Sven- Hearing Part 2 Flashcards
The power of out hearing in location
Location can grab visual attention (sirens, people), can distinguish sounds from two heads next to each other
Azimuth and elevation
Horizontal plane varies in azimuth (0 is straight ahead). Medium plane is vertical and varies in elevation positive to negative
Minimum audible angle MMA
Experiment in sound proof booth, start W reference sound at az 0, second to the l/r and have to decide. Find threshold of spatial separation which becomes the MMA. when reference is 0, MMA is 1 degree for tones at low freqs, as freq increases, MMA becomes higher, worst at 1500hz and larger for sounds not 0/straight ahead
How we know where sound is coming from - diff between ITD and ILD
There’s a temporal diff in arrival between ears (sound hits left ear first from left side). 343m/S is speed of sound. The diff is called the interaural timing diff ITD. When source on left, head shields right ear due to head shadow- creates interaural level diff ILD
When sound is az 90 (from one side) ITD is 0.65ms. As az reaches 0, OTD gets smaller as when it’s 0, sound reaches ears at same time. To find threshold: play tones through earphones, one in each ear and adjust until just tell sound moved l/r. Threshold is 10ms (1 degree)
when sound comes from az 90, ILD is 20db at 6000hz but 0 at 200hz (can’t tell at low freqs) so sound has to be high freq as they bounce off but low aren’t attenuated in the same way, reason why you only need one subwoofer as low freq. threshold is 1db across headphones as no head shadow
How ITD is affected by frequency
Sound hits ear at 2600 us, time delay between eats is 6500 us. Brain detects which comes first as brain pairs similar co occurring patterns. ITD ambiguous are 770hz as waves hit at same time. They are misleading above 770hz as heard left before right even tho sound on right . So only useful at low freqs
Lord rayleighs duplex theory
Listeners use ITDs at low freqs and ILD at high. But theory only valid at pure tones as ITD work all the time for complex tones- more EV so theory not useful
Measuring ITDs
Delay lines are axons, one connected to each ear, and aps travel down them. They are connected by neural coincidence detectors, which are neurones that only fore if both delay lines activate at the same time. Each codes for specific ITD, if sound hits ears at same time, aps travel down at same time so coincidence detectors don’t fire until the middle- codes as 0. Method in birds but mammals use opponent process
Opponent process
There are two channels, one tuned to left half of space, other to right. System calcs the diff between responses to work out where sound is coming from in horizontal plane
Front back ambiguity
Can’t tell diff between ahead and behind at ILD and ITD the same (0). Pins used to distinguish as creates a shadow so some freqs bounce off back of ear, not front. High freqs reflected more from behind, so less from ahead. Sound W less high freq more likely to come from the back but need to be familiar W the sound. By rotating head, create ITD and ILD diffs, if clockwise, OTD favours left ear so sound from front
ITD and ILD will be the same so use the pinna: reflection of sound boosts energy at some freqs and reduces others, depending on elevation as shape produces unique resonance patterns. So if disputed should have disrupted elevation. Ps had mould of pinnas to change shape, found judgements of elevation impaired but improved W experience and no after effects
ILDs and ITD limited to horizontal plane. Need to externalise acoustic sound space using head related transfer functions HRTF. Need to record sounds from manikin point of view W pinnas. Take head shadow into account. Ps played sounds W generic pinnas, individual and ground truth (no headphones, just speakers) and counted errors in elevation. Most in generic, then individual then ground truth.
Localisation in rooms
You hear direct sound and echos but brain ignores them to calc direction. Echo suppression precedence effect: ps hear click from l speaker before r, r is suppressed so hear single click from l but only when played in quick succession. Release from informational masking via precedence: can cancel out info by playing it later- creates an echo
Ohm and helmoltz
Said lowest freq you can hear is perception of pitch. When the first harmonic is removed, you can hear the melody.
