Sustainability as Companies Flashcards
Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
It encourages organizations to consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of its operations.
–> it goes beyond the obligation to comply with legislation.
Types of CSR
- Corporations providing funding and resources for social causes.
- Taking out a plan to produce products or services that are in the best interest of society.
Business for Social Responsibility BSR
Achieving commercial success in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities and the natural environment.
Types of Social Responsibility Strategies
- Reactive strategy: deny or ignore responsibility.
- Defensive strategy: put up a fight.
- Accommodation strategy: accept social responsibility in response to pressure.
- Proactive strategy: take the initiative, establish a positive model for the industry.
Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR
- Philanthropic responsibilities: be a good corporate citizen, contribute resources to the community.
- Ethical responsibilities: be ethical, obligation to do what is right and just.
- Legal responsibilities: obey the law,.
Bottom: - Economic responsibilities: be profitable, the foundation on which all the others are built.
Benefits of social responsibility for an organization
- Encouraging more informed decision making processes.
- Improving risk management practices.
- Supporting an organization’s social licence to operate.
- Achieving savings associated with increased productivity and resource efficiency.
Definition of Social Responsibility as a measure of performance
How much an organization contributes to sustainable development and its impacts on society and the environment.
UN Global Compact
It describes itself as the largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative in the world.
–> 10 principles on human rights, labor standards, environment and corruption.
Principles of the UN Global Compact
Human Rights
- Support and respect the protection of human rights within the sphere of influence.
- No complicity in human rights abuses.
Principles of the UN Global Compact
Labor Relations
- Defend freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
- Elimination of forced and compulsory labor.
- Elimination of child labor.
- Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Principles of the UN Global Compact
- Precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
- Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibilities.
- Encourage development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Principles of the UN Global Compact
- Work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
What is the UN Global Compact not?
- It’s neither a legal instrument nor a code of conduct.
- It’s not a prescriptive instrument linked with external monitoring or auditing of company efforts.
Commitments of the Global Compact Signatories
- Make the 10 principles part of their business strategies.
- Issue an annual Communication on Progress (COP), a public disclosure to stakeholders on progress made in implementing the principles and in supporting the UN development goals.
- Advocate for the Global Contact.
- Contribute to the financing of the Global Compact.
Global Compact Issues
- Loss of focus
- Stronger formalization
- Lack of Governance