440 Theorems Flashcards
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a finite group G is a p-group iff |G| is a power of p
The center of a group G non-trivial p-group contains more than 1 element
a finite group G is a p-group iff |G| is a power of p
The center of a group G non-trivial p-group contains more than 1 element
If H isap-subgroup of a finite group G, then [N_(H): H] ≡ G: H.
If H isap-subgroup of a finite group G, then [N_(H): H] ≡ G: H.
If N is a normal subgroup of a group G, then every subgroup of G/N is of the form K/N, where K is a subgroup of G that contains N. Furthermore, K/N is normal in G/N if and only if K is normal in G.
If N is a normal subgroup of a group G, then every subgroup of G/N is of the form K/N, where K is a subgroup of G that contains N. Furthermore, K/N is normal in G/N if and only if K is normal in G.
If f : G → H is an epimorphism of groups, then the assignment K → f(K) defines a one-to-one correspondence between the set S_f(G) of all subgroups K of G which contain Ker f and and set S(H) of all subgroups of H. Under this correspondence normal subgroups correspond to normal subgroups.
If f : G → H is an epimorphism of groups, then the assignment K → f(K) defines a one-to-one correspondence between the set S_f(G) of all subgroups K of G which contain Ker f and and set S(H) of all subgroups of H. Under this correspondence normal subgroups correspond to normal subgroups.
If H is a p-subgroup of a finite group G such that p divides [G: H], then N_G(H)= H.
If H is a p-subgroup of a finite group G such that p divides [G: H], then N_G(H)= H.