Sustainable Sites - SS Flashcards
<p>(SS - Open Space) At Minimum, what % of outdoor space must be vegetated or have overhead vegetated canopy. (Turf grass does not count as vegetation)</p>
<p>25% of outdoor space</p>
<p><p>(SS - Open Space) Outdoor space must be greater than or equal to what % of the total site area?</p></p>
<p><p>30% of the total site</p></p>
<p><p>(SS - Open Space) What features must an outdoor space include?</p></p>
<p><p>- It must be physically accessible, and one or more of the following
- A PEDESTRIAN-oriented paving or turf area that accommodates outdoor activities;
- A RECREATION-oriented paving or turf area that accommodates physical activity;
- A GARDEN-space with diverse vegetation that provides year-round visual interest;
- A GARDEN-space dedicated to community gardens;
- PRESERVED or CREATED HABITAT that meets credit: SS - Protect or Restore Habitat, and also includes elements of human interaction.</p></p>
<p><p>(SS - Open Space) When can a project count its vegetated roofs, and roof-based physically accessible paving areas, towards the 25% minimum vegetated requirement?</p></p>
<p><p>When it has a FAR of at least 1.5, and is physically accessible.</p></p>
<p><p>(SS - Open Space) When can a wetland or naturally designed pond count as open space?</p></p>
<p><p>If the side slope gradients average 1:4 or less, and are vegetated.</p></p>
<p><p>(SS - Open Space) What are alternative ways for projects in a multitenant complex to achieve the Open Space Credit?</p></p>
<p><p>- The open space can be at another area of the master plan as long as the requirements have been met and documentation shows that it is protected from development for the life of the building.</p></p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What TOPOGRAPHY information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Contour mapping
- Slope stability risks
- Unique topographic features</p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What HYDROLOGY information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Streams
- Lakes
- Shorelines
- Flood Hazard Areas
- Delineated wetlands
- Rainwater collection and reuse opportunities</p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What CLIMATE information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Seasonal sun angles
- Solar exposure
- Heat island effect potential
- Prevailing winds
- Monthly precipitation and temperature ranges</p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What VEGETATION information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Greenfield area
- Primary vegetation types
- Significant tree mapping
- Threatened or endangered species
- Unique habitat
- Invasive plant species</p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What SOILS information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Natural Resources Conservation Service soils delineation
- Healthy soils
- USDA prime farmland
- Previous Development
- Disturbed Soils</p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What HUMAN USE information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Views
- Adjacent transportation infrastructure
- Adjacent properties
- Construction materials with existing recycle or reuse potential</p>
<p>(SS - Site Assessment) What HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS information needs to be assessed?</p>
<p>- Proximity of vulnerable populations
- Adjacent physical activity opportunities
- Proximity to major sources of air pollution</p>
<p>(SS - Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat) What % of previously developed site needs to be restored to green space with native or adaptive vegetation?</p>
<p>30% (60% exemplary) (School athletic fields do not count)</p>
<p>(SS - Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat) Option 2. What amount donation can make up for not returning >30% of site to natural habitat?</p>
<p>$0.40 per square foot ($0.80 exemplary)</p>
<p>(SS - Rainwater Management) What standard should be referenced for guidance on implementing the stormwater runoff requirements?</p>
<p>Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act</p>
<p>(SS - Rainwater Management) Option 1, Path 1 - What percentile of regional or local rainfall events must be managed using low-impact development &amp; green infrastructure?</p>
<p>95th Percentile of Rainfall Events</p>
<p>(SS - Rainwater Management) Option 1, Path 2 - What percentile of regional or local rainfall events must be managed using LID or green infrastructure (3 pts)</p>
<p>98th Percentile of Rainfall Events</p>
<p>(SS - Rainwater Management) Option 1, Path 3 - What percentile of regional or local rainfall events must be managed for "Zero Lot Line" projects? (Minimum urban density of 1.5 FAR)</p>
