3 phases of capacity building Flashcards
What is the first phase?
- Commencement phase
Commitment, compliance and awakening - mainly internal processes
often begins with occupational health and safety work (caring for its workers) –> picks up environment (expands scope and understand how to reduce neg. impacts)
learning the basics: env. reporting, transparency, how to engage in real dialogue with stakeholders - more aware of their expectations and needs, AND general trends related to the environment.
Involves actions: env. commitments, formalizing resource efficient work, adopting EMS, achieving compliance obligations
What is the second phase?
- Intermediate phase
Operational excellence, process excellence and product excellence
Getting better and better and working with environmental issues. Much focus on internal processes, but starting to look beyond the boundary fence.
Expanding scope to supply chains, looking for env. and business practice improvements upstream, e.g. energy, carbon, chemicals. Chasing more for wasted materials and energy.
Examines the business ethics.
Also looking downstream towards their customers or users.
How do our products and services perform? What can we improve about the way we they are used? What happens to hem in EOL?
More investments in training and development to establish skills among all employees.
what is the third phase?
- Contemporary phase
Building the business case for sustainability; creating value in a sustainable way (social, economic, ecological)
More outward and future looking
More focus on opportunities offered to businesses by sustainability challenges, not just dealing with threats.
The leading companies enter this phase (usually big), many companies have not.
Consideration to social issues, human rights and development challenges more deeply, sustainable material cycles, targeting sectors central to sustainability efforts
Responsibility for low carbon and resource constrained future and internal and external transparency of business
Integrated sustainability reporting, codes of conduct for suppliers, portfolios of services, partnering with NGOs or academia can be expected.
What new and developing roles are in the respective phases?
- Commencement
New: environmental compliance officer, sustainability coordinator (compliance and risk minimization)
evolving: production managers and HR more involved - trainings more important
- Intermediate
New: sustainability analysis, eco-efficient manager
Deepening: existing managers with more focus on env. issues, education of necessary skills in sustainable practices and analytical tools.
- Contemporary
New: sustainability strategist, CSR manager - long term focus
Integration of roles - existing roles integrating into sustainability efforts - merging business sectors together
organizational aspects clarification in phases
- commencement phase
codes of conduct and compliance networks
mindset shift: importance of transparency and stakeholder engagement, reactive –> proactive
EMS and ISO standards new important guiding tools
Env. compliance departments and roles more explicit - clear responsibilities and more dedicated
stakeholder engagement through networks created by international actors (governments), follow international guideliens
- Intermediate phase
shift towards using skills and optimizing production processes, especially in relation to sustainability
eco-efficient production and supply chains improvements
LCA tools and expertise e.g. social perspectives and ethical concerns more important
Transparency and responsibility more important - EMS, track record, reporting, communication structures
Collaborative networks - NGOs and governmental bodies, e.g. UN global compact
- Contemporary phase
strategic integration of sustainability into core business operations - comprehensive approach to organizational management
seeing advantages and making value of it
mitigating risks seriously
top management involved - key agenda. dedicated roles for env. management.
well developed communication, reporting structures
combining financial and env. reporting
dynamic stakeholder dialoge - continous through various channels
trust and value
future looking - long-term perspective,
innovative collaborations concerning e.g. circular economy