synonyms Flashcards
to tell about something before it happens
predict forecast
to see the meaning of something
understand comprehed
to find out the value of something or someone
assess evaluate
to keep in existence, or in good condition
maintain perserve
to change completely
transform convert
to oppose or resist successfully
resist withstand
to complain in a bad-tempered way
grumble grouse
to give permission or agree to something
agree consent
to keep within limits
restrict confine
to bring or come together
collect gather
to put back into good condition
mend repair
to legally have something
own possess
to stay in a particular place or position and not leave it
stay remain
to make something known
disclose reveal
to believe that something must be true
suppose assume
to have an effect on someone or something
influence assume
to make it possible or easier for something to happen
assist facilitate
to be the start of something new
launch introduce
to get something by buying or being given it
obtain acquire
to be too difficult or strange to understand
confuse baffle
kind and helpful; acting like a friend
frinedly outgoing
full of meaning; important
meaningful significant
able to be depended on or trusted
reliable trustworthy
complete and without faults or weaknesses
perfect flawless
known to many people for a good or worthy reason
famous renowned
always thinking of other people’s feelings and wishes
thoughtful considerate
belonging to the present; recent; not old or ancient
modern contemporary
quick to learn and understand
clever cunning
having feelings of dislike for any possible rivals; feeling envy
jelaous envious
not enough, or not great enough
insufficient inadequate
(of a person) thin, in a way that is attractive
slim slender
having little money or property
poor destitute
not fake or false, actual
genuine real
absolutely necessary
essential crucial
normal, not unusual
tradicional convencional
making a loud noise
noisy rowdy
making you laugh, amusing
funny hilariuos
easily seen or understood
obvious evident
something that can be believed because it seems possible
spread over a large area or among many people
widespread extensive
thinking or saying the same
agreement accord
great happiness and pleasure
joy delight
a coming together of people for discussion or another purpose
meeting assembly
something that is said in praise of flattery
compliment praise
a very young child
baby infant
one of the stores or businesses that are all run by one big firm
branch department
the beginning of a day; very early morning
daybreak dawn
the state of having a serious mental illness
insanity madness
the time of evening when the light is disappearing, after the sun sets
mightfall dusk
a lack; not enough of something
shortage scarcity
a plan, suggestion or thought
idea notion
a terrible event, especially one that causes great damage
disaster calamity
the job that a person does especially in order to earn money
work employment
something said, done or written in reply to a question
answer response
something which shows that something else is true or correct
proof evidence
information on how to do or use something
instructions directions
a particular thing that you have achieved
achievement accomplishment
great unhappiness
misery distress
the time set or fixed for doing something
schedule agenda
how near something is to another thing
closeness proximity
something that makes a place easy to live in
facilities amenities
a problem or matter for discussion
question query
a serious disagreement
argument dispute
being the cause of something
responsibility liability
effects of something
results consequences
a person who has special knowledge and skill
expert specialist
becoming less or worse
decline drop
a ceremony at which two people are married
wedding marriage