Energy and Atmosphere - EA Flashcards
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What stage in a project should a commissioning authority (CxA) be engaged?</p>
<p>By the Design Development phase</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What qualifications must the CxA have?</p>
<p>- Have at least 2 projects experience (early design phase through 10 months of occupancy)- Must be independent of the design team for projects over 20,000sf</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What does the CxA do?</p>
<p>- Review OPR, BOD, and project design- Develop and implement a Cx plan- Confirm incorporation of Cx requirements into the CD's- Develop construction checklists- Develop a system test procedure- Verify system test execution- Maintain an issues and benefits log through Cx process.Prepare for a final Cx report- Document all findings</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What responsibilities do the three main stakeholders have?</p>
<p>Owner - Owner project requirements (OPR)Design team - Basis of design (BOD)CxA - Reviews these for completeness</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What are the major Cx plan elements?</p>
<p>- Building occupancy schedule- Equipment run-time schedules- Setpoints for all HVAC equipment- Set lighting levels throughout the building- Minimum outside air requirements- Any changes in schedules (seasons, days of the week, etc.)- Mech &amp; Elec systems narrative- Preventative maintenance plan- A commissioning program</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What are the minimum commissioned systems?</p>
<p>- HVAC &amp; R and associated controls- Lighting &amp; daylighting controls- Plumbing and domestic hot water systems- Renewable energy systems</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Commissioning and Verification PRE) What standards are referenced for this Prerequisite?</p>
<p>- ASHRAE 0-2005, The Commissioning Process- ASHRAE 1.1-2007, HVAC Process- NIBS 3-2012, Exterior Enclosure Technical Req.</p>
<p>(EA - Minimum Energy Performance PRE) Option 1, Whole Building Energy Simulation - What minimum percentage improvement should be demonstrated for new construction, major renovations, and core/shell compared to baseline energy usage?</p>
<p>- 5% NC- 3% Major Reno- 2% CS-5% Data CentersThese must be met before taking credit for renewable systems</p>
<p>(EA - Minimum Energy Performance PRE) Option 1, Whole Building Energy Simulation - What standard should be used to calculate the baseline building performance?</p>
<p>ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010</p>
<p>(EA - Minimum Energy Performance PRE) Option 2, Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% - What types of projects use the Prescriptive Compiance for ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide for?</p>
<p>- Small to Medium Office buildings (<100,000sf)- Medium to Large Box Retail buildings (20,000sf-100,000sf)- For K-12 School Buildings- Large Hospitals (>100,000sf)</p>
<p>(EA - Minimum Energy Performance PRE) Option 3, prescriptive compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide - What standard must be complied with?</p>
<p>- Mandatory and prescriptive provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 - 2010*building must be less than 100k sf to use Option 3</p>
<p>(EA - Minimum Energy Performance PRE) Option 3, prescriptive compliance: Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide - What sections of the guide must be complied with?</p>
<p>Section 1) Design Process StrategiesSection 2) Core Performance RequirementsSection 3) Enhanced Performance Strategies: - 3.5 Supply Air Temperature Reset (VAV) - 3.9 Premium Economizer Performance - 3.10 Variable Speed Control*building must be less than 100k sf to use Option 3</p>
<p>(EA - Building-Level Energy Metering PRE) How can this prerequisite be achieved?</p>
<p>- Install building-level energy meters- Install submeters that can be aggregated to provide building-level dataEither of these must provide building energy consumption from electricity, natural gas, chilled water, steam, fuel, oil, propane, biomass, etc.</p>
<p>(EA - Building-Level Energy Metering PRE) Energy consumption data generated by meters must be shared with the USGBC for how long?</p>
<p>- Minimum of 5 years, beginning on the date the project accepts LEED certification*Energy consumption must be tracked at one-month intervals at a minimum</p>
<p>(EA - Building-Level Energy Metering PRE) What are the steps in building metering?</p>
<p>- Identify all energy sources that serve building- Determine scope of utility company metering- Determine number, type, and location of all meters- Track energy consumption data- Share whole-building energy consumption</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Refrigerant Management PRE) What standard is followed for this prerequisite?</p>
<p>EPA Clean Air Act, Title 6, Rule 608</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Refrigerant Management PRE) What is the main requirement for the prerequisite?</p>
<p>Don't use any chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) based refrigerants in the HVAC</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Refrigerant Management PRE) What must a project do when RE-USING equipment for HVAC?</p>
<p>Complete a comprehensive CFC phase-out prior to project completion</p>
<p>(EA - Fundamental Refrigerant Management PRE) What kinds of equipment are exempt from this prerequisite?</p>
<p>- Existing small HVAC (less than .5lb of refrigerant)- Standard refrigerators- Small water coolers</p>
<p>(EA - Enhanced Commissioning) Option 1, path 1, Enhanced Systems Commissioning - What standards should the CxP follow?</p>
<p>ASHRAE 0-2005 (MEP &amp; Renewables)ASHRAE 1.1-2007 (Energy, water, IAQ, durability)</p>
<p>(EA - Enhanced Commissioning) Option 1, path 1, Enhanced Systems Commissioning - the CxA must do?</p>
<p>- Include systems manual in CD's- Systems manual updates- Seasonal training- Review operations 10 months after completion- Ongoing Cx plan</p>
