Sylow Theorems Flashcards
Learn sylows theorems
What is the cauchy theorem in STs
Let G be a finite group of order p, if q divides |G| and is prime then G has an element of order q
What is a p group
A group G is said to be a p-group if all elements of G have order of powers of a fixed prime p
Order of a group
Number of elements in the group
Order of a group
Number of elements in the group
Order of an element g of a group
The smallest positive inter n, such that g^n=e
Define p-subgroup
Let G be a group and let H be subgroup of G which is a p-group, then H is the p-subgroup of G. In particular the identity Is a p-subgroup of every prime p ||=1 =p^0
First Sylow Theorem
let G be a group of order p^n(m) with n=>1,p prime and gcd (p,m)=1.Then G contains a subgroup of order p^i for each 1<= i =>n and every subgroup of G of order p^i (n<1) is normal in some subgroup of order p^(1+i)