Surgical Critical Care Flashcards
How do you treat malignant hyperthermia?
Dantrolene 2.5 mg/kg
What is the initial sepsis response
30 mL/kg LR, blood cultures, lactate, broad spectrum IV antibiotics, Source Control
How do you use random cortisol in sepsis
If <12, start hydrocortisone 100 mg q8H
What do you do for persistent bacteremia
Check TEE
ARDSnet protocol: 6mL/kg of IBW w plateau pressure <30. If severe, prone 18 hours on 6 hours off. If worsening, maximize sedation to RAAS goal of -5, paralyze, APRV
High pressure @ 20 for 4 sec, low pressure @ 0 for 0.4 sec. VV ECMO
Indication for ECMO
Hypoxemia w P:F<80 despite high PEEP
Uncompensated hypercapnia w pH< 7.15
end insp plateau pressure > 35
Absolute CI: inability to anticoagulate
How do you measure bladder pressure
Put pressure transducer on foley, instill 25 cc (1ml/kg for peds), zero transducer at midax line at iliac crest, measure end expiration
>12 is abd htn
>20 w organ dysfunction is acs
False elevation w bph, obese, pelvic fx
Algorithm for abd compartment syndrome
Bladder pressure (instill 30 mL or 1mL/kg in peds)
>12: intraabd HTN
>20 + organ dysfunction: ACS
Bladder pressures falsely elevated by obesity, pelvic fx, BPH
If peritonitis or bowel ischemia goto OR
Stop tube, decompress w ngt, stop tube feeds
Sedate, paralyze, paracentesis if needed
TBI Algorithm
elevate head, NGT, Foley, Keppra, Sodium 145-150, PPI, enteric feed/avoid hypoglycemia
Evidence of icreased ICP: Mannitol (0.5 mg/kg) if stable, hypertonic Na if unstable
Short course hyperventilation for CO2 of 32
Paralytic or barbituate
What’s reversal agent for dabigatran?
Idarucizumab (Praxbind)
Response to AKI/ESRD
Check foley
Stop nephrotoxic meds, change LWMH to heparin
Start dialysis.
remove wet clothes, warm room, bear hugger, infuse warm saline
Irrigate with 42 degree fluids
Last resort VV ECMO
Brain death exam
Rule out metabolic/iatrogenic causes of AMS:
Temperature, BP.
2 providers perform neurologic exam + apnea test
Neuro: response to stimuili, pupil exam, corneal/oculocephalic/osculovestibular/gag.
Preoxygenate, normalize CO2, place 8L/min O2 in ET tube -> disconnect from vent for 10 minutes -> if CO2>60 or CO2↑20 then +for apnea. If BP <90, patient desat (<85%), or spontaneously breathing then –apnea
Confirmatory: EEG (electrical silence), MRA (no blood flow to brain), apnea test
How do you treat anaphylactic shock?
Stop all infusion and resuscitate w fluids.
100 mcg of 1:10,000 epinephrine. If ineffective double dose and/or start infusion
Consider diphenhydramine and steroids