Jordan-Holder Flashcards
What is a simple group
A group with no proper normal subgroup
what is a maximum normal subgroup.
A proper normal subgroup A is called a maximum normal subgroup of G if A◃H◃Gimplies H=G or H=A
Note A is a maximum invariant normal subgroup if and only if G/Ais a simple group, because H/A is a normal subgroup of G/A
what is a composition series
IfGis not simple, letAa maximum normal subgroup inG. Now ifAis not simple, letA1be a maximum normal subgroup. Continuing in this fashion we can construct a sequence, called acomposition seriesas follows.
whereG/A,A/A1,A1/A2,…,ArG/A,A/A1,A1/A2,…,Arare all simple nontrivial groups, which are called thecomposition quotient groups. The orders of the composition quotient groups are called thecomposition indices.
what is the jordan holder theorem
In any two composition series for a groupGG, the composition quotient groups are isomorphic in pairs, though may occur in different orders in the sequences.
what is a soluble group
A groupGis said to besolubleif all the composition indices ofGare prime
composition indices
lemma 1
If a normal subgroupH ofAnforn≥3contains a cycle of degree3thenH=An’
Proof:Without loss of generality let(123)∈H. Forn=3,(123)generatesA3and there is nothing to prove. Forn>3, sinceH is normal, it must also contains^−(1)(123)sfor any even permutationss. Sets=(32k)fork>3. Then we have thatH contains(1k2), and hence also its square which is(12k).Recall these cycles generateAn.
theorem 1
Anis simple forn>4.
Corollary:Anis the only subgroup of order(1/2)n!inSnwhenn>4.