Sustainability strategies - when does it pay to be green? Flashcards
competitive advantage = lowering costs
competitive focus = organizational processes
upstream focus
use of eco-designs and/or eco-efficient processes to increase productivity and reduce costs.
aiming towards cost-benefit
resource efficiency and pollution prevention
show the stakeholders what is being done, why and how
effective when environmental concerns are high and resource constraints
Beyond compliance leadership
competitive advantage = differentiation
competitive focus = organizational processes
fulfilling more than the minimum legal requirements
upstream focus
obtain positive reputation and leader role
certain business codes, such as ISO
strong communication of efforts (env. efficiency) - relying heavily on media
hard efforts to avoid bad reputation
strategy related to higher costs
competitive advantage = differentiation
competitive focus = products and services
differentiation based on attributes
exploring niche markets of env. friendly products
communication key - of added values
remember the added value requirements
not effective in price sensitive markets often, since price premiums doesn’t work there
Environmental cost leadership
competitive advantage = lowering costs
competitive focus = products and services
Using product innovation, e.g. substitution and dematerilisation (reduced amount of material) to gain competitive advantage in terms of pricing and env. performance
e.g. Ecolean swedish packaging company - substituted 40-60% of the raw materials shifting from plastics with calcium carbonate –> 25% lower price