<p>85th Percentile of Rainfall Events</p>
<p>(SS - Rainwater Management) Option 2</p>
<p>Make sure that the runoff volume from the postdeveloped site is equal or lesser than the runoff volume from the natural land conditions on site.</p>
<p>Define Green Infrastructure</p>
<p>A soil and vegetation based approach to we weather management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly. Green infrastructure management approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrologies.</p>
<p>Define Low-Impact Development (LID)</p>
<p>an approach to managing rainwater runoff that emphasizes on-site natural features to protect water quality, by replacing the natural land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds, and addressing runoff close to its source.</p>
<p>What are some LID site design principles?</p>
<p>- Minimizing land disturbance
- Preserving vegetation
- Minimizing impervious cover</p>
<p>What are some LID site design practices?</p>
<p>- Rain gardens
- Vegetated swales and buffers
- Permeable pavement
- Rainwater harvesting
- Soil amendments</p>
<p>Define Managing Rainwater on Site</p>
<p>to capture and retain a specific volume of rainfall to mimic natural hydrologic function. Examples include strategies that involve evapotranspiration, infiltration, and capture and reuse.</p>
<p>Define Master Plan Boundary</p>
<p>The limits of a site master plan. Includes the project area and may include all associated buildings and sites outside of the LEED project boundary.</p>
<p>Define natural site hydrology</p>
<p>The natural land cover function of water occurrence, distribution, movement, and balance</p>
<p>Define Zero Lot Line Project</p>
<p>a plot whose building footprint typically aligns or nearly aligns with the site limits.</p>
<p>(SS - Heat Island Reduction) What are some non-roof strategies for minimizing heat island effects?</p>
<p>- Use an open-grid pavement system (>50% unbound)
- Use plants to shade paved areas
- Provide shade with vegetated structures
- Provide shade with renewable energy systems
- Shade with architectural structures that have a three-year aged SR value of at least .28 (if three-year aged info not available, use material with initial SR of at least .33)
- Use paving materials that have a three-year aged SR value of at least .28 (if three-year aged info not available, use material with initial SR of at least .33)</p>
(SS - Heat Island Reduction) What are the minimum solar reflectance index values, by roof slope for a high-reflectance roof?
Low-sloped roof - (=< 2:12) Initial SRI 82, 3-year 64
Steep-sloped roof - (>2:12) Initial SRI 39, 3-year 32
(SS - Heat Island Reduction) What are the requirements for parking under cover?
- Minimum of 75% of parking under cover
- Any roof used to cover must:
(a) have a 3-year SRI of at least 32 (39 initial if 3-year not available)
(b) be a vegetated roof
(c) be covered by sustainable energy generation systems
(SS - Light Pollution Reduction) What two methods can be used to earn credit?
- Backlight-uplight-glare (BUG) method
- Calculation method
AND exterior signage does not exceed 200 nits during nighttime and 2000 nits during daytime.
(SS - Light Pollution Reduction) Option 1. What must be achieved using the BUG method to reduce light pollution?
- Do not exceed uplight luminaire ratings in IES TM-15-11 Addendum A (Based on the specific light source installed)
- Do not exceed backlight/glare ratings in IES TM-15-11 Addendum A (Based on the mounting location & distance from the lighting boundary)
(SS - Light Pollution Reduction) Option 2. What must be achieved using the Calculation method to reduce light pollution?
- Do not exceed percentages of total lumens emitted above a horizontal found in the reference guide.
- Do not exceed vertical illuminances at the lighting boundary (calculation points may be no more than 5ft apart)
(SS - Light Pollution Reduction) What exterior lighting is exempt from the requirements, provided it is controlled separately from the nonexempt lighting?
- Specialized signal, directional, and marker lighting for transportation
- Lighting that is used solely for facade and landscape lighting in MLO lighting zones 3&4 (and is off 00:00-06:00)
- Lighting for theatrical purposes (stage, film, video)
- Government mandated roadway lighting
- Hospital ED’s (and helipads)
- Lighting for national flag (MLO zones 2, 3, 4)
- Internally illuminated signage
(SS - Site Master Plan) How many of the possible six credits must the project achieve?
(SS - Site Master Plan) What are the six possible credits that the project can achieve, and then compare with Master Plan data?
