synchrony Flashcards
define mimicry
spatially matched behaviour
after percieve a beh
- may not be consciously aware
define synchrony
spatially and temporally matched
can emerge spontaneously but eventually aware
requires anticipation of anothers behaviour
what factors influence the emergence of synchrony
- spontaneous info exchange
2 when we like the othr peron - pro-self or pro-other orientation
- spontaneous info exchange
oullier et al 2008
finger tapping
eyes open/closed
perfectly synchronise only when in eyes open condition
closed eyes no coord
relative phase
0 degrees freedom
perfect sycnh
- when we like the other person
how might this impact synch?
preference for others may determine the degree to which we spontaneously fall in synch
physics not fully accountable for synchrony but mediates
- when we like the other peron
miles et al 2010
does liking affect spontaneous entrainment
high like - confed on time
low like - confed 10 mins late
pps walk on treadmill to white noise - confed in front
baseline no confed
- when we like the other peron
miles et al 2010
ontime % entrainment sig increase than late or baseline
late still increase baseline - info exchange
- pro-self vs pro-other orientation
how might this impact synch?
social value orientation thought to determine goals in interpersonal contexts
- prosocial - max for both
- individualist - max for self regrdless of other
- competitive - max for self, relative to other
- proself/proother orientation
lumsden et al 2012
female undergrad social value orientation determined via Q
arm curls to met 60s
silence 3m
- video of confed at met freq - no synch instructions
- proself/proother orientation
lumsden et al 2012
DV 1
coordination vs baseline
- proself/proother orientation
lumsden et al 2012
both coordinate at greater than chance level
prosocial sig > proself
natural avo influence propensity to synch
- proself/proother orientation
lumsden et al 2012
instruct prosocial/self orientation points allocation game aim equal achievement with partner or maximise ownbenefit armcurls and vidlink - told play game after
- proself/proother orientation
lumsden et al 2012
both coord > chance
prosocial > inphase than proself
- proself/proother orientation
lumsden et al 2012
proself more actively resistant to synchrony?
BUT how prosocial were they prior to manipuation?
BUT gender?
why might liking and social orientation alter synchrony
differences in attentional allocation
synch may function svo - increase?
outcomes of synchrony
affective: liking and rapport trust prosocial beh self esteem cognitive: resource availability recog memory negative: conformity obedience
outcomes of synchrony
liking and rapport
hove and risen 2009
vacherkulkdernsuk 2012
outcomes of synchrony
prosocial beh
valdesolo and destono 2011
outcomes of synchrony
self esteem
lumsden et al 2014
outcomes of synchrony
resource availability
honisch et al
outcomes of synchrony
recognition memory
miles et al
outcomes of synchrony
wiltermuth and heath 2012
outcomes of synchrony
wiltermuth 2012
vacherkulkdernsuk 2012
liking and rapport
does synchrony mediate the effect of self disclosure on embodied rapport
interaction task videod over 20m
score vid for simultaneous movement, tempo similarity, coord and smoothness
self disclosure
sharing peronal info thought to promote relations via liking and positive affect
aarons paradigm - progressive self disclosure between dyad “how close do you feel to x”
embodied rapport
percieved shared motions, emotions and vitality with partner
feelings of vitality and aliveness theories to stem from shared movements
vacherkulkdernsuk 2012
liking and rapport
self disclosure sig predict rapport
self disclosure sig predict synch
synch sig predict rapport
- direct effect of self disclosure on rapport is non sig when synchrony is a mediator
self disclosing judged to move together more, thus predicting ^ pos, mutuality and vitality (emb. rapport)
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
does synch increase affiliation with others?
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
1 - measuring synch
affiliation and objective synch vs subjective (self report) synch
synch between pps and exp when tap finger (oullier) on drum pad - hear
dv: mean synch and asynch
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
1- measuring synch
degree of interpersonal synch predicts how much pp like the experimenter
more synch = more liking
BUT not causal - pps like before so synch more?
- asynchrony just inhibit liking?
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
2 - manupulating synch
baseline likeability measure and synch/asynch/solo tapping
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
2 - manupulating synch
no diff in likeability at baseline
synch ^ liking of experimener
**not mimicry - regardless of awareness
- synchrony faciliatates liking, aysnch does NOT inhibit liking
BUT - liking ^ because of interpersonal synch or because experiencing synch?
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
3. Inanimate synch
does synch increase liking because of its interpersonal nature?
tap to metronome when exp present or in time with exp
hove and risen 2009
liking and rapport
3. Inanimate synch
inanimate tapping doesnt change likeability
linked to interpersonal connection
- driven specifically by interpersonal synchrony
why might synchrony increase liking?
