Synapsid Amniotes Flashcards
What two groups are within the synapsids?
- Pelycosaurs
- Therapsids (further divided into cynodonts and mammals)
What are some features of the pelycosaurs?
- reptiles from carboniferous that led to modern mammals
- single temporal fenestrae like modern mammals
- sprawling posture, some had broad ‘sail’ of spines along back
- one occipital condyle
- hindlimbs semi-erect and closer to body=longer strides
What are some features of the cynodonts?
- mammal-like reptiles
- changes in jaw allowed chewing in multiple directions
- muscles expanded into larger areas of skull
- double condyles=greater neck mobility
- nasal turbinates for heat and water exchange regulation
- secondary palate divides food and air passages
What are some features of the first mammals?
- small insectivores
- fast and agile
- enlarged brain and endothermy, better hearing and smell
What are basic features of all mammals?
- feed young milk from mammary glands
- extended parental care
- large brain compared to body
- hair
What glands are present in mammals? Give a brief description of them.
Sebaceous: alveolar glands, waterproof hair and protect skin from drying
Sweat: tubular, secrete water, salts, urea, role in thermoregulation
Mammary: develop along milk line, number and location of nipples varies among species, provide for young
Scent: for defense, recognition
What are examples of derivatives of integument?
- claws, hoofs, nails
- antlers (shed, bone)
- horns (most not shed, keratin over bone)
- hair
How does the hyomandibular bone vary between fishes and amphibians/reptiles?
- fish: hyomandibula supports jaws
- amphibians/reptiles: becomes stapes, involved in sound transmission within ear
What were some structural changes in the bones within the skull from reptiles to mammals?
- lower jaw=single bone: dentary
- jaw joint between dentary ad squamosal
- quadrate and articular part of middle ear
- middle ear=three bones: stapes, incus, malleus
T or F: the incus bone within the middle ear in mammals was formerly the articular within reptiles
the incus was formerly the quadrate, and the malleus was formerly the articular
T or F: mammalian diversity increased after the loss of the dinosaurs in the K-T extinction
What three groups of mammals were present around the time of the K-T extinction?
- monotremes
- metatherians: marsupials
- eutherians: placentals
What are some features of the mammalian group, monotremes?
- hair, endothermy, suckling young
- no nipples or external ears
- embryos develop in leathery eggs
- limited diversity
What are some features of the marsupials?
- predominantly found in Oceania, also in Americas
- birth tiny young, suckle until they grow larger
- specialized pouch of mother
- likely arose in what became N America
What are some features of the placentals?
- most diverse and widespread group
- extensive diversification after extinction but limited last 50my
- longer gestation of embryo in uterus with placenta
- likely arose in Asia
What are 4 possible explanations for the rapid adaptive radiation of mammals?
- extended parental care
- greater intelligence
- versatile feeding mechanisms
- locomotory adaptations