Surgical Instruments Identification Flashcards
What instrument is this?
Olsen-Hegar needle drivers
(+ scissors!)
What instrument is this?
Mayo-Hegar needle drivers
(- scissors!)
What instrument is this?
Derf needle holder
(small, delicate)
What instrument is this?
Bard-Parker #3 scalpel handle
(No. 10, 11, 12, 15 blades - small animal)
What instrument is this?
Bard-Parker #4 scalpel handle
(No. 20-29 blades - large animal)
What instrument is this?
Debakey forceps
What instrument is this?
Adson forceps
(rat tooth)
What instrument is this?
Adson Brown forceps
(multiple intermeshing teeth)
What instrument is this?
Lister bandage scissors
What instrument is this?
Mayo scissors
(heavy, thick blades)
What instrument is this?
Metzenbaum scissors
(lighter, thin blades)
What instrument is this?
Iris scissors
(small, fine)
What instrument is this?
Suture scissors
(notched bottom)
What instrument is this?
Wire cutting scissors
(angled, serrated lower jaw + notch)
What instrument is this?
Snook hook
(long, flat, thin handle)
What instrument is this?
Covault spay hook
(thinner, ball at the end)
What instrument is this?
Backhaus towel clamp
What instrument is this?
Lorna (Edna) towel clamp
What instrument is this?
Rochester Carmalt hemostatic forceps
(longitudinal grooves entire length + cross striations on tip)
What instrument is this?
Kelly hemostatic forceps
(transverse striations on distal tip - Kelly didn’t go crazy all the way)
What instrument is this?
Halsted mosquito hemostatic forceps
(small, delicate - transverse striations entire length)
What instrument is this?
Crile hemostatic forceps
(transverse serrations entire length - similar size to Kelly)
What instrument is this?
Allis tissue forceps
(crushing - interlocking teeth)
What instrument is this?
Babcock tissue forceps
(crushing - smooth, flat tips)
What instrument is this?
Doyen intestinal forceps
(non-crushing, occluding - longitudinal striations)
What instrument is this?
Army-Navy retractor
(double-ended, blunt, hand-held, fenestrated handle)
What instrument is this?
Weitlaner retractor
(self-retaining, W fingers)
What instrument is this?
Gelpi retractor
(self-retaining, pointy)
What instrument is this?
Senn retractor
(hand-held, blunt end and forked end, right angle)
What instrument is this?
Baulfor abdominal retractor
(self-retaining, lateral)
What instrument is this?
Barraquer eyelid speculum
What instrument is this?
Poole suction tip
(blunt tip, fenestrations)
What instrument is this?
Frazier suction tip
(fine tipped, no fenestrations)
What instrument is this?
dental elevator
What instrument is this?
(double-ended, non-triangular working ends)
What instrument is this?
(double-ended, sharp triangular working ends)
Curette vs. scaler:
What instrument is this?
extraction forceps
What instrument is this?
periodontal probe
(blunt tipped)
What instrument is this?
dental explorer
(sharp tipped)