<p>(EA - Enhanced Commissioning) Option 1, Path 2, Enhanced and Monitoring-Based Commissioning - In addition to path 1 what must the CxA do?</p>
<p>- Develop monitoring-based procedure and identify points to be measured and evaluated to assess performance of energy and water consuming systems.</p>
<p>(EA - Enhanced Commissioning) Option 2, Envelope Commissioning - What guidelines should the CxA follow for this option when completing CxP for thermal envelope?</p>
<p>- ASHRAE 0-2005 (the commissioning process)- NIBS (National Institute of Building Sciences) 3-2012</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) At what point in the project should the design team establish an energy performance target?</p>
<p>No later than SD phase</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 1, Whole-building Energy Simulation - How is this option achieved?</p>
<p>- Demonstrate a % improvement compared with the baseline building performance rating, calculated with ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2010</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 1, Whole-building Energy Simulation - How many points are given per % improvement in energy simulation?</p>
<p>1pt = 6% NC, 1pt = 4% Maj Ren 1pt = 3% CS *Every +2% is another point, until 11pts, then every +3% *HC gets +2 to start, Schools cant go over 16</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 1, Whole-building Energy Simulation - what is exemplary performance for this credit?</p>
<p>50% - New Buildings</p>
<p>48% - Existing Building Renovation</p>
<p>47% - C/S</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 2, Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide should be referenced for what properties of small to medium office buildings?</p>
<p>- Opaque Envelope (1pt)- Vertical fenestration (1pt)- Interior lighting (1pt)- Exterior lighting (1pt)- Plug loads (1pt)</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 2, Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide should be referenced for what properties of Medium to Large Box Retail Buildings?</p>
<p>- Opaque envelope (1pt)- Fenestration of all orientations (1pt)- Interior lighting (1pt)- Additional interior lighting for sales floor (1pt)- Exterior lighting (1pt)- Plug loads (1pt)*Similar to small/medium office buildings, but with additional interior lighting</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 2, Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide should be referenced for what properties of K-12 School Buildings?</p>
<p>- Opaque Envelope (1pt)- Vertical fenestration (1pt)- Interior lighting (1pt)- Exterior lighting (1pt)- Plug loads (1pt)*Same as Small-Medium Office buildings</p>
<p>(EA - Optimized Energy Performance) Option 2, Prescriptive Compliance: ASHRAE 50% Advanced Energy Design Guide should be referenced for what properties of Large Hospitals?</p>
<p>- Opaque Envelope (1pt)- Vertical fenestration (1pt)- Interior lighting (1pt)- Exterior lighting (1pt)- Plug loads (1pt)*Same as Small-Medium Office buildings</p>
<p>(EA - Advanced Energy Metering) Where must advanced energy metering be installed?</p>
<p>- All whole-building energy sources used by the building; and- Any individual uses that are 10%+ of the annual consumption of the building.</p>
(EA - Advanced Energy Metering) What characteristics must the advanced energy metering have?
- Permanently installed, recording at intervals of 1hr or less, transmitting data to remote location
- Record both consumption and demand.
- Must use a LAN, building automation system, wireless network, or comparable comm infrastructure
- Capable of storing data for 36 months
- Must be remotely accessible
- Must be able to report hourly, daily, monthly, and annually
(EA - Advanced Energy Metering) What must a Core/Shell project include?
At least one meter per floor
(EA - Demand Response) Case 1, Demand Response Program Available - What must a project do to earn 2pts?
- Enroll in a minimum one-year DR participation amount contractual commitment; 10% of estimated peak electricity demand.
(EA - Demand Response) Case 2, Demand Response Program NOT Available - What must the project team do to earn this 1 available point?
Install interval recording meters with communications and ability for the building automation systems (BAS) to accept an external price or control sign.
(EA - Renewable Energy Production) By achieving what % of renewable energy generation can you achieve points for this credit?
1% - 1 3% - 1pt (2pts C/S) 5% - 2pts (3pts C/S) 10% - 3pts 15% - Exemplary
(EA - Renewable Energy Production) When can a project claim a community solar garden for credit?
- If they own the system, or have a 10+ year lease
- The system is located with the same utility service area as the facility claiming use
(EA - Renewable Energy Production) What is the equation for finding % renewable energy of a building?
% renewable energy = Equivalent cost produced by renewable energy system / total building annual energy cost
(EA - Enhanced Refrigerant Management) Option 1, No Refrigerants or Low-impact Refrigerants (1pt) How can a project achieve this?
- Do not use refrigerants or
- Use only refrigerants that have an Ozone Depletion Potential ODP of zero and a Global Warming Potential GWP of less than 50
(EA - Enhanced Refrigerant Management) Option 2, Calculation of Refrigerant Impact (1pt) How can this credit be earned?
- Select refrigerants to minimize or eliminate emissions that contribute to global warming and climate change.
- Must comply with the formula LCGWP + LCODP x 10^5 <= 100
(EA - Green Power and Carbon Offsets) What % of contracted energy must come from green power to earn credit?
50% - 1pt
100% - 2pt
*Contract must be for 5+ years
(EA - Green Power and Carbon Offsets) Energy must be from where to earn this credit?
- Green power
- Carbon offsets
- Renewable energy certificates (RECs)
*Must be green-e Energy certified
(EA - Green Power and Carbon Offsets) When must carbon offsets be purchased?
For non-electric use