Surgery Flashcards
“first doctor”
Imhotep (3000BC)
Diagnosed over 200 diseases
Performed surgical procedures
First chemotherapeutic agent
Where does the term caesarean section come from?
Julius Caesar
Reputed to be born when his mothers uterus was cut open (100BC)
First use of antiseptics
Pioneered by Joseph Lister
Used Carbolic Acid
First 2 Anaesthesia agents (2)
1) Chloroform
2) Ether
First local anaesthetic
Example of NSAID
Salicylic Acid (Common name: asprin)
Example (1) of narcotics
1) Opium (obtained from opium poppy)
Hallstead’s Principles (7)
*“only need to know 1 or 2 well”
1) Strict asepsis
2) Gentle tissue handling
3) Preservation of blood supply
4) Adequate haemostasis
5) Obliteration of dead space
6) No tension on sutures
7) Careful approximation of tissue
8) Debridement of dead tissue
1) Strict asepsis
1) absence of pathogenic microbes in living tissue
a) sterilization of instuments, gloves, etc.
b) aseptic preparation of the patient
c) prep surgeon for aseptic surgery
d) careful draping of patient
2) Gentle tissue handling
moist sponges to maintain hydration
correct use of instruments minimize trauma
use fingers to occlude SI
3) Preservation of blood supply
- Be aware of surgical anatomy
- Ensure ligated vessels are not supplying viable tissue
4) Adequate haemostasis critical b/c (4)
1) obscures surgical field
2) blood ideal for bacterial contamination
3) clots stop co-aptation of wound edges
4) fluid and dead space interferes with healing
5) Uncontrolled haemorrhage life threatening
5) Obliteration of dead space
Closing dead space so accumulation of fluid and air cannot predispose area to infection
1) Active obliteration of dead space
2) Passive obliteration of dead space
6) No tension on sutures
1) Vertical mattress sutures between simple interrupted sutures
2) Walking sutures
7) Careful approximation of tissue
- appropriate suturing technique
- inverting suture patterns
8) Debridement of dead tissue (2 types)
1) Layer debridement: cut progressively from surface of wound to deeper tissue
2) En bloc debridement: complete excision of would leaving healthy tissue
Preparation of Patient (3)
1) Chlorhexidine SRUB
2) Alcohol - defatting agent
3) Alcohol/chlorhex SOLUTION
When do you use ligation?
Only for larger blood vessels
Ligation is a process of achieving haemostasis
When do you use ligation?
Only for larger blood vessels
Ligation is a process of achieving haemostasis
What is GDV
Gastric dilation and volvulus:
Stomach rotates 360 degrees and takes spleen with it…may cause rupture of either…stomach gets larger and larger until it bursts