SW Dictionary Flashcards
Absolute poverty
The lack of income and/or assets which prevents one from obtaining a subsistence level of functioning
Attachment disorder
Inability to form emotional bonds with caretakers, often the results of negative early childhood experiences.
Behavioral model
The practice theory / model based on learning theory which focuses on the process of shaping and changing behavior through the use of rewards and reinforcement
Behavioral rehearsal
Demonstration of a desired behavior by a social worker or therapist, followed by role play and rehearsal of the behavior which can then be employed in real life settings and situations
Behavioral theory
Orienting / explanatory theory in which human behavior and development are seen as responses to antecedent stimuli and consequences, both positive and negative
Benign neglect
Withholding help based on a belief that harm may be caused by providing such help
Bio-psycho-social theory
Orienting / explanatory theory about how holistic theory of human development that attempts to explain the ways in which biological, psychological, and social development are interactive in terms of influencing development
Brawner Rule
The standard by which a person is deemed to be not guilty by reason of insanity, including the inability to behave in accordance with law or understand that his/her conduct is wrong
Brief therapy
Psychotherapy practiced for a limited number of sessions and with clear goals and objectives
Capacity building
Process of developing the abilities, attributes, resources and will to set and reach goals by a client, group, organization, or community
Case finding
Process of seeking out persons eligible to receive services provided by an agency, often done through outreach activities
Chaos theory
Orienting / explanatory theory that describes how rapid and sudden changes may occur in social systems, may appear to be chaotic and random, but may be the result of positive feedback loops (both positive and negative) and change efforts that suddenly impact the entire social system and creative change
Negative stereotyping about people based on their socioeconomic status
Client - Micro
Individual or family which is seeking or being provided social services
Client - Mezzo
Group, organization or community that is seeking or being provided social services