SVM and public health Flashcards
itchy sheep dofferentials
sheep scab- notifiable in northen and republic of ierland and scotland
scrapie (psoroptic mange) - notifiable- tse
fly strike
wool slip
photosensitidation- st johns wort reaction
psoroptes ovis
can last in enviroment for 2 weeks (15-17 days)
notifiable in northen and republic of ierland and scotland
quiesent phase- resovours in spring and summer then spread to whole body in colder months- hightly contageous
early clinical phase- zone of inflamation with small vessicles and serious exudate- hypersensativu=ity response
rubbing/ scratching, nibbling biting at flanks, wool loss, poor bcs (be wary of jhones as this is first sign), moist red scabbed skin
assume whole flok infected
skin scrapes- clinical infection
blood elisa test (developed by moredun!)- pre-clincal stage- 98% sensitivity, 96% speceficity. can be detected as soon as 2 weeks post exposure
spread- enviroment , sheep to sheep, fomites
risk factors- open herds, neighboring infections, poor biosecurity
treatment- plunge Organophosphate dipping or injectible macrocyclic lactones
cow zooneses and their effects in people
ringworm- trychophyton verucosum. skin contact. vaccine avialable- ring vac a good preventative option. usually seen in youngstock. spores can surivive for months.
tuberculosis- spread to humans by contaminated milk- tb resctor milk cannot go into tank. can also be inhaled from coughing animals
leptosporosis- can lead to kidney damage, meningitis (inflammation of the membrane around the brain and spinal cord), liver failure, trouble breathing, and even death
excreted in urine and in foetal fluids
vaccine available- important!!! legal obligations for workplace saftey
e.coli- o157 heamoragic Diarrhea- HAEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYDROME in vunerable people.
kids susseptable
faeco- oral spread
control- good hygene ESPECIALLY at abbitour level
listeria- listeria monocytogenes- can cuse abortion in ruminants, neuro disease
fever, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. If the more severe form of listeriosis develops, symptoms may include headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance, and convulsions in people
assosiated with dodgy siglage
BSE- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, dementia like symptoms with quick deterioration
spread by prions in feed or meat
crontrol- feed regulations, erradication shceme, notifable disease, disposal of specified risk material
cryptospordosis- cryptosporidium parvum gastrointesinal disease
scouring cavlves, youngstock- adults may excrete it??
faeco-oral spread- can contaminate water
control includes good hyfene for calves and humans
brucella- brucella abortis, fever, sweats, headaches, back pains, and physical weakness. In severe cases, the central nervous system and the lining of the heart may be affected
salmonella- spread by contaminated feed and water- stress points increase shedding so also get it around calving. can be septicemic- salmonella. dublin- can survive for months- years in enviroment
control- infected animals culled, spreaders identified, good hygene and cleaning protocalls. vaccine available
q-fever- coxiella burnetti- causes abortion in ruminanats, can survive in enviroments form months. some people never get sick; however, those who do usually develop flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, fatigue, and muscle pain. can cause miscarrige in humans. can be inhaled on dust- can be carried on wind. can vaccinate- coxevac
anthrax- skin sores, vomiting and shock in people- b.anthracis, last case in uk in 2015- survies in soil for a century as spores
jhones- MAP- zoonoses contravercial, thouht to be lined to chrones
control- testing regememe, culling and isolation of infected and related cows, calf management and hygene, replacement testing, enviromental managment
poultry zoonoeses
avian influenza- HPAI-H5N1
campylobater- coli and jejuni
faeco-oral ingestion
guillian barre syndrome in people in a complication- life long neuro disease
meat very often contaminated
often introduces at thinning
e.coli- colibacilosis- spread through faecooral
can cause septisemia
erysiphilus- e. rhusiopathiae
assosiated with turkeys- sudden death
clin signs- swollen joints, endocarditits
rare human zoonosis- same effects
ring worm- commonly asymptomatic but can cuse skin leasions
mircrosporum gallinae
fowl mites- acariasis
painfull botes and puritis in people
newcastle disease- avianparamixovirus
conjunctivitis and coular leasions in people
salmonela- contaminated eggs
avian chlamydiosis
avian tb-
pig zoonoses
swine influenza- siv, H1N1
erysipelas- dimond disease, valvular endocarditis
treated with penecillan
brucella- not uk
taenia. solium
toxoplasmosis- uncomon
hepatitis E
tuberculosis- bovine tb
bloods for dog with addisons
reverese stresw leukogram (or absense fo stress leukogram in sick dog)
(low to normal neutrophil numbers with an increase in lymphocytes and eosinophils)
lack opf stress hormone
mild to non-regenerative anemia
hyperkalaemia with hyponaetremia and hypocholoraemia
blood results pancreatitis in cats
amylase and lipase not specific- feline snap test used to confirm but not rule out disease
neitophilia with bands
AST,ALT Tbil all increased- concurrent inflamation of billary treee, extrahepatic obstruction, hepatic lipidosis
tbill increases= jaundice- hepatic, pre-hepatic post hepatic
bloos from horse suffering form colic caused by mass emergence
mild hypoalbuminaemia
mild hyperkalemia
bloods for lumphoma in a horse
marked anamia- hrd to define as regenerative or non regenerative
all three lineages decreased- pancytopaenia
high globulins- malignancy
enlarged lymphocyte= lymphoblast= leukaemia/lymphoma