LT - High Priority Site SS - Site Development -- Protect or Restore Habitat SS - Open Space SS - Rainwater Management SS - Heat Island Reduction SS - Light Pollution Reduction
(SS - Tenant Design) What illustrated documents should be provided when pursuing the tenant design credit?
- A description of the sustainable design features in core & shell, plus sustainability goals, including those for tenant spaces.
- Recommendations for sustainable strategies, products, materials, and services.
- Info that enables a tenant to coordinate with LEED ID+C credits
(SS - Tenant Design) What LEED ID+C credits should be coordinated with the tenants?
- WE: Indoor water use Reduction
- EA: Refrigerant Management | Energy Performance | Energy Metering | Renewable Energy Production
- MR: Storage and Collection of Recyclables
- EQ: Construction IAQ Management Plan | EnvirTobacoSmoke Control | Indoor Air Quality Performance | Enhanced IAQ Strategies | IAQ Assessment | Low-Emitting Materials | Thermal Comfort | Interior Lighting | Daylight | Quality Views | Performance
(SS - Places of Respite) What percentage of the net usable program area should be provided as a place of respite for patients & visitors?
(SS - Places of Respite) What percentage of the net usable program area should be provided as a place of respite for staff
(SS - Places of Respite) When can a place of respite not be located outdoors?
If it is in a atrium/greenhouse/solarium if 90% of the spaces gross floor area has a direct line of sight to views of nature. (Can only count for 30% of required areas)
(SS - Places of Respite) The place of respite must be located within the building or located within how many feet of a building entrance or access point?
200’ or 60m
(SS - Direct Exterior Access) What types of spaces can be accessed to achieve this credit?
- Courtyard
- Terrace
- Balcony
*Must be non-smoking, and 100’ from building exhaust/docks/roadways with idling vehicles
(SS - Direct Exterior Access) How big should the exterior space be?
- 5sf per patient for 75% of all inpatients and
- 5sf per 75% of outpatient w/ 4hr+ LOS
(SS - Direct Exterior Access) When can a place of respite outside the building envelope be included for this credit?
- Meets requirements of SS-Place of Respite
- Immediately adjacent to clinical areas or with direct access from inpatient units
(SS - Joint Use of Facilities) What is the first option to achieve this credit? (1pt)
Make the building space open to the general public At least three of these spaces: - Auditorium - Gym - Cafeteria - One or more classrooms - Playing fields/stadiums - Joint parking
(SS - Joint Use of Facilities) What is the second option to achieve this credit? (1pt)
Contract with Specific Organizations to share building space (1pt) At least two types of uses:
- Commercial office
- Health clinic
- Community service center
- Police office
- Library or media center
- Parking lot
- One or more commercial buildings
(SS - Joint Use of Facilities) What is the third option to achieve this credit? (1pt)
Use shared space owned by another organization (1pt) ensure that at least 2/6 types of spaces are accessible to students:
- Auditorium
- Gym
- Cafeteria
- One or more classrooms
- Playing fields/stadiums
- Swimming pool
(SS - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention PRE) What is the main goal of this prerequisite?
To create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan for all construction activities associated with the project.
(SS - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention PRE) What specific goals are included in the prerequisite?
- Prevent loss of soil (from stormwater runoff, erosion)
- Protecting topsoil
- Prevent sedimentation of sewers or streams
- Prevent air pollution with dust/particulate matter
(SS - Construction Activity Pollution Prevention PRE) What standards should a prevention plan conform to?
- EPA 2012 requirements
- Construction General Permit (CGP)
- or Local equivalent
Whichever is most stringent
(SS - Environmental Site Assessment PRE) What is the first step in this prerequisite?
Perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
*ASTM E1527-05
(SS - Environmental Site Assessment PRE) If contamination is suspected in, what must be done?
Perform a Phase II ESA
*ATSM E1903-11
(SS - Environmental Site Assessment PRE) If contamination is confirmed, what must be done?
It must be remediated to meet the most stringent local, state, or federal EPA standards
(SS - Environmental Site Assessment PRE) What kind of sites are ineligible for this prerequisite?
Sites that were previously used as landfills