SWM Plan Reviewer Flashcards
What are the 15 current approved Stormwater BMPs?
Rooftop Disconnection, Sheetflow to Filter Strips or Conserved Open Space, Grass Channels, Soil Compost Amendment, Vegetative Roof, Rainwater Harvesting, Permeable Pavement, Infiltration Practices, Bioretention, Dry Swales, Wet Swale, Filtering Practices, Constructed Wetlands, Wet Pond, Extended Detention (ED) Pond, Earthen Embankment, Principle Spillway, Vegetated Emergency Spillway, Sediment Forebay, Landscaping
The is the Site Based Pollutant Load Limit for New and Re-Development in VA?
.41 lb/ac/yr
What is the “first flush”?
The first 1/2 inch of runoff multiplied by the impervious surface of the land development project.
That is Treatment Volume (Tv)?
The volume of runoff from the contributing drainage area generated by the rainfall from the 90th percentile storm event.
What are main changes of the water quality criteria between PartII C and Part II B?
Load Limitations: .45 lb/ac/yr : .41 lb/ac/yr
Uses Simple Method Yes : Yes (modified)
Addresses Runoff Coefficients for turf: No : Yes
Distinguished between runoff reduction and pollutant removal facets of BMP treatment: No : Yes
Redevelopment Net Reduction Required: 10% : 10% < 1 acre LDA 20% for larger projects
How long must plan review documents be kept?
3 years
How long must construction record drawings kept?
In perpetuity or until the stormwater management facility is removed.
How long is the completeness review period?
15 days.
How long is the initial review period?
60 days from notification of completeness.
How long is review period for additional reviews?
45 days.
How long is the review period for modifications of approved plans?
60 days.
What are the additional plan requirements for Impaired Waters, waters with a TMDL WLA prior to July 1, 2014, or Exceptional Waters
SWPPP must incorporate:
- Rapid stabilization (7 days)
- Appropriate use of fertilizers and nutrient management plans
- Enhanced inspection schedules
What projects are eligable for grandfathering?
Local plan/document approval before July 1, 2012
Grandfathered plan modifications after approval may not?
Increase amount of phosphorus discharged,
Increase volume or rate of runoff above this in the previously approved plan.
What is the final completion deadline for grandfathered plans using Part II C criteria?
June 30, 2019. (After which the new criteria apply)
-There is an exception for government project where bonding or public debt financing has been issued or where local/federal/state funds have been obligated prior to July 1, 2012.