Human Skeletal Anatomy Flashcards
Functions of Skeleton
- Support
- Protection
- Locomotion
- RBC Production (Stem Cell -> Red Blood Cells)
- Mineral Storage
Structural components of bones
Cartilage, 206 bones, tendons (muscle to bone), ligaments (bone to bone), and joints.
Cranium and mandible
All bones in head, apart from mandible.
Space in between bones
Coronal sutures
Fuses frontal bone with the two parietal bones, side to side.
Sagittal suture
Fuses both parietal bones together, back to front.
Squamosal suture
On the side
Lambodial suture
Fuses the occipital bone to the two parietal bones, on the back.
Bones of the skull
Temporal bones, frontal bone, parietal bones, and occipital bone.
Pelvic gridle
Ilium, ischium, and pubis.
Human dentition
Heterodonty, Incisors: 2, canines: 1, pre-molars: 2, and molars: 3.
Vertebral column
S-curve in humans, balance body, better weight distribution, allows range of movement, and protects spinal cord.
Divisions of vertebral column
7 cervical vertebrae 12 Thoracic vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae 5 fused vertebrae, Sacrum Coccyx
Bones of the chest
Ribs (12)
shoulder girdle
Clavicle, scapula, and humerus
Upper limb
Humerus, radius, and ulna
Hand and wrist
8 carpals, 5 metacarpals, and 14 phalanges.
Lower limb
Femur (thigh), patella (knee cap), tibia, and fibula (leg).
Foot and ankle
7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals, and 14 phalanges.
Morphological features of bipedalism
Arch on foot for shock absorption, s curves spine for greater balance, position of foremen magnum, and alignment of femur.