln takes ob or was, or daß, if negatively phrased
Ich zweifle, ob er rechtzeitig ankommt.
Ich zweifle nicht, daß er es schaffen wird.
to imply of a word.
the word implies the moment of free decision of will
This expression implies the whole subjectivity of romanticism
In dem Wort ist das Moment der freien Willensentscheidung mit enthalten.
In diesem Ausdruck schwingt die ganze Subjektivität der Romantik mit.
casual, when only applied to things that are said
a casual remark/answer
Eine beiläufige Bemerkung, Antwort.
to capture, in the intellectual sense of unifying a number of elusive impressions
the image captures the misery of the 20th century
das Bild fängt das Elend das 20 Jahrhunderts ein
I take my inconsiderate words back
ich nehme meine unüberlegten Worte zurück
heedless, thoughtless
clear to the senses, connotations of ‘distinct’
He saw the mountains clearly
er sah die Berge deutlich
to involve, in the sense of necessitating, entailing or implying
to presuppose
an order that involved many dangers
voraussetzen, mit sich bringen, zur Folge haben
Ein Auftrag, der viele Gefahren mit sich bringt, zur Folge hat.
to trasnder an office to someone
to appoint for a specific purpose
he was appointed to oversee the behaviour of the troops
er wurde eingesetzt, um die Haltung der Truppen zu überwachen
constant, with reference to an attitude of mind which does not relax its efforts. Applied to things it implies that they have the capacity to vary but do not. Focuses on the person, not the external events.
the heroes of almost all romantic books are constantly travelling
Die Helden fast aller romantischen Bücher sind beständig a u f Reisen.
to include, mostly in reference to the inclusion of an item in a price
you don’t need to pay more, the viewing of the images is included
Sie brauchen nicht noch mehr zu zahlen, die Besichtigung der Bilder ist mit
to see to it that
zusehen, dass
to prove effective, to catch on, when used transitively
These tricks won’t work any more with us
diese Tricks verfangen nicht mehr bei uns
complete, a final stage of completion, contrasts with preceding stages, only used adverbally.
now however is is completely dark
Jetzt ist es aber vollends dunkel
he is a broken man
er ist ein gebrochener Mann
to burn the surface of something
the hot plate burned me
I burned my finger
der heiße Teller hat mich verbrannt
Ich habe mir den Finger verbrannt
the ceiling/cover
die Decke
‘ to be aimed, directed at’, ‘ to hit’, in a vague way. It rather suggests indirect effects and the diffusion of these over a wide area, and frequently carries the implication that the object is just one of a number of things affected.
all of europe was hit by the famine
Ganz Europa ist von der Hungersnot betroffen worden
to consider, to weigh, examine the details according to their relative importance. Used with requests
one must weigh the costs before deciding
he measured the for and againsts
Sie müssen die Kosten erwägen (pp erwogen), bevor Sie sich entscheiden.
Er hat das Für und das Wider gegeneinander abgewogen. (abwägen preferred for two sides)
custom in the sense of custom, rare in the singular
diplomacy has formalities/customs to which it holds fast
Die Diplomatie hat Gebräuche, an denen sie festhält.
area of the human body
die Stelle
to incresae in number, does not take a preposition to increase ‘to’
he increased the number of police, examples
Er hat die Zahl der Polizisten, der Beispiele, vermehrt.
to ask, where the asker is a suppliant
bitten um
to call to an exalted position, to summon
he was called to the throne
er wurde auf den Thron berufen
to interrupt
to transform one thing into another, only with things of considerable size by deliberate action, not changes of nature
The house was transformed into a little factory
Das Haus wurde in eine kleine Fabrik umgewandelt (stresses the completeness of the change, while umändern suggests a rearrangement of
to imply, to communicate through allusion (3)
zu verstehen geben, damit sagen wollen, andeuten
to bury, focuses on ceremony, funerary, does not have to be the earth
to appreciate: can refer to emotional as well as intellectual
understanding. It suggests that agreement is more unreserved than is the
case with würdigen
He has no appreciation for art
Verständnis für etwas haben
Er hat kein Verständnis für Kunst
to agree, to be compatible, to get on
sich vertragen
to continue a continuous activity, followed by the infintive or the gerund
after a short pause, he continued to write
Nach einer kurzen Pause fuhr er zu schreiben
to regard as, to take to be
1) suggests finality and conviction
2) more argumentatively,
I consider him a friend
I consider the price too high
Ich betrachte ihn als einen Freund.
