Sustainability Flashcards
What impact can property have on the environment?
Built environment accounts for nearly 40% of emissions globally
How does sustainability relate to real estate?
Built environment is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions
What is sustainability?
Meeting needs of present without comprising ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Bruntland report)
What is sustainable development?
Development that meets needs of present without comprising ability of future generations to meet their own needs
What are the key concepts of sustainable development?
Needs – meeting humans’ needs, particularly poorer people
Limitations – restrictions on environment’s ability to meet needs by technology + how society is organised
How are you sustainable in your day-to-day activities
Lift share where possible
Use public transport when travelling to office
Use electronic files + cloud storage to minimise use of paper files
Use energy efficient light bulbs + turn lights off when not in use
How is your office sustainable?
Office is paperless – we use digital documents
Office has energy efficient lighting with automatic sensors
Have a recycling programme
Employees are encouraged to use public transport – no car park
Name some ways you can make a building more sustainable?
- Replace lighting with LED lights with automatic sensors
- Improve water usage by installing water efficient taps, toilets + showers
- Upgrade old services with more energy efficient devices, e.g. heating + cooling
systems - Upgrade existing insulation
- Implement green leases
- Consider longer term solutions, e.g. solar panels + rainwater harvesting
What does the NPPF say about sustainable development?
Promotes sustainable development with a presumption in favour of it
What are the triple bottom line principles?
What is ESG?
Environmental, Social, Governance
Provides criteria that businesses can use to measure sustainability impact
What importance do the UN have on sustainability?
Play crucial role in promoting sustainability globally
UN developed 17 SDGs as part of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – goals address global challenges, e.g. poverty, climate change, inequality, environmental degradation + justice
What is the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
Adopted by 193 UN members at UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015
Provides shared blueprint for the world we want to see by 2030
Centred around 17 Sustainable Development Goals
How many UN Sustainable Development Goals are there?
What is the target achievement date for the SDGs?
Can you tell me about any Climate Change Conventions or Protocols you are aware of + the targets it set?
Kyoto Protocol 1997
Target for 37 countries to reduce emissions by average 5% below 1990 for period 2008-2012
When did the UN introduce the first convention on climate change?
What is the Kyoto Protocol and when was it agreed?
1997 – target for 37 countries to reduce emissions by average 5% below 1990 for period 2008-2012
What did the UK agree to as part of the Kyoto protocol?
12.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
Was the Kyoto protocol successful?
Emissions overall reduced by 10% but not enough to offset increasing emissions from other industrialising countries so total global emissions grew
What happened after 2012 (Kyoto protocol)?
Second Kyoto commitment period 2013-2020 - fewer countries signed up, although UK and EU are
What is the latest agreement on climate change?
Paris Agreement 2015
What is the Paris Agreement?
Legally binding international treaty that aims to limit global warming/address impacts of climate change
AIM – To hold increase in global average temperatures to 2 degrees c below pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees c
What are the 2020/2030/2050 EU targets?
- 2020 – reduce emissions by 20% compared to 1990 levels
- 2030 – reduce emissions by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels
- 2040 – reduce emissions by 90% compared to 1990 levels
- 2050 – achieve net zero emissions
What are the UK current climate change targets?
Achieve net zero by 2050
68% reduction in emissions by 2030 against 1990 levels
Tell me about COP29
Conference of the Parties
29th annual summit
RICS participated in COP29
Agreed new climate finance goal – new target to mobilise $300 billion annually by 2025 to support developing countries in reducing emissions. Countries also reviewed progress towards Paris Agreement goals, highlighting areas needing more action
What UK legislation was enacted as a result of the Paris Agreement?
Climate Change Act 2008
What is the Climate Change Act 2008?
UK law that established legally binding targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
AIM – Originally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050, but now the commitment is to be ‘carbon neutral’ by 2050
How will the Climate Change Act 2008 be pursued?
Legally binding carbon budgets (cap on greenhouse gases emitted in UK over 5-year period), set at least 12 years in advance to allow for preparation
What are carbon budgets?
Cap on greenhouse gases emitted in UK over 5-year period
What is carbon offsetting?
What is the Environmental Protection Act 2021?
UK legislation aimed at improving environmental protection post-Brexit
Act sets legally binding targets to improve air + water quality, measures to enhance biodiversity, increase recycling rates + improve resource efficiency
What is ESOS?
Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme
Mandatory for large companies
Requires energy audits for buildings, industrial processes + transport
Must measure total energy consumption, identify cost-effective energy efficiency measures, and report compliance to the Environment Agency
Did the Infrastructure Act 2015 introduce any climate change initiatives?
Introduced rights for fracking + energy exploitation to meet carbon budgets
What is the renewable heat incentive and under what act was it introduced?
UK government scheme designed to encourage use of renewable heat technology
Provides financial incentives to households + businesses
Introduced under Energy Act 2008
What do you understand by the term Net Zero?
Refers to balance between amount of greenhouse gases emitted into atmosphere + amount removed from it
To achieve net zero means that there is no net increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions
What is an EPC?
Energy Performance Certificate
Document providing information about energy efficiency of a building or property
What is the purpose of EPCs?
Used to assess energy efficiency of buildings + provide recommendations for improving energy efficiency
What buildings require an EPC?
Residential properties – when built, sold or let
Commercial properties – when built, sold or let
Public buildings – buildings over 250 sqm that are frequently visited by public must display an EPC
Where would you find an EPC?
Government website
What legislation led to the introduction of EPCs?
EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and UK Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations
When is an EPC required?
When a building is built, sold or rented
What does an EPC include?
Energy rating (A-G)
Energy use
Typical energy costs
Recommendations about how to reduce consumption
Can you charge prospective tenants or buyers for a copy of an EPC?