Surgical Techniques - Sponges, Dressings, Packings, and Counts 6-C Flashcards
Glue like substance in which water is the liquid
Surgically formed opening connecting a portion of the intestine to the exterior usually thru the abdominal wall
the surgical opening of the abdomen
An agent that has a constricting or binding effect
Separation of tissues through anatomical planes; may be sharp of blunt
surgical incision of the chest wall
pertaining to the layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin
the serous membrane lining of the abdomen
fleshy projections formed on the surface of a gaping wound that is healing by second or third intention
unicellular organism such as a bacteria or protozoa
use of a sponge or blunt instrument to separate tissue on a normal anatomical plane
blunt dissection
impenetrable to x-rays or other forms of radiation
use of a knife, scissors, or cutting instrument to separate tissue
sharp dissection
removal of a protecting layer of tissue thru surgery, pathological change, or trauma
capable of allowing the passage of fluids
a fluid released from the body with a high concentration of protein cells or solid debris
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
When attached to an instrument, these sponges are called “sponge sticks.”
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Load one at a time onto an instrument, while leaving four in the carrier.
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Tonsil sponges, ophthalmic sponges, and neurosurgical sponges are examples of this category of sponge.
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Largest and most absorbable of surgical sponges.
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Peanut and Kitner are two examples of this type of sponge.
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
This type of sponge is used during a tonsilectomy and to protect delicate tissue such as the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Generally used in major surgical procedures such as thoracotomy and abdominal surgery
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Sixes include 4”x4” and 4”x8”
Distinguish among the types and characteristics of commonly used surgical sponges by placing an L for laparotomy sponges, an R for Raytec sponges, a D for dissecting sponges, and an S for specialty sponges.
Sometimes used to pack a body cavity to hold organs away from the operative site
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Skin graft transplanted from a genetically incompatible donor.
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Wafers and granules containing particles that interact with wound exudates by forming a gel
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
used when frequent wound inspections and dressing changes are required; holds bulky dressings that absorb moderate to large amounts of drainage in place
Montgomery straps
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Specially designed for bandaging heads, limbs, and difficult to dress wounds
Kerlix rolled gauze
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
High-quality yarns reinforced with rubber are woven to provide balanced stretch and compression
Ace bandage
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
provides for a gentle stretch, conformability, and self0adherence necessary for dressing even hard-to-bandage areas; bandaging is faster and neater
Kling rolled gauze
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Skin graft transplanted from one part of the patient’s body to another part
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Temporary skin graft that consists of synthetic epidermis and collagen-based dermis
artificial graft
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
used for topical repair of cuts and closure of skin incisions
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
impregnated with 3% bismuth tribromphenate in a petrolatum blend; sterile, mildly deodorizing and astringent
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Provides compression support for joints to help minimize swelling and provide additional support of the underlying dressing
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
This unique gauze dressing is a sterile bandage and dressing is one that effectively protects the wound from contamination
Vaseline gauze
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
designed for high tensile strength and aggressive adhesion
silk tape
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
skin graft transplanted between animals of different species
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
an alcohol solution of a compound that is used to increase adhesiveness of steri-strips during closure of the skin
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
A thin transparent polyurethane film that allows for observation of the wound
aerosol adhesive spray
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
provides a broad spectrum antiseptic for topical application in the treatment and prevention of infection in wounds
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
multi-layered sponges designed to provide protections and absorbency for light-to-moderately draining wounds
topper sponges
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
Thin adhesive strips which can be used to close small wounds
Match types of surgical dressings to their functions.
nonadherent protective dressing consisting of a tightly woven nylon fabric used to cover and protect skin graft donor sites
Owens dressing
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
Application of a sterile surgical dressing (is or is not) considered part of the surgical procedure.
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
The circulator opens the sterile dressing after the (first or final) count.
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
The skin surrounding the incision is cleaned of blood with a (dry or damp) sponge.
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
The surgeon, first assistant, or surgical technologist should don a clean pair of sterile gloves over the operating gloves ( after or before) applying the inner and intermediate layers of the dressing.
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
The incision and wound drainage sites are dressed (separately or together) unless the drain comes out through the incision.
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
The circulator applies tape firmly (and tightly or but not tightly) to avoid wrinkling and traction of the skin, which can cause blisters and skin irritation.
but not tightly
Complete the following statement concerning the preparation and application of the sterile surgical dressing.
The (surgical technologist or surgeon) and first assistant apply the stent dressing, elastic bandage, pressure dressing, stockinette, and casts if required. The (surgical technologist or circulator) provides the necessary supplies and assists as needed.
surgical technologist