Ich halte den Preis fü r zu hoch.
to take care, stronger in tone, suggests that something untoward may happen if you dont
achtgeben auf
to beat, in the sense of the result, mostly punitive
to hide, suggests dissimulation, accusatory, not of concrete objects.
you have hidden the truth from me
Sie haben mir die Wahrheit verhehlt
To apply one’s mental capacities
he made use of his talent
Gebrauch von etwas machen
Er machte Gebrauch von seiner Begabung
(cannot be used to refer to a problem, only that from which one draws)
this is peculiar to the British sentimentality
das ist der britischen Sentimentalität eigen
to insert between
zwischen etwas einschieben
the general impression of a person or thing, to the
natural look, not to clothes.
She has a fresh appearance
sie hat ein frisches Aussehen
to block the passage of a person by standing or placing an obstacle infront of them, implies human agency
I stood before him and in this way blocked his means of passage
Ich stand vor ihm und versperrte ihm auf diese Weise den Durchgang
to break a promise
sein Versprechen brechen
to knock a piece out
to take care, more colloquial, can be used with an infinitive or clause
a full, unreserved, and spontanious confession
I confess that I like to drink wine
She proudly proclaims her roots
Ich bekenne, daß ich Wein gerne trinke.
Sie bekennt sich voller Stolz zu ihren Wurzeln.
To take official action against someone
the police took action against the man
einschreiten gegen
die Polizei schritt gegen den Mann ein
to assume, to shoulder a responsibility,
duty, task, and the like (2)
Übernehmen, auf sich nehmen
s refers to the general appearance of a person, particularly face
and clothes in so far as care is bestowed on them
She pays a lot of attention to her appearance
das Äußeres
Sie achtet sehr auf ihr Außeres.
the choice selection, referring to the thing chosen
die Auswahl
to concede, to refrain from disputing a view, does not imply acceptance always
admit, that the task is difficult
Geben Sie mal zu, daß die Aufgabe kompliziert ist.
act/action focused on the motive, even if the action itself is not manifest
To take action
die Handlung
eine Handlung begehen/vornhemen
comfortable, feelings are compounded to a sensation of mental and physical relaxation and ease
he feels comfortable
a comfortable condition
My room is small but comfortable
Er fühlt sich behaglich:
Ein behaglicher Zustand.
M ein Zimmer ist klein, aber ganz behaglich.
care, in the sense of oversight with a view to protection
she is under the care of her uncle
Sie steht unter ihres Onkels Obhut
to hide, putting a thing away to outwit the seeker. Can be used of intangible things adjectivally
she hid the key
He harboured hidden intentions
sie hat den Schlüßel versteckt
Er hegte versteckte Absichten (NOT er hat seine Absichten versteckt)
to hurry from one place to another
to do something speedily or hurridly
He hurried home
You must hurry with dinner
Er eilte nach Hause,
Sie müssen sich mit dem Abendessen beeilen.
to introduce, to take the first steps, particularly for written and spoken things
He introduced the theme with some anecdotes.
Er leitete das Thema mit einigen Anekdoten ein.
will you include such incidents in your memoirs?
Werden Sie solche Vorfälle in Ihre Memoiren mit aufnehmen?
of a person who does not worry about things
Care, the state of mind caused by the adversities that have befallen one
der Kummer
to announce with regard to the future, i.e. to something
which is to take place. A wide public as audience is generally implied
stricter measures were announced
Verschärfte Maßnahmen wurden angekündigt.
not inhibited by restraints
to be to blame for
Schuld an etwas sein
incidental in the sense of a subsidiary event
beiläufig, nebensächlich
growth in the sense of something grown.
the doctor has confirmed a cancerous growth
Der Arzt hat ein krebsartiges Gewächs festgestellt.