- neural activation - temporal and spatial overlap bteween self and other blur ability to discriminate
- pos perceptions of self may extend to others
- synch assoc with communal relations - infer closeness when notice synch as cues of a shared relationship
valdesolo and desteno 2011
prosocial behaviour - altruism
synch theorised to induce compassion for others
pps synch/asynch w/victim
tap synch task with confed while listen to beats
confed synch/asynch to pps
Qs on similarity and liking of partner then told confed had long task - help or leave
measure how long help for
valdesolo and desteno 2011
prosocial behaviour - altruism
synch ^ percieved similarity with victim
compassion ^ in synch condition
synch ^ chose to help and for sig longer time
synch sig ^ percieved similarity - similarity mediate link between synch and compassino
compassion directly predict altruism - not mediated by synch induced liking but similarity/self-otheroverlap
miles et al 2012
natur of synch is likely to have a sig impact on social cog
does interpersonal coord influence the processing of self relevant info
- is the magnitude of self memory mediated by synch stability
self reference effect
preferential encoding and memory related info related to self>others
self memory effect attenuated when social connection with others
miles et al 2012
dual task
alternation of word repetition between self and confed via headphones
arm curl - confed inphase/antiphase
suprise mem test for words said by self, other or not said
miles et al 2012
antiphase self mem advantage
eliminate when inphase
synch eliminate self reference
- measure with arons?
honisch et al 2016
resource availability - perceptual motor fluency
- synch should increase motor fluency
-less attention directed at co actor as movement predictable based on oneself
- control relied on forward motor models where current movement predicts motor output
- predicted and actual proprioceptive feedback paired with visual input of coactor
-extent match = integration of proprioceptive cues - synch promote perceptual fluency of coactor and motor of own beh
- enhanced ability to process alt aspects of the environ/divert attention
- fluency drive increase in pos eval
define entrainment
pull towards movement of others - spontaneously
unconsiously match even when set at diff tempos
resource availability hyp
visual and auditory inputs of self and other movement
the more self and other are temporally, spatially and topologically matched, the more sensory signals are likely to be integrated
process self and other as one
honisch et al 2016
resource availability - perceptual motor fluency
synch movement to met - bouncing
1. watch task partner on screen in front who bounce in or out of synch
2. report p’s/g’s in periphery whilst maintain fix on partner - probe detection
honisch et al 2016
resource availability - perceptual motor fluency
interbalance interval - time diff for each target relative to preceding target event - motor fluency = decreased variability in IBI
pre - IBI in synch and asynch not sig differ, but sig higher valiability in asynch - make more errors when percieve asynch
with probe:
Significantly more errors in asycnc compared to sych
Much more cog resources available - driven by percieved fluency
motor fluency mediate synch and interpersonal rapport
synch not = interpersonal rapport
prob with mediation analsis
approach should be cautious
essentially correlational
could have 3rd variable
or be reverse
honisch et al 2016
resource availability - perceptual motor fluency
synch report drawn more to actor than non moving baseline despite greater probe detection
why? - not because less reported attention
- partner in synch fosters ideology that sharing
- beh outsourcing encourages perception that task less challenging and have more resources
possible neg outcomes of synch
wiltermuth 2012 conformity
synch action increase likelihood that comply with requests of task partner even if agg
more likely to agree to give noise blast to next group even though aversive
increse compliance with in group
wiltermuth 2011 obedience
walk in step with authority fig increases likelihood that willing to kill sowbugs at leaders request
bensimon and bodner 2011
synch chanting prior football game increase agg levels than those who dont chat
in group vs outgroup
possible mechanisms underlin socil cog benefits of synch
mooring effect - mrsh et al 2009
attentional union - macre et al 2008
reduced cog demands - shockley and tuvey 2006
wheatley et al 2012
mech underlying social cog
mental connection feels “effortless”
humans are cog misers - try to conseerve energy by relying on heuristics and stereotypes
synch supports efficient communication btween brain regions
rizzolatti 1980
mirror neuron system
when monkeys percieve other ctions - sme motor are activates
when copy - activtion heightened
mechanism of synch
self other overlap
paladino 2010
brush cheek of participants while watched a stranger in video brushed in synch or asynch also
more self other merging of body sensations and face sensations
more overlap on IOS to synch stranger
- perception of closeness and conformity behaviour
self projection in inference task and anchoring in the other in the conformity task (give estimate of A’s with strangers estimates present)
describe self other overlap
experiencing blurred boundaries of body representations may also blur boundaries of conceptual representations
- representation overlapping with that of another person could lead to conceptual rep (ie traits and states) of self and other as merging