Survey Of The Living Primates Flashcards
Mammalian traits
Mammary glands, fur/hair, homeothermy, heterodentiton, prolonged immaturity, and play behavior.
Primate traits
All mammalian traits, nails, opposable thumb and toe, erect posture (upper body), emphasis on visual sense (forward facing eyes), stereoscopic vision, expansion and increased complexity of brain, post orbital bar, bony ear tube, and long gestation.
Lemuriformes, lorisiformes, and tarsiiformes.
Strepsirhini (suborder)
Rhinarium (wet nose), longer snout, laterally placed eyes, grooming claw, dental comb, unfused mandible, and no postorbital closure. Lemur and loris group.
Haplorhini (suborder)
Post orbital closure, more forward facing orbits, relatively large brain, fused mandible*, shorter snout, and dry nose. Tarsiers, NWM, OWM, apes, and humans. *Except Tarsiers.
Tarsiiformes (infra order)
Unfused mandible, huge eye orbits, grooming claw, and vertical clingers/leapers.
Platyrrhini (infraorder)
Side-directed nostrils, dental formula 2-1-3-3, no bony ear tube, and some with prehensile tail. New World Monkeys.
Catarrhini (infraorder)
Forward or down-directed nostrils, dental formula 2-1-2-3, and bony ear tube. Old World Monkeys, apes, and humans.
Cercopithecoidea (superfamily)
Bilophodont (two cusps) molars, narrow thorax, and tail (not prehensile). Old World Monkeys.
Hominoidea (superfamily)
Largest relative brain size, Y5 molar pattern, broad thorax, and no tail. Apes and humans.
Old World Monkeys
Colobinae and Cercopithecinae. Diverse, distributed widely, quadrupeds, sexual dimorphism, ischial callosities, and visible estrus.
Colobinae (subfamily)
Acrobatic leapers, black and white colobus, complex gut, and folivores.
Cercopithecinae (subfamily)
Terrestrial, frugivores, cheek pouch, and polygynous and polygamous.
New World Monkeys
Aotidae, Atelidae, Pitheciidae, Cebidae, saimiriinae, and Callitrichinae. Southern Mexico to South America, vary in size and diet, most arboreal, diurnal, and quadrupedal.
Aotidae (family)
Azara’s Owl monkey and grey handed owl monkey. Only nocturnal NWM, monogamous.
Atelidae (family)
Spider monkey and red howler monkey. Prehensile tailed monkeys -> NWM group.
Pitheciidae (family)
Saki, Titis, and Red Vakari. Highly arboreal.
Cebidae (Family)
White faced capuchin and Bolivian squirrel monkey. Has three subfamilies.
Cebinae and saimiriinae (cebidae subfamily)
Promiscuous mating, capuchins have prehensile tails.
Callitrichinae (cebidae subfamily)
Cotton tip tamarin, Pygmy marmoset, and emperor tamarin. Claws, tend to give birth to twins, gummivores, polyandry (multiple males).
Hylobatidae and Hominidae. Lesser apes, great apes, and humans. More complex behaviors, larger body size, absence of visible tail, and shorter trunk.
Hylobatidae (family)
White handed gibbon and siamang. Asia, brachiators, frugivorous, monogamous, and highly territorial.
Hominidae (family)
Gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee, bonobo, human.
Hominini (tribe)
Includes genus Homo.
Homo (genus)
Includes modern humans, Homo sapiens, as well as other extinct species like Homo neanderthalensis.