To insert a word
action, used wih ewas or nichts, to mean take action, less precise and official
we need to do something to bring him to reason
Wir müssen etwas unternehmen, um ihn zur Vernunft zu bringen
accident in the sense of chance
I met him by chance
der Zufall
ich habe ihn durch Zufall getroffen
a busy road
eine belebte Straße
to discover, by chance or without the purpose being emphasised.
He discovered that none of those in the turned over car had a driving license with them
Er entdeckte, daß keiner der Insaßen des umgekippten Wagens einen Führerschein bei sich hatte
to heat to a given degree
I heated the water to 80 degrees
ich habe das Wasser auf 80 Grad erhitzt
: to agree upon, often in the sense of an appointment. It is a
loose, sometimes casual, arrangement,1 and suggests a virtual absence of
initial differences. Being casual, it is out of place between people who are
conscious of their class inequality
they agreed on the place to meet
Sie verabredeten den Ort der Zusammenkunft.
to control, stressing supervision and forestalling an action (2)
the children were supervised the whole time
die Kinder wurden die ganze Zeit beaufsichtigt/überwacht
To catch, in the sense of becoming entangled or stuck
he fell from the roof but got stuck in the branches of a tree
The car got stuck in the mud
hängen in, an, auf etwas bleiben (literal sense of hanging is preserved’)
in etwas stecken bleiben
Er ist vom Dach gestürzt, blieb jedoch in den Asten eines Baumes hängen.
Das Auto ist im Schlamm stecken geblieben.
Attitude, intellectual, fixed point of view with regards to a problem.
His attitude towards life
He took a highly oppositional stance to his critics
Seine Einstellung dem Leben gegenüber
Er nahm den Kritikern gegenüber eine höchst feindliche Einstellung ein.
he is talented at maths
er ist für Mathematik begabt
desirous of geting possession of something. Can be followed by infinitive.
He desires to get rich quick
He is desirous of fame
Er ist begierig, schnell reich zu werden.
Er ist begierig nach Ruhm.
to behave consciously or unconsciously under given conditions, for both people and materials. Can be used for countries, governments etc
Russia’s behaviour in this matter was incomprehensible
Rußlands Verhalten in der Angelegenheit war unverständlich
to break the silence
das Schweigen brechen
to investigate, of scientific and scholarly research
to ask, where both parties are on equal footing
at the border, it is asked that we show our passports
An der Grenze wurde verlangt, daß wir unsere Pässe zeigen sollten.
to catch, to intercept in the air, to prevent it falling further
I caught the book that he threw to me
ich habe das Buch aufgefangen, das er mir zugeworfen hat
An appointment or engagement
die Verabredung
to grow cereals
Getreide anbauen
care, in the sense of caring for the sick
die Pflege
to break an egg
ein Ei aufschlagen
outward appearance(s) as opposed to reality. It can be used only
when the purpose of the statement in which it occurs is to make this opposition clear
under the semblance of legality, they carried out their measures
der Schein
Unter dem Schein der Legalität setzten sie ihre Maßnahmen durch.
a general report or announcement that is brief and refers
to: (a) announcements made by the Press; (b) the announcing to an authority or superior of some fact (e.g. an arrival, a theft); (c) the denunciation of a person.
he reported the case to his superiors
Er meldete seinen Vorgesetzten den Fall.
To bear, in the sense of to accept, a strain on the feelings not necessarily implied
you must bear the responsibility for that
Sie müssen die Verantwortung dafür tragen
to control, in the sense of regulate, checking or verifying
to concern oneself about but with more feeling (reflexive), to trouble/distress (non reflexive)
the end of a course of action
der Ablauf
to make widely known, to give public notice of
Bekannt machen
Bekannt geben.
to bury hurriedly, by just covering with earth
to belong in the sense of possession
gehören + dative
to exhort, suggesting an order or a threat
I ask that you pay immediately
Ich ersuche Sie unmittelbar zu zahlen
to arrange a thing by negotiations, as a mediator between
people. The object is normally the result of the negotiations.
to arrange the sale of the house
den Hausverkauf zu vermitteln
to confess, to recognise or reveal a fault. Polite expressen of dislike
I admit my guilt
I admit that I find no pleasure in this
Ich gestehe meine Schuld.