How we perceive pitch
Based on largest common factor, the one you hear. If fundamental removed and harmonics go down, you hear pitch going up- proof . Phone audio 300-3300hz, male 100hz and female 200hz on reality so misses fundamental frequency. Accuracy greater when fundamental differs in target from competing voice but lower again when fundamental 200hz as double competition
Impaired hearing prevalence and testing
0.1% at birth, 11% 61-70, 30% 71-80. Measure w pure tone audio gram, start W audible pure tone, and turn down to find threshold. Repeat for diff freqs and plot against 0db (normal healthy). Anything below 0 + as need to increase to hear it. Goes from straight line to down curve as get older, struggle to hear anything above this e.g. derivative sounds. Pure tone average clinical bands up to 20 is normal, 21-40 mild, 41-70 mod, 71-95 severe and 95+ profound . Mod most prevalent
Types of loss
Loss originating in inner ear called sensorineural/cochlear loss and loss in middle ear is conductive as ossicles affected
Conductive loss
Loss of mobility of middle ear bones, fluid in middle ear is otitis media so bone movement impaired and fixation of the shapes is otosclerosis where stapes becomes porous and doesn’t move much like arthritis. Otitis media occurs in ear infections in young children and fluid builds in so report pain. Treated W antibiotics/grommets. Affects all freqs, can use hearing aids or surgery
Cochlear loss
Loss of cochlear hair cells, caused by genetics, ototoxicity (repeated drugs), noise and decreased 02 (recreational noise now overtaken work noise). After affected high freqs as affects hairs on basilar, hearing aids can help. Most common form of impairment. Outer hair cells affects : amp the basilar means loss of sensitivity (to low so pure tone threshold raised), loss of freq selectivity (can’t discriminate freqs close together)
Cochlear loss and tuning
If you disable outer hair cells in rodents and use interferometry, you find basilar membrane movement decreases at high freqs. For ppl with one bad ear, found tuning sharp in good ear but broader in bad ear (played test tone along masking and had to adjust until makes it hard to detect test tone). V vs u shape so more freqs mask test tone
Loudness recruitment
Play a tone of one intensity in one ear, ps have to adjust intensity in other ear to match . Normal ps increase test in line with normal ear in a linear way. For hearing loss in one ear, they katch loudness of tone in bad ear W less intense tone in good e.g. 60db in bad, 30db in good. But diff decreases W intensity so loud sound perched the same and auditory pain threshold the same so can’t use same amp level for all tones in hearing aids or uncomfortable
Fine structure and temporal envelope
Both are changes in amp and freqs. Temp changes responsible for perception, complex sounds are decomposed by auditory systems by narrowing into bands which convey info at time scales. Slow temporal envelope cues and faster temporal fine structures
With hearing loss, lose fine structure sensitivity but not evolope. Used for pitch perception so makes it harder to hear what one person is saying if another is speaking at the same time. Female voice has to be x amount louder than male to be able to tell 50% of what is spoken-called signal to noise ratio. If provide TFS, performance goes up for normal hearing but for impaired, need better signal to noise ration and less benefit from TFS
Hearing aids
Used to amp sound to eardrum, fitted into ear canal/outer ear. Helps loss of sensitivity and loudness recruitment but not freq selectivity or TFS. Didn’t use to do loudness recruitment as used to amp everything, now function of initial intensity called auto gain control. Used for mod to severe , cochlear for profound
Profound hearing loss - cochlear implant structure
Both outer and inner hair cells affected. Minimal benefits from hearing aid. External part has batteries, microphone to pick up spin and process then transmit to coil via radio wave connected to implant. Implant against coil using magnet behind call, goes to electdoes inserted into cochlear so bypasses middle ear but not too far in or brakes cochlea
Cochlear implant function
Outer bit filters acoustic signal into bands, 350-540phz. Temporal envelope not fine structure in each band extracted and conveyed to auditory fibres by varying amp of electrical pulses. Recreates normal relationship between place of stim and freq but not complete resolution, can’t hear music. Understand 80%, use phone but variability. Best for late deaf, some hearing, good lang and memory, skills and motivation
Prelingually deafened children
Best outcomes for those who receive implants at youngest age as before 4 did best at word rec compared to after 8 although same for first year. For expressive lang: younger implantation, closer to chronological age, never equal. Same for reading age
Bi or unilateral
+ of bi: guaranteed to implant better ear, insurance if one fails, creates potential for skills in spatial hearing (timing diffs, ILD). -: operation on both ears, cost 20-30k per ear. Children born deaf can get 2, adult who become can get 1 unless deaf and blind