Ich gestehe, daß ich keine Freude daran finde.
his luck cannot last
the rain continued for three days
the path continues for some kilometers
Sein Glück kann nicht dauern.
Der Regen hielt drei Tage an.
Der Weg geht noch einige Kilometer weiter
a cause, in the sense of a principle or movement advocated or upheld
our cause is a just one
unsere Sache ist eine gerechte
just, in the sense of an adjective being understood as an extreme, downright, positively
the demand is positively grotesque
einfach, geradezu
Die Forderung ist geradezu grotesk.
to join, of rivers
fließen in, münden in
to join a person or a group of persons with the purpose of doing something or going somewhere, also to associate oneself with a point of view
He joined the expedition
Join the queue
Schließen Sie sich der Reihe an
Er hat sich der Expedition angeschlossen.
skilful in the sense of dexterity, with the hands, does not refer to intellectual ability
he is skilled in painting
er ist geschickt im Zeichnen
complete, perfect, in terms of quality, in the predicative position. In the attributive position it has the same meaning with regards to objects. Indicates an absolute state, which the speaker regards as findal, concentrates on the whole.
there is perfect harmony between us
Es besteht vollkommene Eintracht zwischen uns.
to arrange the furniture in a room, each item in relation to
the whole. Also simply: to furnish.
this room is tastelessly arranged
Das Zimmer ist geschmackvoll eingerichtet.
to dissapear in the sense of to become invisible
to continue, followed by infinitive, to repeat an action from time to time
he continued to push for changes
Er drängte weiter auf Änderungen.
(just add weiter)
to apply, when the applicant has a right to that for which he his applying
I am flying to America and need to apply for a visa on time
einen Antrag stellen
Ich gliege nach Amerika und muß ein Visum rechtzeitig beantragen
area, meaning extent of land
das Gebiet
‘ to have an injurious effect on’ a thing or a person. The subject must be a thing, the object a person or a
thing. The thing may be (a) an evil (such as a disease) which operates adversely, either temporarily or permanently, on a person or a part of the body
the cancer has now also affected his lung
Der Krebs hat nun auch seine Lunge angegriffen.
To announce, proclaim, report
bekannt machen (geben)
to claim, in the sense of to assert, when followed by an infinitive clause, to assert something about oneself
Russia claims to be the only european country to have had a good harvest this year.
Rußland nimmt als einziges europäisches Land für sich in Anspruch, dieses
Jahr eine gute Ernte gehabt zu haben
to cause actual physical damage
to damage, in any way, externally or internally. Harm is more vague and potential
The rain damaged the fruit
drinking will damage your health
der Regen hat das Obst beschädigt
das Trinken wird Ihrer Gesundheit schaden
the growth, in the sense of increase, particularly of population.
the growth of the population of India
Der Zuwachs der Bevölkerung Indiens i
normally used in the sense of avoiding (i) persons,1 (ii) places
(iii) a concrete situation which has the effect of a person or place. Its meaning
is: to give a wide berth to a person or place.
he avoids his old friends
Er meidet seine alten Freunde.
to do a thing before the time is ripe
to do a thing so quickly that it becomes confused (speech)
do not hurry your work
his speeches are always hurried
Übereilen S ie sich nicht mit der Arbeit.
Seine Reden sind immer überstürzt.
an item in a newspaper
eine Nachricht
to call, often with the implication of an order or a summons
duty calls
die Pflicht ruft
to keep, to keep from decay or deterioration:
of persons and things, also of inner possessions, points to result (often reflexive or passive)
despite all misfortunes he has preserved his humour
watching over, guarding (elevated)
guard this secret
to preserve or guard
our reason protects us from error
Trotz allen Mißgeschicks hat er sich seinen Humor erhalten
Wahren Sie dieses Geheimnis.
Unsere Vernunft bewahrt uns vor dem Irrtum.
to call something/someone to oneself
He called in a doctor
er rief das Tayi herbei
to blame in the sense of censure, without the utterance of a judgement
I can’t blame him for the accident
ich kann ihn nicht wegen des Unfalls tadeln
to keep, maintain, preserve, to retain in one’s possession
you can keep the book
he cannot keep so many rules in his head
Sie können das Buch behalten.
Er kann so viele Regeln nicht im Kopf behalten.
to accept passively something inflicted on one (2)
Sich mit etwas (der Lage, seinem Schicksal, einer Tatsache) abfinden
an attitude, as a body of principles, which reveals one’s character
die Gesinnung
holiday, meaning leave of any kind from one’s normal occupation.
We have yearly four weeks of holiday
wir haben jährlich vier Wochen Urlaub
just, meaning exactly
he asked for exactly that
Er hat genau das verlangt.
to deceive, to cause to mistake the false for the real, involving illusion
he completely deceived me with his descriptions
I was mistaken with him
Er hat mich mit seinen Schilderungen vollkommen getäuscht.
Ich habe mich in ihm getäuscht.
to attract, in the sense of to draw to oneself
I tried to attract his attention
I versuchte, seine Aufmerksamkeit auf mich zu ziehen
to illuminate, of an object or thing, figuratively to throw light on
to illuminate suddenly, figuratively to enlighten, inspire the mind
well lit roads
to throw light on the past
the castle was brightly lit
he is an enlightened spirit
gut beleuchtete Straßen
die Vergangenheit zu beleuchten
Das Schloß war hell erleuchtet
er is ein erleuchteter Geist
to run a business
ein Unternehmen zu betreiben
to change, reflexive, denotes an inner change of nature
his opinions have changed
His love has changed into hate
Seine Anschauungen haben sich gewandelt.
Seine Liebe hat sich in Haß gewandelt.
to complain, to make a formal statement about an offence done to one to an authority
sich beschweren über
to catch, to reach in time with transport, suggests that one may not arrive on time
I will try and catch the five oclock train
ich werde versuchen, den 5 Uhr Zug zu erreichen
to charge somebody publically with a crime
he was charged with the murder of his brother
man beschuldigte ihn des Mordes an seinem Bruder
to bend, transitively an object, intransitively an object that changes its direction
he bent the fork
the road turns off at the right here
er hat die Gabel gebogen
die Straße biegt hier nach rechts ab
to take care, with infinitive, where the negative is ommited, to ‘beware’
I’ll take good care not to
Ich werde mich schön hüten,
just, meaning clear, obvious and expected.
Just meaning the unexpected, the dramatic, more emphatic
I will simply do that which you ask of me
I will do just that which you ask of me
ich werde eben das tun, was Sie von mir verlangen
ich werde gerade das tun, was Sie von mir verlangen
to break off a tip or small part of a thing
to burn a hole in
ein Loch in etwas brennen
detailed knowlede of any matter
My knowledge in this matter does not extend far
meine Kenntnisse in dieser Angelegenheit reichen nicht weit
To consent with a view to action (important)
he agreed that the measures should be sharpened
Er willigte darin ein, daß die Maßnahmen verschärft werden sollten.
a copy in the sense of a print, or edition
der Druck
have you heard of him?
Have you heard from him?
haben Sie von ihm gehört?
Haben Sie von ihm Nachricht bekommen?
to agree, to be (declare oneself) prepared. formal, informal
do you agree to keep quiet?
Have you already agreed to take on these commitments?
sich erklären
bereit sein
sind sie Bereit zu schweigen?
Haben Sie sich bereit erklärt, diese Verpflichtungen zu übernehmen?
to involve in the sense of having an effect on, or to concern
to involve in the sense of claiming something
biological processes involve the whole body
work adjustments involved more than 100,000 workers
Biologische Prozesse nehmen den ganzen
Körper in Anspruch
Arbeitseinstellungen betrafen mehr als 100.000 Arbeiter
an area of interest/research
on what area are you working at the moment?
auf welchem Gebiet arbeiten Sie im Augenblick
to deny in the sense of declaring a statement to be untrue, refers to matters which can be accepted as facts, only to opinions when phrased negatively.
He denied that he had committed the murder
I will not deny that this is a good picture
Er leugnete, daß er den Mord begangen hätte
Ich will gar nicht leugnen, daß es ein gutes Bild ist.
to change money between currencies
einwechseln in (akk)